Study Checklist for Biology Test 7: Genetics – Standard 4, Objectives 1-3

What kinds of cells undergo Meiosis? What is the purpose of Meiosis?

Know the stages of Meiosis I and what happens in each stage.

Know the stages of Meiosis II and what happens in each stage.

In any animal, how many chromosomes will the cell have upon completion of meiosis?

What are the differences and similarities between Meiosis I and II?

What are the differences and similarities between Mitosis and Meiosis?

Define the following: diploid haploid, chromosome, gene, homologous, gamete, fertilization.

What is “crossing over?” When does it occur? Describe the process.

What are the major differences between sexual and asexual reproduction?

What is “mutation?” When can it occur? What might cause it to occur more often?

What is a “mutagen?” Give some examples.

What is cancer? Why and how does it occur? What might cause it to occur more often?

Define “bioethics.”

Define “replication.” What is DNA replication? When does it occur?

What is a “trait.” Give some examples of traits. What two factors influence traits?

Know Mendel’s Law of Segregation and Law of Independent Assortment. Be able to tell the difference between the two.

Which part of Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment has proven untrue in many cases? Why?

Define “dominant.” How do we write a dominant allele?

Define “recessive.” How do we write a recessive allele?

Define the following: genotype, phenotype, allele.

Define “variation.” List some ways variation is obtained. Why is variation important?

What is a monohybrid cross? Be able to recognize and produce an example.

Complete a monohybrid Punnett square when given a specific example.

What is a dihybrid cross? Be able to recognize and produce an example.

Complete a dihybrid Punnett square when given a specific example.

What is codominance? Be able to recognize and produce an example.

Be able to determine the genotype and phenotype ratios (percentages) when given an example of codominance.

What is incomplete dominance? Be able to recognize and produce an example.

Be able to determine the genotype and phenotype ratios (percentages) when given an example of codominance.

How do we show the sex chromosomes of a male? How do we show the sex chromosomes of a female?

What is a “sex-linked” trait? Be able to recognize an example and determine the “carrier” of the trait and the “exhibitor” of the trait.

Define “selective breeding.” Be able to recognize a specific example in plants and animals.

Know the structure of a DNA molecule. What type of bond holds the nitrogenous bases together?

What is the monomer of a DNA/RNA molecule called? What are the parts of that monomer? Which parts stay the same and which parts are different?

How do the nitrogenous bases pair in a DNA molecule? How do the nitrogenous bases pair in an RNA molecule?

Define “antiparallel” and describe how it applies to a DNA molecule.

What is the “leading” strand of DNA? What is the “lagging” strand of DNA?

Define the following: mRNA, rRNA, tRNA. What is the function of each type of RNA?

Define “transcription.” Where does it take place? What is its purpose?

Be able to transcribe from DNA to mRNA.

Define “translation.” Where does it take place? What is its purpose?

Be able to translate from mRNA to tRNA.

Be able to read a Codon Chart to determine theamino acids for which they code.

Be able to read a pedigree chart and determine whether the trait is sex-linked, dominant, or recessive.

What did the following scientists contribute to the discovery of DNA’s structure: Erwin Chargaff, James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin.