Southeast Trauma Informed Care Collaborative
Appalachian Behavioral Healthcare
August 18, 2015
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- Introductions
We have several new members to the group – welcome! After introductions, Jennifer explained the format of the meetings and if anyone has suggestionsfor future agenda items, please let her know.
- Announcements
Human Trafficking Coalition – Bryttani Barker of Athens CAC said the Human Trafficking Coalition meets every second Wednesday from 5:15 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at Hopewell Health Center. She extended an invitation to SETICC members;
ACEs Connection Network– Rob Robbins of Ohio DODDsuggested joining this website ( for valuable information on trauma informed/ resilience building practices.
- Format for future meetings – Organizational TIC Presentations
Healing Vision: APP Commissioned Work for ABH (AKA: Art Cart)
A short video was shown about the Athens Photographic Project and the photos its participants have produced. People in recovery from mental illness take photographs they feel are healing or calming and these are produced into photos that are put on an Art Cart. ABH’s Work Adjustment Program takes the Art Cart to the sub-acute units and patients choose photographs to put on the walls of their rooms.
The Art Cart was on display and Jennifer invited the group to take a look at the photographs.
Jennifer asked for volunteers to do a short presentation on what their organization does related to recovery/ trauma informed care for future meetings. If you are interested, please let Jennifer know.
Misty Cromwell from the Muskingum Area MHRSB volunteered to present at the October meeting. Dawn Graham from Ohio University agreed to present at the December meeting.
- Other
- Workgroups
For approximately 20 minutes e ach workgroup reviewed work accomplished since June’s meeting and discussed next steps, etc. Jennifer Schwirian and Lori Brown met with new members during this timeframe to discuss goals and purpose of the SETICC.
The workgroups then reported to the larger group.
V.Workgroups, cont.
Public Awareness Group Report
Produce brochure for family members of those dealing with trauma: Model the brochure like the Help me Grow “wheel” so it can be applicable to all age groups;
Identify ?????
Contact Tarpon Springs, FL which has a Trauma-Free Community. Identify strategies and tools they used to move forward with trauma informed care.
Clinical Group Report
Identify trauma screenings from different organizations and ask what they are and are not willing to do;
Reach out to more organizations about what this Committee is trying to do;
List of all clinical resources in the Southeast region;
Educate organizations about the availability of free trauma informed care trainings;
What are organizations doing about secondary trauma?
Training Group Report
We need a website specific to this group. A letter went to all ADAMHS Boards in our region to provide funds for this website. Kim Kehl of OhioMHAS was asked about funds, also,
ADAMHS Boards are waiting to hear if OhioMHAS will provide funding;
Work group is discussing ways to incorporate TIC into trainings provided locally and statewide. TIC should be incorporated into CIT (Critical Incident Training);
Work group is discussing ways to incorporate TIC for foster parents and child welfare workers;
TIC training for Housing Recovery Professionals;
Hopewell has an active TIC Team and additional TIC training will be provided to the satellite sites this fall.
Training of school-based employees - Belpre Schools LDC is interested in TIC training;
OhioMHAS website has categorized their resources.
Action Steps Following Group Discussion
Rob Robbins will send survey and master list of organizations to the entire group. Each member will make revisions, additions and recommendations to the survey and the master list. At the October meeting, members will determine who exactly gets the TIC information and who is on the master list.
Jennifer will ask OhioMHASabout available funding. She will inquire about developinga pocket-size TIC booklet and funds for producing other brochures. The group feels this size would be better utilized by people instead of an oddly-sized brochure.
We may need to keep track of trainings our members have provided. This will show others how many trainings have been conducted, the agencies, counties, etc. that have been trained and how valuable TIC is. This was referred to the Training Workgroup to discuss.
- Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 11:44 a.m.
Next meeting dates:
Tuesday October 6, 2015
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Appalachian Behavioral Healthcare
Tuesday December, 2015
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Appalachian Behavioral Healthcare