Please fill out the following form completely, and return with your check for $20, made out to: High Standard Collectors’ Association. Incomplete applications may delay processing of your membership. All data is mandatory except that marked u which is optional. One phone number is mandatory. It may be either home or business. * We prefer the home phone number
Please type or print clearly
Name / Occupation ( or write in RETIRED if appropriate)Application Date
/ /200__ / Birth Date
/ / 19__ / NRA Member (Yes / No)
P. O. Box or Street
City, State, ZIP+4
, __ __ , ______- ______
Home Phone *
( ) / Business Phone u
( )
Fax u
( ) / Sponsor's Name: ( a current member of the association)
E Mail Address u (note clearly define case of letters) / Web Page Address u
High Standard Collecting Interests (Use codes from back of application not verbal descriptions)
I, the undersigned, agree to abide by the by-laws and rules of the HIGH STANDARD COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION. I am at least eighteen (18) years of age, a good citizen, and have never been convicted of a felony crime. I am not a user of illegal drugs, or a member of any organization considered subversive by the United States of America. I authorize the publication of my name, address, city, state, zip, telephones, and collecting specialty in the membership directory. Note: The membership directory is distributed only to the members of the HIGH STANDARD COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION.
Applicant's name and city will be published in the Association Newsletter. giving members an opportunity to object to his/her membership. Should a complaint be registered, the Board of Directors will review the complaint and vote on the applicant's acceptance. Applicant's data except occupation and date of birth will be published in the annual membership list or a supplement to the membership list..
The HIGH STANDARD COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION is an unincorporated association. It is not directly affiliated with HIGH STANDARD MANUFACTURING COMPANY. The following membership benefits are offered by the HIGH STANDARD COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION:
- A newsletter in which members and others contribute articles of interest to High Standard collectors. Members may also advertise for free, items to buy, sell, or trade. The goal is three per year but is subject to member participation.
- Membership in an organization dedicated to the preservation of High Standard firearms and paraphernalia, the study of various arms and products produced by High Standard, and the history related to their development and usage.
- The opportunity to increase one's knowledge by contact with other members, either through the newsletter or at an annual show.
- The Association is staffed by elected officers and directors who receive no salary and no travel expense compensation.
Annual, $20 (January to December) Life: $500. New members joining during the year up until October are paid-up to the end of the same year. Those joining October 1st or later are paid-up until the end of the following year Send check or money order payable to the HIGH STANDARD COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION to the Membership Chairman:
H. S. C. A., P. O. Box 1578, Decatur, IL 62525 APP 20032A
Collecting Interest Codes.
Pistol Codes
1 Hartford Arms
HSS Single Shot
HR Repeater
H Semi-Auto
2 Letter Models
3 Hammer Letter Models
HDM HD Military
4 Lever Letter Models
O Olympic
380 G.380
5 Lever Name Models
S Supermatic
O Olympic
FK Field King
SK Sport King
6 100 series
S Supermatic
O Olympic
FK Field King
SK Sport King
SKLW Sport King Lightweight
LW Flite King
M Dura Matic
7 101 series
S Supermatic
O Olympic
FK Field King
M Dura Matic
P Plinker
8 102 series
STR Supermatic Trophy
SC Supermatic Citation
ST Supermatic Tournament
OC Olympic Citation
O Olympic
O ISU Olympic ISU
SK Sport King
FKS Flite King All Steel
9 103 series
STR Supermatic Trophy
SC Supermatic Citation
ST Supermatic Tournament O Olympic
OT Olympic Trophy
O ISU Olympic ISU
SK Sport King
FKS Flite King All Steel
SS Sharpshooter
10 104 series
STR Supermatic Trophy
SC Supermatic Citation
O Olympic
O ISU Olympic ISU
11 104 unmarked series
SC Supermatic Citation
O ISU Olympic ISU
V Victor
12 106 series
STR Supermatic Trophy
SC Supermatic Citation
ST Supermatic Tournament
O ISU Olympic ISU
13 107 series
STR Supermatic Trophy
SC Supermatic Citation
ST Supermatic Tournament
O ISU Olympic ISU
V Victor
72 1972 Commemorative
14 107 unmarked series
STR Supermatic Trophy
SC Supermatic Citation
SK Sport King
SS Sharpshooter
V Victor
SVL Survival kit
80 1980 Commemorative
15 SH series
STR Supermatic Trophy
SC Supermatic Citation
CII Citation II
SK Sport King
SS Sharpshooter
V Victor
SVL Survival kit
16 T-3’s
17 Center fire Prototypes
18 Rim fire Prototypes
AP All of the above semi-auto pistols
US US marked guns
Other Codes
R Revolvers(all) SRR Service Style WRR Western style CF Center Fire Revolvers
Rim fire Revolvers Rim fire Revolvers
D Derringers(all)
RL Rifles(all) ARRL Auto Rim fire Rifles PRRL Pump Rim fire Rifles CRL Center Fire Rifles
SG Shotguns(all) PSG Pump Shotguns ASG Auto Shotguns BSG Bolt action shotguns
OUSG Over-Under Shotguns PSG Police Shotguns
BP Black Powder(all) BPP Black Powder Pistols BPR Black Powder Rifles
PM Paper and Memorabilia PL Private labeled guns such as Sears
SMTH Gunsmithing PRTS Parts – collecting – buy/sell
Shooting TGT Target shooting PLNK Casual shooting TUNE Tuning a gun for target work
To indicate your collecting specialty or interest, list the codes in bold type for each gun model or design series of interest separated by commas. To indicate ranges of series separate the beginning code from the ending code with a dash ( - )
Example 1: 1-3, 5-7,V,10X,PM would indicate 1(Hartfords) through 3(Hammer Letter) and 5 (100 series) through 7 (102 series) along with Victors, 10-X’s, and Paper and Memorabilia.
Example 2: S, O, D, SG would indicate Supermatics, Olympics, Derringers, and all Shotguns
Example 3: 8-11 STR SC O OISU, indicates 8 through 11 Trophies Citations Olympics and Olympic ISUs APP 2003A