This form is used to request a training announcement to be posted on the New York STate Division of Criminal JUSTICE SERVICES Training Calendar. Please complete the form and Fax to (518) 457-0145. To view the training calendar please visit and click on the dcjs training calendar link.
Course: Course in Police Supervision
Course Sponsor: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Law Enforcement
Training Tech:
Contact Info: T/Sgt. Dave Thomas
NYSDEC Law Enforcement Training Academy
P.O. Box 470
Pulaski, NY 13142
(315) 298-8271
Email Address:
Fax Application: 315-298-9958
Course dates: Monday at 12:00pm to Friday at 12pm
Start and end times: Monday at 12:00pm to Friday at 12pm
Course Location: NYSDEC Law Enforcement Training Academy
County: Oswego
Location Address: 24 County Route 2A
P. O. Box 470
Pulaski, NY 13142
Room Capacity: 15
Course Description: Absent exigent circumstances, General Municipal Law 209-q and the Municipal Police Training Council require newly appointed first-line police supervisors of any rank to complete this course within one year of their appointment, or forfeit their position. The curriculum provides a learning experience that assists the newly-appointed supervisor in making the transition from the rank-and-file to management.
Through practical exercises, the trainees learn to successfully apply acquired skills to a wide range of realistic supervisory problems. The curriculum provides a wide range of general subjects such as communication skills, both written and oral, techniques of counseling and discipline, ethics, crime prevention, community policing, incident management, and police use of force incidents. The curriculum also provides for updating the trainees knowledge of criminal and procedure law and stresses the concept of vicarious liability. During the course, the trainee will be exposed to a wide variety of management styles, thereby allowing the individual to be flexible and utilize the one most appropriate to each situation. Finally, the curriculum prepares the trainee to successfully meet the present challenges of police supervision and to realistically anticipate and plan for any situation.
Equipment Needed: (Supplied By Office Doing Event)