Sub Click(Source As Button)

Dim session As New NotesSession

Dim UIWorkspace As New NotesUIWorkspace

Dim db As NotesDatabase

Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection

Dim colCount As Integer

Dim colCountStr As String

Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument

Dim doc As NotesDocument

Dim i As Long

Dim eString As String

Dim eString2 As String

Dim view As NotesView

Dim response As Integer

Dim answer As Integer

Dim rtitem As Variant

Dim mailsProcessed As Long

Dim mailsNotProcessed As Long

Dim attachmentFileName As String

Dim typeMismatchError As Integer

Dim typeMismatchErrorCount As Integer

Dim errorString As String

On Error Goto ErrorHandler

Set db = session.CurrentDatabase

Set collection = db.UnprocessedDocuments

colCount = collection.Count

colCountStr = Cstr(colCount)

typeMismatchErrorCount% = 0

If colcount = 0 Then

Messagebox "You have not highlighted any mails!", 48,"No Mails Selected"

Exit Sub

End If

If colcount = 1 Then

eString = " email"


eString = " emails"

End If

answer% = Messagebox("You are about to delete attachments from " & colCountStr & eString & " and then resave the" & eString$ & ". " &_

"The deleted attachments will NOT be saved elsewhere. Do you want to proceed?'", 36, "Delete Attachments")

If answer% > 6 Then

' Messagebox "Action aborted.", 48, "Stop"

Exit Sub

End If

mailsProcessed = 0

mailsNotProcessed = 0

typeMismatchError% = False

For i = 1 To colCount

' Print "Processing " & Cstr(i) & " of " & colCountStr

Set doc = collection.GetNthDocument( i )

Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem("Body")

If doc.HasEmbedded And Not rtitem Is Nothing Then ' Need to check for a body field because some system generated mails don't have one.

If ( rtitem.Type = RICHTEXT ) Then

Call rtitem.AppendText(Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & "File Attachments Deleted on " & Format(Now(), "Long Date") & ", " & Format(Now(), "Short Time") & ":" & Chr$(10))

Forall o In rtitem.EmbeddedObjects

If typeMismatchError% = False Then

If ( o.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT ) Then

attachmentFileName$ = o.Source

Call o.Remove

Call rtitem.AppendText(attachmentFileName$ & Chr$(10))

Call, False, True)

End If

End If

typeMismatchError% = False

End Forall

mailsProcessed = mailsProcessed + 1


mailsNotProcessed = mailsNotProcessed + 1

End If


mailsNotProcessed = mailsNotProcessed + 1

End If

Next i

Select Case mailsProcessed

Case 0:

eString = ""

Case 1:

eString = "One email contained attachments and was processed. "

Case Else:

eString = Cstr(mailsProcessed) & " emails contained attachments and were processed. "

End Select

Select Case mailsNotProcessed

Case 0:

eString2 = ""

Case 1:

eString2 = "One email did not have any attachments and was not processed. "

Case Else:

If mailsNotProcessed = colCount Then

eString2 = "None of the selected emails had any attachments and so none of them were processed. "


eString2 = Cstr(mailsNotProcessed) & " emails did not have any attachments and were not processed. "

End If

End Select

Select Case typeMismatchErrorCount%

Case 0: errorString$ = ""

Case 1: errorString$ = "Errors processing attachments on 1 email (check status bar for details)."

Case Else: errorString$ = "Errors processing attachments on " & Cstr(typeMismatchErrorCount%) & " emails (check status bar for details)"

End Select

If typeMismatchErrorCount% = 0 Then

Print "Process complete"


Print "Process completed with errors. Click here for details."

End If

Messagebox eString & eString2 & errorString$, 64, "Process Complete"

Call UIWorkspace.ViewRefresh

Exit Sub


If Err = 13 Or Err = 92 Then ' "Type Mismatch" or "For Loop not initialised"

typeMismatchError% = True

typeMismatchErrorCount% = typeMismatchErrorCount% + 1

Print "Error processing attachment on mail '" & doc.Subject(0) & "'"

Resume Next

End If

Messagebox "Error" & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$

End Sub