Pacifica District
Sub-Camp Leader’s Guide
Table of Contents
Event Leaders
Location / Directions
Tour Permits
Attendance / Guests
Prado Dam Regional Park Campground Rules
Arrival and Set-up:
Check-In for Participants
Check-In for Visitors
Fire and Emergency Alarms
Wilderness Area Warning
Vehicles in individual Camp-Sites
RV Parking / RV Camping
Pacifica District Patrol Skills Competitions
Summary of the District Webelos Patrol Competitions
Summary of the District Boy Scout Patrol Competitive Events
Electronic Devices
Scout Spirit
Gateway Project Safety
Rope Monkey Bridges
2010 Centennial Encampment District Unit Roster Form
Tour Leader’s Checklist
2010 Centennial Encampment Critique
Welcome to Pacifica District’sportion of the 2010 Centennial Encampment The excitement actually begins on Sunday, October 24th with Pacifica District Webelos Dens. Webelos Competitive Events will be conducted ahead of time at Central Park in Huntington Beach from which the top 3 Webelos 1 and top 3 Webelos 2 patrols will be announced. The 2010 Centennial Encampment will be held at PradoDamRegionalParkin Chinoon November 11th -14th, 2010. The Encampment will begin for Pacifica District with the arrival of hundreds of Boy Scouts, Varsity Scoutsand adult Scouters. Thursday afternoon we will start off withBoy Scout CompetitiveSkills Events in which the top 3 patrols from Pacifica District’s Boy Scout and Varsity Scout units will be decided. On Saturday morning the tops 3 Webelos 1, Webelos 2 and Boy Scout patrols will head off to the OCBSA competitive events where they will compete against the top patrols from the other 8 districts in the council. Below is a tentative timeline for the weekend.
This packet contains the information regarding Pacific District’s portion of the 2010 Centennial Encampment. However, many subjects will refer you to the OCBSA 2010 Centennial Encampment Leader’s Guide.
- Part 1 Administrative
- Part 2 Operations
The 2010 Centennial Encampment theme is,
“Celebrating 100 Years of Scouting Adventures”.
Units are encouraged to show their spirit by incorporating the theme into their weekend activities.The staff will be promoting the theme throughout the weekend.
Event Leaders
Cody MorganSenior Patrol Leader
Cole GlenwrightAssistant Senior Patrol Leader
Stewart LumbDistrict Encampment Representative
Rick WestDistrict Sub-Camp
Rick WestBoy Scout Competitive Events Chairman
John HerpyDistrict Webelos Competitive Events
District Safety/Risk Management Chairman
Phil PamquistDistrict Gateway Chairman
Al GayDistrict Registration Chairman
District Quartermaster
District Field Events Coordinator
Junior Asst Scoutmaster Event 1
Junior Asst Scoutmaster Event 2
Junior Asst Scoutmaster Event 3
Junior Asst Scoutmaster Event 4
Junior Asst Scoutmaster Event 5
Junior Asst Scoutmaster Event 6
Junior Asst Scoutmaster Event 7
Junior Asst Scoutmaster Event 8
Location / Directions
The 2010 Encampment will be held at PradoDamRegionalPark located at 16700 S. Euclid Ave., Chino, CA91708 (On Highway 83, south of Highway 60 and north of Highway 91 inChino).
From Huntington Beach:
Take I-405S
Take CA-55N
Take the 91E
Take Right fork onto EUCLIDAVE(CA-83)
Take Right onto PINE AVE.
Take Right onto CHINO CORONA RD.
Continuestraight onto CUCAMONGA AVE.
Arrive at back gate of PradoDamRegionalPark on CUCAMONGA AVE.
Schedule of Events
1.Wednesday:November 10th:
- Arrival (no earlier than 8:00am)
- District Sub-CampSet-Up
- District Gateway Set-up
- Set-Up Encampment Events:
- Departure (no later than 6:00pm)
2.Thursday:November 11th:
- Arrival of Cub Scout, Webelos and Boy Scout Units (no earlier than 8:00am)
- District UnitCampSet-Up
- District Competitive Events (Boy Scout Competitive Events)
- Events and Activities
- Encampment’s Opening Show
3.Friday:November 12th:
- Arrival of Cub Scout, Webelos and Boy Scout Units (no earlier than 8:00am)
- Morning Flags in Sub-Camps
- District Unit Camp-Site Competitions (9:00am)
- District Unit Gateway Competitions (9:00am)
- Council Unit Camp-Site Competitions (1:00pm)
- Council Unit Gateway Competitions (1:00pm)
- Council District Sub-CampGateway Competitions (1:00)
- Midway – Scouting Events and Displays
- Midway Advancement – Merit Badges & Activity Pins
- ChallengeValley and Field Events
- Ventureville and Venturing Activities
- Gun ranges open
- Downtown Ventureville activities
- Rock Climbing
- Evening Program- Square Dance / Silent Drills / Silent Movies
- Promotional Exhibits – Orange County Council, Organizations and Vendors
- Adult Oasis – Information & Training District / Sub-CampCampfire or Other Activity
- Council Taste of Scouting Competition (6:00pm)
- District Patrol Flag Competition (6:00pm)
- District / Sub-CampCampfire or Other Activity
4.Saturday:November 13th:
- General Assembly at Midway stage
- Events: Council Competitive Events (scout skills for Boy Scouts & Webelos)
- Activities: Cub World
- Midway – Scouting Events and Displays
- Midway – Advancement on Merit Badges & Activity Pins
- ChallengeValley and Field Events
- Ventureville and Venturing Activities
- Gun ranges open
- Downtown Ventureville activities
- Rock Climbing
- Promotional Exhibits – Orange County Council, Organizations and Vendors
- Adult Oasis – Information & Training
- Encampment’s Closing Show
5.Sunday:November 14th:
- Scout’s Own Services
- Pack-Up / Clean-Up
- Check-Out
Tour Permits
All units attending Encampment must have an approvedTOUR PERMITfor their unit prior to arrival! Please make three copies: One copy MUST be posted in your campsite! Additional copies must be available for Headquarters and your Sub-Camp.
The Local Tour Permit may be found on the OCBSA website:
Attendance / Guests
The 2010 Centennial Encampment is sponsored by the Orange County Boy Scouts Council. Admission to the Pacifica District Sub-Camp is limited to registered Cub Scouts & Webelos and their parents,Scouts, adult Scouters of the Pacifica District and their invited guests. All guests are expected to behave according to the Scout Oath & Law. Registered guests MUSTstay with theunit in which they are registered. Only Webelos Scouts registered in the Pacifica District may participate in the Webelos Competitive Events. Only Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts registered in the Pacifica District may participate in the Boy Scout Competitive Events.
PradoDamRegionalParkCampground Rules
- All units are expected to know and adhere to the BSA “Guide to Safe Scouting” and “Youth Protection Guidelines”.
- NOFIRESor OPEN flames are allowed at the Encampment except as permitted below.
- No liquid fuel fire starters or liquid fuel stoves or lanterns are permitted.
- Charcoal cooking is permitted if raised off the ground 12”and using proper equipment.
- All units that are either camping or cooking, will be required to have the following fire fighting equipment on hand in their campsite (one fire extinguisher, water bucket, sand bucket, rake and shovel per cooking area).
- All fires that occur outside of the established cooking facility (stove or barbeque) MUST be reported to the District Sub-Camp Operations immediately.
- District Sub-CampOperationsMUST report all fires to Headquarters immediately upon discovery.
- Water: Prado Dam does not have onsite water source. Units must plan to bring in their own potable water for the weekend.
- Latrines: Port-A-Potties are located through out the campsite. Each person is responsible to leave the latrine clean and usable for the next person. Any person violating the rule will be asked to leave the camp.
- Camp cleanliness: Each unit is responsible for keeping their camp and any common areas around their camp, clean and presentable.
- Personal Cleanliness: Each unit is responsible for the cleanliness of all unit members.
- Camp boundaries: All District Sub-Camps and individual unit camp sites will be clearly marked. Units are to remain within the boundaries of the camp site that they are assigned to. No moving of the boundary markers is permitted without the permission of the Sub-CampChairman.
- First Aid:
- Pacifica District Sub-Camp will have an established First Aid Station prepared to handle all minor first aid cases within the Sub-Camp.
- The Sub-Camp First Aid Station must be staffed at all times.
- Sub-Camp First Aid Station will be in radio contact with the Headquarters First Aid Station at all times.
- Major first aid cases must be reported to the Headquarters First Aid Station.
- Transportation:
- Transportation to and from camp is the responsibility of the unit.
- All vehicles should conform to State of California highway regulations.
- Vehicles should only be driven by licensed drivers 18 years of age or older, and have adequate insurance as required by the State of California.
- Under NO circumstances are passengers to be carried in trucks (except in cab), or outside of vehicles.
- Trash:
- Dumpsters will be available for proper disposal of routine garbage.
- All unit construction materials must be removed by the units and properly disposed of off site.
- Our Neighbors: It is estimated that the 2010 Centennial Encampment will be host to over 10,000 Scouts, Scouters and visitors during the Encampment weekend. Remember that a Scout is COURTEOUS at all times.
- CampBreakdown:
- Most camp sites are to be broken down and packed following the Sunday morning Closing Ceremony.
- Units are required to clear their campsite completely, including trash and building materials.
- Damages: The unit is expected to pay for all damage caused by its members to the camp property or equipment.
- Absolutely NO alcoholic beverages are permitted at PradoRegionalPark during the 2010 Centennial Encampment.
1.Scouts/Scouter Registration:
- All participants and staff (Cub Scouts, Webelos, Boy Scouts, Scouters, Venturers, Explorers, and Advisors) who will be camping at the Centennial Encampment must be currently registered with the Boy Scouts of America.
- All participants and staff (unit level, district level, council level) who will be camping at the Centennial Encampment must be registered / checked-in through the appropriate District Sub-Camp or Headquarters.
- All Encampment staff must be registered and check-in through the Encampment Headquarters.
- All adult participants (District Staff, Unit Leaders, Parents and Adult Staff MUST be current in their Youth Protection Training (YPT).
- This is necessary for both the safety / security of the Scouts and insurance protection.
2.Visitor Registration:
- One of the reasons for the Centennial Encampment is to showcase the varied aspects of Scouting to the community, as well as to the families.
- CubScouts and Webelos will enjoy family camping in their unit camp sites.
- Scouts, Scouters, Venturers, Explorers and Advisors should invite friends, family and members of the community to visit the Centennial Encampment 10:00 am to 7:00 pm on Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday and the Centennial Encampment Show 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Saturday.
- Scouting visitors are required to check-in through the Encampment Headquarters to record their attendance, pick up an identification badge, and pick up copy of the Encampment Map, Encampment Schedule and Visitor Guide.
- Venturing / Exploring visitors are required to check-in through the Ventureville Headquarters to record their attendance, pick up an identification badge, and pick up copy of the Encampment Map, Encampment Schedule and Visitor Guide.
- Unit Registration:
- Forms and information for unit / crew / individual registration are included in Part 1 of the Centennial Encampment Leader’s Guidebook located on the Centennial Encampment website.
- Go to for more information and online registration.
- Early registration for the Centennial Encampment ends on September 30th, 2010.
- District Registration:
- In addition to registering with the OCBSA for the 2010 Centennial Encampment, all units within the Pacifica District will also have to register their unit and participants separately with the Pacifica District.
- All Units must register with the Pacifica District by completing and turning in a copy of the 2010 Centennial Encampment Pacifica District Registration Form included in this packet.
- Each Cub Scout, Webelos and Boy Scout unit must complete a 2010 Centennial Encampment Roster Form listing all of the names of the members of the unit that will be attending the encampment.
- Each Webelos and Boy Scout Unit that will be participating in either the Webelos Competitive Events or the Boy Scout Competitive Events must complete a 2010 Centennial Encampment District Patrol Roster Form for each patrol that will be participating in the Patrol Competitive Events.
- A copy of both the 2010 Centennial Encampment Pacifica District Registration Form and 2010 Centennial Encampment District Patrol Roster Form for each patrol must be forwarded to the District Registration Coordinator no later than the deadline.
- The DEADLINE for registering with the Pacifica District is October 12th.
- This is necessary in order to properly record and control and prepare for the Webelos and Boy Scout Competitive Events and to fund Sub-Camp operations which are separate and apart from those for the general Encampment.
Arrival and Set-up:
- Wednesday: District staff will be allowed to enter the Encampment site to set up district sub-camps, and competitive event areas between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm.
- Thursday: No individual or unit will be permitted to bring or set-up camps prior to 8:00 am on Thursday (except authorized Encampment staff).
Check-In for Participants
- ALL Webelos, Scouts and Scouters participating in the Competitive Events and planning to camp in the Pacifica District Sub-Camp MUST be pre-registered with the Pacifica District prior to October 12th, 2010. No Walk-Ins will be entertained.
- Scouts / Scouters will enter through the back gate off Cucamonga (see site plan).
- (Fast Check): Is for those participants who have preregistered, prepaid and have their identification wristbands.
- Line 2: Is for those participants who have preregistered and prepaid but need to pay for additional participants.
- Line 3: Is for those participants who have not preregistered and/or prepaid and need to pay for registration.
- Incoming participants should then park in one of the designated areas and walk to your district’s (Sub-Camp’s) headquarters to start phase 2 of the check-in process. (see Sub-CampOperations)
- After Sub-Camp check-in, when you know your unit’s / crew’s assigned campsite and confirm its location, return to the parking area for your equipment and materials.
Check-In for Visitors
- Enter through the employee gate off Pine (see site plan).
- (Fast Check): Is for those visitors who have prepaid for registration.
- Line 2: Is for those participants who have not prepaid.
- Visitors will pick up identification badge and copies of the Encampment Map, Encampment Schedule and Visitor Guide.
- See Sub-Camp Operations Schedule for guideance
Fire and Emergency Alarms
If the emergency alarm sounds, all campers are instructed to stop whatever they are doingimmediately and to walk quickly to the Check-In area and assemble by pack / troop. Leaders willtake a head count and inform the campStaff of the status of their unit. If any evacuationis necessary, participants will be given the appropriate instructions.
Wilderness Area Warning
You should be aware that this is a wilderness area. There are, among other things, wild animalsnative to this area including mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, deer, raccoon, rattlesnakes, mice,spiders, ticks, ants, mosquitoes, flies (did I miss anything?). These animals are wild and must beleft alone. Some of the smaller animals can get into tents, packs, clothes, food bags, etc. Keep allfood and items with a scent stored appropriately so as not to attract these animals. DO NOTSTORE FOOD IN YOUR TENTS!
Unauthorized wandering may result in contact/exposure to seasonal Poison Oak and Stinging Nettles. Be prepared to treat as needed. However, all of these areas are out of bounds and off limits to all participants and visitors, so contact/exposure can be prevented by staying away from out-of bounds areas.
Vehicles in individual Camp-Sites
- Only one vehicle (and trailer) from each unit will be allowed into the unit camping area at a time and only for the purpose of unloading equipment, materials and supplies.
- All vehicles, except for one trailer per unit campsite which is incorporated into the campsite, shall be removed by 12:30 pm on Thursday.
- Drivers are required to leave the Vehicle Identification Sheet on the dash in case there is a need to move vehicles and/or contact drivers.
- Day visitors will be directed to the designated parking area for their use, which will be separate from the camping unit’s parking.
- Only emergency and designated Encampment Management vehicles will be allowed to travel the Encampment road system once the camps have been set up. No vehicles will be allowed to park in the camping areas.
- Transportation for those unable to walk distances will be provided (those with handicaps or major physical restrictions) when a request for such transportation is received (and approved by the Encampment Management) in advance of the Encampment – no private vehicles may be used for such transportation.
- All drivers and vehicles must comply with both California law and PradoRegionalPark rules. The maximum speed limit is 5 mphin the Encampment area. All riders shall ride in the vehicle in an approved seat belt.
- Early Departure from the Encampment area shall be between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Saturday only.
- Standard Departure from the Encampment shall be between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm on Sunday only.
- See The Encampment Leader’s Guide, Part 1 for guidance.
RV Parking / RV Camping
- See The Encampment Leader’s Guide, Part 1 for guidance
Uniforms: Scouts and Scouters will wear the BSA Scout uniform at designated times during theEncampment.
- Official: BSA Scout shirt, BSA Scout shorts or pants, BSA Scout belt (web or leather)
- Activity: Scouting related T-shirt (BSA, troop, patrol), Scout shorts or pants, Scout belt
- Official: Must be worn:
- every day during morning flags & assembly
- every dayafter dinner during evening Shows and Programs
- every dayduring Scout’s Own
- Activity: May be worn:
- Thursday8:00 am to 1:00 pmduring Campsite Set Up
- Thursday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pmduring Competitive Events
- Friday9:00 am to 5:00 pmduring Activities, Events, Displays
- Saturday9:00 am to 5:00 pmduring Activities, Events, Displays
during dinner prep & dinner