Wuhan University HOPE School of Nursing

Master of Science in Nursing Training Program

I. Training Objective of the Specialty

1. With a firm grasp of the basic theory knowledge of nursing and systematic professional knowledge to understand the forefront of the dynamic field of nursing, with the ability to undertake independent research, clinical teaching or clinical work.

2. With an ethical research attitude.

3. Enable the students utilize to comprehensive the professional literature and articles skillfully. And have the ability in writing and international academic exchanges and proficiency in basic computer skills.

II. Research Areas

1.  Nursing Management

The key point in this area is introducing the theory, principles and practice related to nursing management. Nursing Management as the course, is designed to expand students knowledge in the following areas: The concept of humanized principle, health, nursing procedure, communication and exchange, decision-making, system theory, teaching, nursing theory, stress, understanding, cross-cultural concept, overall concept of care etc. in order to develop students’ abilities of critical thinking skills, communication skills, problem solving skills, to maintain their competent of care management.

2. Nursing Education

This area focuses on nursing education-related theories, principles and practice. Grande Education Concept and systematical theory as the principle, as well as the basic framework related to the questions in nursing education teaching. To introduce the role of nursing pedagogy in nursing education, fundamental problems in nursing teaching resource, nursing education time duration, curriculum. To elaborated the theory and methodology of nursing education and learning, to train the nursing educational personnel that adapt the contemporary nursing education pattern.

3. Community Nursing
To introduce the nursing care contents that target to geriatrics, Vulnerable groups, disabled people in this area, meanwhile, to promote health, and prevention of chronic diseases to the related groups, the relevant theoretical knowledge of health education. The specific contents includes community care procedure, home-based health care, community disease prevention and control, community aged care, community common chronic diseases health care etc. Besides that, this area also includes enough practical aspects, to build up the service-learning mode that enables to meet the practice requirements of the community nursing education. Through the well-designed community service project, the students could use the knowledge that learns from the class to the community clinical practice.

4. Geriatric Nursing

This is a research area that setting under the life-cycle theory direction. It focuses on introducing natural, social, cultural education, physical, psychological and other factors that affect the health of geriatric generation from the perspective of physical, psychological, social, cultural, development, in order to deal with the health problem through the nursing skills and technologies.

III. Time Duration

The MSN during is three years, maximum is four years. The mid-term assessment and streaming will be implemented in the fourth semester, excellent student who meet the requirement could get their Master degree, and continue to pursue the Ph.D. study. The students who pass the evaluation could continue their MSN study, if not, they are failed in this program.

IV. Curriculum and Credit Requirements

Please see the curriculum in following form.

The required credits of this specialty is minimum of 42 credits, including minimum 20 credits of degree courses, 2 credits of teaching practice, 10 credits of graduation thesis. 10 credits for elective courses, the selection of these courses is four to six, which based on the suggestion of their mentors.

Students in interdisciplinary major or with education background equivalent to college graduates for master's degree must learned two courses of the BSN compulsory courses of nursing specialty under the suggestion of their mentors. These students must pass the course even this is not counting into credits for them.

Length the course learning is one year.

V. Compulsory arrangement

1. Practice arrangement

The students require participating in undergraduate teaching and clinical practice while they accomplished their graduate dissertation work. The detailed arrangement will be final confirmed by their mentors in accordance with the study project progress of their students. Mentors and Clinical Preceptors will give written and test evaluation after the students accomplish their teaching and clinical practicing work. The total duration of the practice is no less than eight months. Students could only agree to attend their thesis defenses after they pass the final evaluation, if they meet the requirements through the practice log sheets they filled during their practice period.

2. Proposal defense and mid-term assessment

Proposal report and defense: To ensure the quality of the thesis, each graduate students need to determine their area of project topics, and submit their proposal report to school through literature review, investigation and research. HOPE School of Nursing is responsible to organize the proposal defense in public, students who are failed the proposal defense need to re-apply under the guidance of their mentors.

Mid-term assessment: During the graduate students working on their graduation thesis, according to the MSN training program requirements of HOPE School of Nursing, all the students need to pass the mid-term assessment through mid-term report. Warning, revision and follow up will reinforce to the students who failed. All the assessment result will be kept in file at HOPE School of Nursing.

VI. Graduation Thesis

1. Under the guidance of the MSN mentor, the students need to understand the discipline dynamic direction and the development of their area through literature review, in order to propose their thesis topic and project proposal design. The proposal defense will be held on the second semester, as soon as it passed, the students need to finish their project research and thesis editing in one year. They could apply the graduation thesis defense after they got the approval of their mentors. The graduation thesis should have new insights and theoretical or clinical application value.

2. The proposal report used to exam the graduate students whether they have the ability of independent mastering and research, as well as exam if they prepared sufficiently to write their graduation thesis. The content of the proposal report includes the reason and purpose of their graduation thesis, current research status and trends domestic and internationally, and the related references. The proposal report deadline is the end of second semester.

3. HOPE School of Nursing MSN students required to publish one to two papers with the first author and Wuhan University as the first corresponding unit on the academic journals that HOPE School of Nursing assigned.

VII. Specialty Characteristics and Training Mode

The graduation student mentoring group sets up according to the students teaching, clinical practice performances based on guidance of the mentors. The mentoring group individuals are assigned their mentoring and evaluation responsibilities based on the arrangement of the student’s mentor. Graduate students’ ability of initiative, enthusiasm and creativity are fully reined. HOPE School of Nursing use the methodology of inspiring, seminar-style, to strengthen students’ capacity of individual thinking, critical thinking, problem discovery and solving, to improve students’ abilities of oral and writing expression. The school promote and encourage the communication between faculty and students, peers, in order to facilitate and improve the by enhance the graduate students’ Comprehensive scientific literacy.

MSN Curriculum(100209)

Category / Course code / Course name / Credit / Teaching Hour / Semester / Note
Degree course / Public Compulsory Course / 0000A0001 / Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism / 2 / 36 / 1
0000A0003 / Dialectics of nature / 1 / 18 / 1
0000A0004 / First Foreign language / 2 / 72 / 1
20063002131 / Medical Statistics / 2 / 54 / 1
20063002016 / Evidence-Based Medicine / 2 / 36 / 1
20063002004 / Specialty First Foreign Language / 2 / 36 / 2
Nursing Research / 2 / 36 / 1
Research Area Compulsory Course / Articles Review / 1 / 18 / 1-2 / Need select 3 to 4 course, credits no less than 7
Community Nursing / 2 / 36 / 2
Nursing Management / 2 / 36 / 2
Nursing Education / 2 / 36 / 2
Advanced Nursing Theory and Practice / 2 / 36 / 2
Elective Course / HIV Home-based Care Nursing / 2 / 36 / 2 / Credits no less than 10
Advanced Nursing Concept / 2 / 36 / 2
Critical Care Nursing / 2 / 36 / 2
Mental Health Nursing / 2 / 36 / 2
Advanced Nursing Role Development / 2 / 36 / 2
Medical Information Retrieval and Utilization / 2 / 36 / 1
Acute Medicine / 2 / 54 / 1
SPSS software and Applications / 2 / 48 / 1
Geriatrics Nursing / 2 / 36 / 2
Medical Research Method and Basic Procedure / 2 / 36 / 1
Other course

Total credits is no less than 42, all compulsory courses credits no less than 20, elective courses no less than 10.