Study Guide for Unit 2 GA Studies Test (ANSWERS)
1) Know the main reason the Spanish explored North America. Gold, riches, and spread Christianity
2) Know why Spanish Missions were established along Georgia’s Barrier Islands. Convert Natives
3) Which country had the first explorers land in North America? Spain
4) Why did Europeans begin exploring the oceans in the 1400’s and 1500’s. Looking for new trade routes to Far East
5) Why did de Soto explore Georgia in 1540? Looking for Gold
6) What is mercantilism (British policy)? A nation exports more than it imports
7) What was the most devastating effect of European exploration on Native Americans? Death and disease
8) Why was De Soto’s explorations considered a failure? Did not find gold
9) What city was Georgia’s first settlement? Savannah
10) Know why King George II agreed to grant Oglethorpe and the trustees a charter to found Georgia. It would help England economically and protect the other colonies
11) Know how Georgia affected debtors in England. It didn’t affect them
12) What type of people did Oglethorpe and his associates want to bring to GA? Poor but worthy
13) Know what inspired Oglethorpe to form a colony for the poor. He had a friend die in debtors prison
14) Know what incentives were promised to those chosen to colonize Georgia. 50 acres of land, food for a year, tools to cultivate and build
15) Know what rules were required of those that established the GA colony during the trustee period. Plant mulberry trees for silk, defend the colony, obey rules and regulations of trustees
16) Know the primary reasons for England to establish a colony in GA. Economics, charity, defense
17) What items did Oglethorpe promise to produce for exporting to Europe? Cotton dyes, wine, and silk
18) Be able to describe the following:
Malcontents- colonists upset with rules and regulations of trustees
Salzburgers- German protestands fleeing persecution from Catholic Church
Highland Scots- colonists recruited by Oglethorpe because of their reputation of being fierce in battle.
19) Be able to describe the following people:
Mary Musgrove- Bristish-Indian interpreter for Oglethorpe
Tomochichi- leader of the Yamacraw
Samuel Nunis- Jewish Doctor who helped save GA from extinction
20) Know which group of people helped secure a victory for Oglethorpe in the Battle of Bloody Marsh. Highland Scots
21) Who was Georgia’s most well liked Royal Governor? James Wright
22) Who was GA’s second Royal Governor? Henry Ellis
23) Who was GA’s first Royal Governor? John Reynolds
24) What did the malcontents complain about? Slave labor, buying and selling of rum, and buying and selling of land
25) Which country can be described as mercantilism? England
26) Which country was for “God, Glory, and God”? Spain
27) Which country was in fur trade? France
28) Be able to discuss at least 4 changes to Georgia after the Trustees returned the charter to Great Britain in 1752.
Slavery allowed; colonist could buy and sell land; liquor allowed; colonists could serve and representatives in government; Royal Governor would run colony; choice of crops expanded; women could inherit land; colony expanded to St. Mary’s River
29) How did the English colonies help support a favorable balance of trade for Great Britain? The English colonies produced raw materials for Great Britain, which were manufactured into finished goods for export back to the colonies and to other countries.
30) James Oglethore chose the Yamacraw Bluff on the Savannah River as the place he would start a colony.
31) The Battle of Bloody Marsh ended the Spanish threat to the colonies.