Year 6
Autumn Term
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2English / National Curriculum Year 6 Programme of Study
Texts: Chosen by Class Teacher
(Fiction to be covered: Suspense Stories)
Mathematics / National Curriculum Year 6 Programme of Study
Science / Living things and their habitats / Animals, including humans
Computing / Unit 5.1 We are game developers / Upper KS2 Unit We are town planners
History / A non-European Society
- a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history – one study chosen from: early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c AD900; Mayan civilization c AD900; Benin (West Africa) C AD 900-1300
Geography / North and South America
- locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities
- study the human and physical geography of a region within North or South America
Art and Design / Printing
Design and Technology / Cooking and Nutrition: Savoury Dish
FRE / The Bible – Year 6 / Remembrance
What does Christmas mean?
Physical Education / Games / Games
Year 6
Spring Term
Spring 1 / Spring 2English / National Curriculum Year 6 Programme of Study
Texts: Chosen by Class Teacher
(Fiction to be covered: Suspense Stories)
Mathematics / National Curriculum Year 6 Programme of Study
Science / Light / Electricity
Computing / Unit 5.2 We are cryptographers / Unit 4.4 We are musicians
Geography / Active Planet
- describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: volcanoes and earthquakes
- describe and understand key aspects of human geography including: economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources
Art and Design / Painting
Design and Technology / Designing a product for an earthquake survival kit
FRE / What does it mean to be a Sikh? / What are the beatitudes and what do they mean to Christians?
Easter hope
Physical Education / Gymnastics / Games
Year 6
Summer Term
Summer 1 / Summer 2English / National Curriculum Year 6 Programme of Study
Texts: Chosen by Class Teacher
(Fiction to be covered: Suspense Stories)
Mathematics / National Curriculum Year 6 Programme of Study
Science / Evolution and inheritance
Computing / ICT Outcome: to develop a simple app
(Rising Stars Year 6)
History / Changes in Crime and Punishment
- a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
Art and Design / Props for End of Year Production
Design and Technology
FRE / How has the Christian message survived for over 2000 years? / Rules and Responsibilities
Physical Education / Athletics / Games