Children only get one chance at school, and your child’s chances of a successful future may be affected by not attending school regularly.
The Law
- A child of compulsory school age who is registered at the school must by law attend regularly;
- Only schools can authorise the absence of a registered child;
- Education Act 1996, Section 444 as amended by Section 82 and 109 of the Education and Inspection Act 2006.
Role of the Education Welfare Service
- The Local Authority has a statutory responsibility under the Education Act 1996 to enforce regular attendance of registered pupils at school, which is carried out by the Education Welfare Service (EWS) working with schools;
- Data is collected termly by the Research & Data team and it is the responsibility of the EWS to audit pupils who fall below target levels.
Why is good attendance important?
Pupils attend school for a maximum 190 days each academic year. Full attendance is vital for your child’s educational progress. The school regards absences as a very serious concern and there is an overwhelming connection between those students who are frequently absent and those who go on to underachieve in their learning, and in tests and exams later in life.Leave taken without permission will be recorded as unauthorised, and you may be liable to a Penalty Notice resulting in a £60 fineper child per parent (increasing to £120 if not paid within 21 days)
Extended leave may result in your child being removed from the school roll.
Absence due to ill health: Of course there may be times when your child has to miss school because she or he is ill. This is to be expected and for the odd day off sick you should follow the school’s procedures for notifying illness. Children may also have to attend a medical or dental appointment in school time. However, you should avoid this where possible and try to make routine appointments such as dental check-ups during the school holidays or after hours. Please note:
- Absence relating to illness of 5 days+ should be supported by medical evidence;
- Medical evidence can also be required where there are patterns of absence.
- Acceptable evidence does not include prescriptions for medication of paracetamol or calpol, as these can be self-administered within the school (the parent or nominated relative or friend may come into school to administer medication to the child).
Authorised absence:
Authorised absence is defined as:
- When a pupil is absent as a result of illness and an acceptable explanation has been received;
- Religious observance or reasons as defined in the exemptions list;
- Where a child has been temporarily excluded from school;
- Medical/dental appointments. Parents should provide the school with a copy of the appointment card or letter. Appointments should be made outside of school hours wherever possible and the minimum amount of time should be taken;
Persistent lateness does not constitute as full school attendance (Section 444 of Education Act, 1996). The morning register closes thirty minutes after the opening of the school day. The register opens at 8.55am daily. Pupils arriving after the opening of the register up to and including the 30th minute, will receive ‘L’ (Late) coding and those arriving after the 31st minute (9.25am) will receive a ‘U’ (Unauthorised) coding.
Sanctions for an Unauthorised Leave of Absence withoutPermission
A Penalty Notice will be issued for unauthorised leave of absence It will be issued by the EWS following discussions with the school.This will incur a fine of £60.00 per child, per parentbeing imposed, if paid within 21 days of receipt of the notice, rising to £120.00 per child, per parent if paid after 21 days but within 42 days of receipt. If the penalty is not paid in full by the end of the 42 days, the Local Authority must either prosecute for the offence or withdraw the notice. This prosecution is for the offence of failing to secure attendance at school not for non-payment of the fine. Prosecutions are brought under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996. There is no statutory right of appeal against the issuing of a Penalty Notice. Arrangements for payment will be detailed on the penalty notice. This will be reviewed on an annual basis.
In cases where extended leave of absence has been taken without permission, the school may remove the child from the school roll.
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School
Application for Leave of Absence during term time
Name of child/children / ______/ Class / ______
/ ______
/ ______
/ ______
Proposed dates of absence:
Dates: From: ______To: ______
Total number of school days: ______
I wish to request a Leave of Absence for my child/ren
Reasons for absence: ______
Previous number of leave of absence days taken: ______
(if nil, please state ‘nil’)
Name of Parent/Carer ______
Address ______
______Post Code ______
Daytime Phone ______Emergency Phone ______
I have read and understood all the above information and understand that taking an unauthorised absence without permission may lead to the following sanctions: Fixed Penalty Notice (there is not statutory right of appeal against the issuing of a Penalty Notice); removing the child from the school roll; Prosecution under section 444 of the Education Act 1996.
Signed: ______(Parent/Carer) Date: ______
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School
Application for Leave of Absence during term time
Reply to Parent/Carer from Our Lady of Lourdes School
Name of child/children / ______/ Class / ______
/ ______
/ ______
/ ______
Number of days previously authorised in this academic year: ______
Number of days previously unauthorised this academic year: ______
- I am able to authorise the above request
- I am unable to authorise the above request
If you choose to go ahead with this absence you will receive a Penalty Notice from the London Borough of Redbridge. LBR will send out a Penalty Notice of £60 per child and per parent. If it is not paid within the first 21 days you must pay the full amount of £120 per child and per parent. Redbridge Education Welfare Service initiates legal proceedings against parents where children of compulsory age are not receiving full time education by regular attendance at school or otherwise.
For extended leave without permission your child may be removed from the school roll.
Signed: ______(Headteacher)
Application for leave of absence for pupils Spring 2014 (on G drive.attendance)
Application for leave of absence for pupils Spring 2014