Study Guide: Chapter 10
From Seven Hills to Three Continents, The Art of Ancient Rome
Text Pages 246-299
Define or identify the following:
Barrel Vault:
Groin or cross vault:
- Which cultures' art most strongly influenced that of Rome?
- What two features of the Temple of "Fortuna Virilis" (fig 10-2) were drawn from Etruscan temples?
What element is distinctly Roman?
- List two non-Greek features of the so-called Temple of Vesta (fig 10-3)?
What is the style of the temple plan?
- What technical developments enabled the Romans to create an architecture of space rather than of sheer mass?
- In what ways does the Roman tomb relief shown in fig 10-5 differ from Greek examples like the one shown in fig 5-64? What emotional effect is created by each, and what stylistic features contribute to creating those effects?
What do funerary reliefs tell us about the position of slaves in Roman as opposed to Greek society?
- What was the major function of Roman Republican portrait sculpture?
What stylistic features differentiate Roman Republican portraits from Greek examples?
Pompeii and the Cities of Vesuvius
Define or identify the following terms:
peristyle garden:
- What catastrophic event has enabled modern scholars to learn so much about life in a Roman town?
- How did the structure and setting of the Capitolium differ from that of a Greek temple?
- Briefly describe the following painting styles found in Pompeii and its vicinity and / or in Rome:
1st style:
2nd style:
3rd style:
4th style:
- List three pictorial devices used by Roman painters to suggest depth.
- Note the function of each room of a Roman villa.
- A house with the features listed above would have belonged to an upper class family. How would a dwelling for the poor differ?
- Design a Roman house that uses at least five of the features listed above. Draw the plan and label the rooms. You will do this in class on large paper.
Be sure to think about the kitchen and sanitary facilities, where would they be found? List what types of decorations you would use in the various rooms using the above listed styles. What types of features of the house would you like to have in a contemporary dwelling?
Early Empire
Define or identify the following:
rusticated masonry:
- What stylistic sources inspired the Augustus of Primaporta (fig 10-25)?
What was the political message of the figure?
- What was the purpose of the Ara Pacis Augustae (fig 10-27 - 10-29), and how did the iconography reflect on that purpose?
- Name a building erected in France in the Augustan style:
- What was the purpose of the Pont-du-Gard?
What engineering principles was it based upon?
- What is rustication and how was it used on the Porta Maggiore in Rome (fig 10-32)?
- Describe the hall from Nero's Domus Aurea that is illustrated on (fig 10-33):
Its major significance?
- What name is commonly used for the Flavian Amphitheater?
How many people could it hold?
What material was vital for its construction?
- How did Flavian portraits differ from those done during the Republican period?
- The subjects depicted in the reliefs on the Arch of Titus were:
The High Empire
Define or identify the following:
Circus Maximus:
continuous narration:
encaustic painting:
equestrian portrait:
- Describe the plan that was used at Timgad.
- What major complex did Trajan build in Rome?
Who was its architect?
What was portrayed on the column of Trajan?
Describe the technique used to create the frieze:
- Name an emporer, other than Augustus, who commissioned art that showed strong Greek influence:
- What revolutionary architectural concept finds its fullest expression in the Roman Pantheon (fig 10-48 - 10-50)?
- What principle does Hadrian's villa (fig 10-51) share with the 2nd century tomb from Petra fig 10-52)?
- What types of scenes were depicted on funerary plaques found at Ostia?
- What change in burial practices caused sarcophagi to become so popular during the 2nd century?
What types of themes were used to decorate them?
Late Empire
Define or identify the following terms:
- Describe the features of the Late Antique style that are illustrated in the relief shown in (fig 10-66):
- What functions, other than sanitary, did Roman baths fulfill?
What types of vaults were used for the frigidarium of the Baths of Caracalla (fig 10-68)?
- How do the portraits of Trajan Decius (fig 10-69) and Trebonianus Gallus (fig 10-70) reflect the art of the so-called "soldier emperors"?
- What is most distinctive about the structure of the Temple of Venus at Baalbek?
- List three stylistic characteristics of the 4th century portraits of the tetrarchs (fig 10-74)
- What reasons can be given for Constantine's reuse of 2nd century sculpture on his triumphal arch?
- What type of architectural elements were used to construct Constantine's Basilica Nova (fig 10-79)
- What features does it share with the Aula Palatina (figs 10-80 - 10-81) that Constantine built in Germany?
How does it differ?
- What is the significance of the Christogram on Constantine's coin portrait (fig 10-82)?