Title: Car & Driver Test Drive Powered by Shell V-Power NiTRO+ Premium Gasoline

Duration: 1:55

Car & Driver Test Drive Powered by Shell V-Power NiTRO+ PremiumGasoline_Film Transcript

[Video Footage]

Open road racetrack scene with windy curves

[Background Music Plays]

Piano – jazz/pop band


Sound of car racing and drifting down the racetrack

[Video Footage]

Car drifts around the corner

Car completes some burnouts

Cardrives through a water puddle, completes another burnout and then speeds towards a straight path

[Voice Over]

Over four miles of roller coaster like climbs and dives through the hills of Virginia.


Car tire screeches

[Video Footage]

Side grass view of the Virginia International Raceway with a city water supply tank in the far back


Map of Virginia International Raceway

[Text Display]

Virginia International Raceway

  • Grand Course 4.20 Miles

[Video Footage]

Quick shots of the car racing straight down the racetrack

Shot of the open road with greenery

[Voice Over]

Host to many professional racing series and home to Lighting Lap

[Video Footage]

Greenery shots of the racetrack

Greenery shot of the racetracks with a tractor-trailer in the background

Greenery shot of the VIR Raceplex entrance sign with logos

[Voice Over]

The annual event where car and driver puts the world’s best sports cars to the test


Car tire screeches

[Video Footage]

Car speeds down a straight way on the racetrack

[Video Footage]

Professional driver walks towards the car with helmet in hand


White car symbol collage

[Text Display]

300+ Vehicles a year

[Voice Over]

Each year car and driver testmore than 300 cars


White car symbols racing

[Text Display]

150,000+ Miles

[Voice Over]

Racking up over 150,000 miles on roads

[Video Footage]

Professional driver attaches race equipment on inside of the car window and plugs in his radios

[Voice Over]

and on tracks around the world

[Video Footage]

Professional driver puts on helmet

[Text Display]

Powered Exclusively By

Shell Fuels.

[Voice Over]

Powered exclusively by Shell Fuels


Car tire screeches

[Text Display]


  • Power
  • Agility
  • Consistency

[Video Footage]

Car speeds out of park position on to the racetrack

[Voice Over]

The editors at car and driver are looking for power, agility and consistency

[Text Display]


[Video Footage]

Shots of the racetrack curves

[Voice Over]

A track as technical as VIR

[Video Footage]

Car drives across the screen down the racetrack

[Voice Over]

Demands a car like the BMW M3

[Video Footage]

Car speeds/bends a corner of the racetrack


Car tire screeches

[Voice Over]

Sure footed, brakes that can stand intense heat cycles


Car speed driving

[Video Footage]

Quick shot of the car racing pass

[Voice Over]

And plenty of horsepower

[Video Footage]

Car spends around a curve


Shell V-Power Nitro+ Premium Gasoline logo


Car tire screeches and engine roaring

[Voice Over]

BMW M recommends Shell V Power Nitro Plus Premium Gasoline

It’s a unique relationship build on a share passion for performance

[Video Footage]

Professional driver seen through the windshield of the car making a sharp turn on a curve before completing a burnout


Car driving

[Voice Over]

BMW M’s engines are designed under strict tolerances

[Video Footage]

Cars speeds around a curve and through a water puddle


Car driving

[Voice Over]

Using the latest in material science to ring huge power out of every piston stroke

[Video Footage]

Shot from the inside of the car in the view of the professional driver

Shots of the car speeding around a curve and through water puddles

[Voice Over]

Naturally these engines demand the best quality gasoline

[Video Footage]

Car drifting

[Text Display]

Engine Have Three

Major Enemies

  • Gunk
  • Wear
  • Corrosion

[Voice Over]

But engines have three major enemies gunk, wear and corrosion

[Video Footage]

Shots of car driving on straight paths

Shot of car completing a burnout

[Voice Over]

One of those threats, wear, occurs when two metal surfaces rub against each other

Like a piston moving up and down against a cylinder wall

[Text Display]

Wear Can Cause

  • Higher Oil Consumption
  • Loss of Power
  • Higher Emissions

[Voice Over]

Wear can cause higher oil consumption, loss of power, and higher emissions

[Video Footage]

Professional driver opens up fuel tank and places the gas nozzle inside


Shell V-Power Nitro+ Premium Gasoline logo

[Text Display]

specially formulated with triple-action protection for engine performance. It combines unsurpassed cleaning power to protect against gunk with a unique agent to resist engine degradation from wear and corrosion

[Voice Over]

Year after year car and driver utilizes premium Shell Fuels to prove consistent performance on the track and on the road


Car driving

[Video Footage]

Professional driver seen through the windshield of the car before drifting around curve

Car takes off on a straight way

[Voice Over]

Taking the best possible care

Mile after mile

Test after test


Car tire screeches

[Background Music Ends]

Piano – jazz/pop band

[Video Footage]

Scene darkens and then lightens up to Shell logo


Sounds of Shell


Shell logo