Of late I have been thinking that after sitting around 6 to 7 hours in office what is the best exercise I can do to keep my body fit. My criteria were:
-It should require less time
-It should be very easy on my pocket
-It should solve my belly fat because that’s the biggest problematic area for all of us.
And guess what I got the right answer in exercise called “Running” or to start with I will call
"SOME"known benefits of running:
1) One of the most popular benefits of running is to reduce or manage weight. It burns more calories per minute, than any other form of cardiovascular exercise.
2)For all you ladies out there you will be surprised to know that running has proved to be beneficial in slowing the aging process. People, who run regularly, do not face muscle or bone loss in comparison to their counterparts. Running helps to enhance the glow of the face. It promotes the human growth hormone which helps in staying young.
3) Running is beneficial in reducing the risk of heart attacks, by strengthening the heart, lowering blood pressure and maintaining the elasticity of arteries.Cancer patients are also advised to indulge in running as it proves to be helpful in improving their condition.Regular running raises HDL (good) cholesterol reduces the risk of blood clots and encourages use of the 50% of your lungs that usually go unused.Running has positive effects on the immune system. It creates a higher concentration of lymphocytes in the blood.
5) PsychologicalBenefits: Running also has a positive effect on the mind of the person. It builds confidence and gives a feeling of empowerment and freedom that comes with knowing the fact that your legs and body are strong and capable.Running relieves a person off stress. The feeling of high that you get while striding ahead, beating past the air, refreshes the mind and the heart completely.While the body gets strength, the mind becomes more focused and determined and general "AWESOMENESS"
6) It’s just perfect for your pocket with almost ZERO expense. Instead of spending money for running on treadmills of Gym all you need if to spend some amount in a good pair of running shoes
Now with all these benefits in mind the question is when and where to run. For me I can run anywhere even I consider running up to my 7th floor apartment instead of waiting for the boring Lift. You can run anywhere any time but the best time probably will be running early morning in any of the park near your house. You can even consider running on roads since there is least traffic early morning.
So my dear friends what are you waiting for START RUNNING AND KEEP GOING and make yourself healthy and fit with this small most common exercise