Studies in the Manifestations

Date: December 29, 2005 – January 1, 2006

Presented by: John Blum

Introduction: Be Ye Transformed

Rom 12:1-2Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed

Conform-to fashion or shape one thing after or like another

Josh 24:14-18Choose you this day whom ye will serve

Deut 30:15-20I have set before you life & death…therefore choose life

Ps 119:30I have chosen the way of truth

Ps 1:1-3But his delight is in the law of the Lord

I John 5: 3His commandments are not grievous

Rom 12:2Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing

Conformed-middle voice transformed-passive voice renew-active voice

I Peter 1:13-19, 23Not fashioning [conforming] yourselves

Eph 2:1-5Wherein in times past ye walked according to the course of this world

I John 2:15-17Love [agape] not the world

Rom 12:2Be ye transformed [metamorphoomai] by the renewing of your mind

Metamorphosis-In biology, any striking developmental change of an

animal’s form or structure accompanied by physiological, biochemical and

behavioral changes. (2) A marked change in appearance, character,

condition or function

Matt 17:1-5Jesus Christ was transfigured (transformed)

II Cor 3:1-7Israel could not steadfastly behold [Moses’] face

Ex 34:29-34, 33:11The skin of his face shone

II Cor 3:7-18But we all with open face…are changed [metamorphoomai]

II Cor 4:17-18The inward man is renewed day by day

Be Transformed!

God’s Gift

Luke 24:44-53I send the promise of my Father upon you

Acts 1:1-8But ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost…But ye shall receive power

Promise of the Father = Baptized with holy spirit = Receive power

Acts 2:1-4And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost [holy spirit]

God, the Giver, who is the Holy Spirit, gives that which He is, His gift of holy spirit which is to be endued (clothed with) power from above.

John 14:12He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also

Col 1:25-27Which is Christ in you, the hope of glory

Rom 12:1-3As God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith

I Cor 12:1-11Now concerning spiritual…(11) severally [idios] one’s own

The manifestations of holy spirit are listed in I Corinthians 12 in a specific order as ordained by God and their place numerically has a very specific meaning. However, they can be grouped by into three groups by the nature of their operation below:

WorshipKnowledge or InformationPower or Impartation

Speaking in tonguesWord of knowledgeFaith

Interpretation of tonguesWord of wisdomMiracles

ProphecyDiscerning of spiritsGifts of healing

Revelation Manifestations: The “Eyes & Ears” of the Church

God, by revelation, can make known to you His will. The revelation manifestations begin where the Word of God ceases. God expects you to study His Word (II Tim 2:15) and to know and apply (to the best of your ability) the revelation that He has already made available. Remember, the Word of God is revelation.

In order to receive revelation, you have to believe that you are worthy and that God will speak directly to you. Do not allow the Adversary to talk you out of the personal relationship that God wants to have with you.

I John 1:9He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us

Ps 103:10-14He hath not dealt with us after our sins

Is 1:18Though your sins be scarlet, they shall be as white as snow

Is 43:25I am he that blotteth out thy transgressions

Jer 31:31-34Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant

Rom 8:1-2There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus

Rom 8:32How shall he not with him also freely give us all things


What It Is Not:

  1. It is not human knowledge highly developed.

Human knowledge comes by way of the five senses.

Revelation knowledge comes from God by the spirit.

Col4:14 Luke was a physician, trained sense-knowledge wise, but also operated revelation

Luke 5:4-7 Peter was a fisherman, but Jesus Christ told them by revelation where to cast

Mark 6:3 Jesus Christ was a trained carpenter

  1. It is not psychology, psychiatry, or psychosomatics or any other natural knowledge field. These are sciences any natural man can develop and know.
  1. It is not the manifestation of knowledge.
  1. It is not a knowledge of God or His Word. This comes by study, learning, and application of self.
  1. It is not guessing or imagination.
  1. It is not the currently popular usage of ESP, fortune-telling, parapsychology, or psychocybernetics.
  1. It is not inspiration (enthusiastic believing). Interpretation of tongues and prophecy are operated by way of inspiration (in-spirit action). You do not get guidance, information, or revelation, by way of interpretation of tongues and prophecy.
  1. It is not your analysis of a situation—you ascertain this by word of knowledge.

What It Is:

The manifestation of word of knowledge is your operation of the God-given ability whereby you may receive from God, by His revealing it to you, certain truths or facts concerning any situation about which it is humanly impossible for you by your five senses to know anything.

  • God does not reveal all His knowledge to us, but a word, a part, just a bit, according to the believing we have to receive and God’s desire to reveal. Deuteronomy 29:29: “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.”
  • Four basics to receiving revelation are:
  • Study God’s Word.
  • Speak in tongues much.
  • Interpret and prophesy boldly in believers’ meetings.
  • Walk in fellowship and alignment and harmony with God.

God has covered every situation for you (1) by His Word or (2) by the revelation manifestations.


What It Is Not:

1.It is not spiritual insight.

2.It is not wisdom acquired by the five senses.

3.It is not natural wisdom stemming from experience as the best teacher.

4.It is not wisdom of the world—not earthly or sensual or devilish. James 3:13-17.

5.It is not wisdom of the Word of God.

6.It is not practical wisdom, but it is practical.

7.It is not your analysis of what to do about a situation.

What It Is:

The manifestation of word of wisdom is your operation of the God-given ability whereby you may receive from God, by His revealing it to you, what to do about a given situation once you have ascertained the truths or facts concerning the situation.

•It is the manifestation of word of knowledge applied.

•It is the companion manifestation to word of knowledge.

•It is the supernatural solution in the natural realm to a given situation.

•It is the how, when, where, and what to do about the situation after you know the truths or facts concerning it.


What It Is Not:

1.It is not the gift of discernment (acuteness in judgment).

2.It is not imagination, guessing, daydreaming or fantasizing. It is also not getting guidance in your dreams while you are asleep.

If God ever gave you revelation while you were sleeping it would be phenomena, that which goes beyond what the written Word guarantees. The basic pattern of revelation is your day by day walk acknowledging God (while you’re conscious).

People think that a lot of people in the Bible got revelation while they were asleep or dreaming. It’s misinterpretation. Most of the time when you read the word “dream” or “trance” it means “vision”. God showed them a picture. They were not asleep; they were wide awake.

There are records where men were actually sleeping and God showed them something, but you certainly don’t base your life on it. Gen 28:10-16

  1. It is not discerning of faults.

You don’t need a manifestation to do that. By their fruits ye shall know them

(Mat 7:16). Sometimes, properly or improperly, people’s faults are easy to observe.

Remember, it is love that activates the believing (Gal 5:6) that allows God to produce the effects of the manifestations in our lives. You’re never going to operate the manifestation of discerning of spirits if you don’t have great love of God and manifest His love to people. The love of God does not take advantage of people’s failures and shortcomings to further itself (I Cor 13:6).

You cannot enjoy people’s failures, shortcomings, etc. If they do have a devil spirit and God tells you about it, you never rejoice in that. The only thing you rejoice in is that you would get a green light to help them get delivered.

4.It is not fortune-telling. But, it may tell you what spirit is in the fortune-teller.

5.It is not the currently popular usage of ESP, fortune-telling, parapsychology, or psychocybernetics.

6.It is not spiritism, Christian Science, or any other ‘‘ism.’’

7.It is not the casting out of devils. That requires the manifestation of believing and the working of a miracle, and healing in many cases. That’s in the impartation category.

What It Is:

The manifestation of discerning of spirits is your operation of the God-given ability whereby you may receive from God, by His revealing it to you, the necessary information concerning the presence or non-presence of spirits, and the identity of spirits present, and if evil, whether you may cast them out.

•It is the manifestation of the discerning of spirits (plural).

•It is revealed to you so as to make you aware of the conditions prevalent.

•It is to discern, detect, be made aware of their presence and to determine their identity, whether they are the spirits of the Devil [diabolos]or the holy spirit or spirit of man (Ecclesiastes 3:21), and if they are evil, whether they may be cast out.

Discern – to separate throughout, make a distinction (judge-spiritually)

Ex 18:15-16I [Moses] judge between one another

Heb 5:14But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age

I Tim 4:7-8Exercise thyself rather unto godliness

The “Where” & “How” of Receiving Revelation

Rom 10:17So then faith [believing] cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God

Heb 4:12For the word of God is quick, and powerful

I Thes 5:23And I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless

I John 5:12He that hath the Son hath life

Rom 8:9Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his

John 3:6That which is born of the flesh is flesh

Eph 4:22-24And that ye put on the new man

Eph 3:16To be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man

II Cor 4:16But though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day

Col3:10And have put on the new man

I Peter 3:4But let it be the hidden man of the heart

Spiritual RealmSenses Realm

New manOld man

Spiritual knowledgeNatural knowledge

Rom 12:2James 3:15

Good, acceptable, perfectEarthly, sensual, devilish





Heb 5:14By reason of use have their senses exercised

“Senses” – this could not be the five senses whereby we glean information from the senses realm, the five senses that the Adversary uses to attack us. There is good learning in a lot of those senses, but they are unreliable, limited and finite. God, however, communicates His good and acceptable and perfect will to that inner man by way of the five spiritual senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching.

I Sam 3:1-10Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord

You need to learn how to receive revelation


II Kings 6:13-17And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw

Matt 17:1-9Tell the vision to no man

Acts 10:9-18Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision he had seen


Acts 9:1-7And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him

I Sam 3:1-10 heard the voice of the Lord

Mat 17:3 Moses & Elias (Elijah) talking with him


Mark 9:25He rebuked the foul spirit

II Cor 2:15For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ

That is how God may show you at times that people are born again


Job 6:30Cannot my taste discern perverse things


Acts 12:5-7And the angel of the Lord came upon him

I Kings 19:5And the angel of the Lord came again the second time, and touched him


Mark 2:6And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit

Luke 9:46-48And Jesus perceiving the thought of their heart

I Cor 2:11For what man knoweth the things of a man [No one can read minds]

Luke 8:43-48For I perceive that virtue is gone out of me

Acts 14:8-10Steadfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed

You might not always be fully cognizant of how God communicates to you. The key is that you know.

I Cor 14:12Seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church

Revelation (and the associated power manifestations) will come at times, but you don’t necessarily go looking for them. You can always pray (both with understand and via holy spirit), you can always speak God’s Word, and you can excel in the edifying of the believers. Then, at the appropriate time (on God’s timetable), the other manifestations will be there.

I Cor 2:1-16But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God

II Cor 4:7But we have this treasure in earthen vessels

Revelation Defined

Revelation = apokalupsis – to unveil, uncover

Deut 29:29The secret things belong to the Lord our God

Other ways to look at the word “revelation”:

  • To uncover or lay open what has been covered up (the Mystery)
  • To disclose
  • To make known or make manifest
  • To disclose what was unknown before, to you
  • Of any method which before was unknown now becomes evident
  • Coming into view…now you understand or see it (Acts 10:34)
  • An internal disclosure or unveiling
  • A disclosure of secrets, complete only when explained and understood

Gal 1:11-12But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me

Gal 2:1-2And I went up by revelation

Eph 3:3How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery

Num 22:31Then the Lord open the eyes of Balaam [open - apokalupto in Septuagint]

Num 24:4Which saw the vision of the Almighty [open - apokalupto in Septuagint]

I Sam 2:27Did I plainly appear [apokalupto]

I Sam 3:7,21Neither was the word of the Lord revealed [apokalupto] unto him

I Sam 9:15Now the Lord had told Samuel in his ear [apokalupto]

Is 22:14And it was revealed [apokalupto] in mine ears by the Lord

Ps 119:18Open [apokalupto] thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things

Eph 1:18The eyes of your understanding being enlightened [photizo – to give light]


At times in your life and throughout the Word, God does very special things to communicate in unique ways to people. These special experiences are to bless or to especially get the attention of that individual involved or that group of people. Phenomena always goes beyond that which the written Word guarantees. Phenomena is in the category of revelation; it is a special revelation done by God’s prerogative.

Ex 3:1-5Burning bush not consumed; voice of God

Acts 2:3Tongues like as of fire appearing to the twelve apostles

Dan 5:5Writing on the wall at the feast of Belshazzar

Acts 12:7-10Angel releases Peter from jail

Acts 27:23-24Angel appears to Paul on the ship

Luke 1:26-38Angel appears to Mary

Acts 10:1-8Angel appears to Cornelius; note that the angel did not deliver the message

of getting born again, but said to send for Peter. We have the ministry of


The most logical explanation of angels is that it’s phenomena, because the written Word does not promise, guarantee, or require for you and me to have angels make appearances, give us guidance, give us direction, or give us strength. Remember, Col 2:9 tells us that we are completely complete. Therefore, if God chooses to utilize an angel, that’s His business.


1.To receive revelation you must first become meek. James 1:21, Ps 25:9

Sincerity is not meekness. Meekness means you’re willing to change your mind and do God’s Word. Solomon – I Kings 3:5-15 I Kings 11:1-13

2.Stand fast on what you have received. God will not tell you a second time until you obey what He has already told you. Ephesians 6:10-13.

3.Speaking in tongues daily is prerequisite to revelation. II Corinthians 4:16, Eph 6:18

4.Study the Word much. What you can know by the five senses God expects you to know. Proverbs 29:18, II Timothy 2:15, Hos 4:6, Acts 17:11

5.Travel light. II Timothy 2:4, Acts 2:44-45, Acts 4:34-35, Prov 30:7-9, I Tim 6:10

I Peter 5:7, Phil 4:6

6.Action precedes results. Believing without works is not believing. James 1:22; 2:26

Mark 3:1-5, Ex 14:21

7.Wait until “green light” revelation. Philippians 4:6

a.Wait. Is 40:31, Acts 16:16-18, John 11:6

To wait on the Lord means to hold it in abeyance because you don’t have the open

door to move yet. You learn when to recognize the “go” signal.

b.Doodle. John 8:6-8.
c.Pace the floor. II Kings 4:32-37
d.Pray or sing. Acts 4:23-31, Acts 16:25-26

8. Do nottell all you know. Receive the word of wisdom. Judges 16:4ff, Mat 7:6

II Kings 20:12-19

9.It may be essential to put unbelievers out of the room. Matthew 9:23-25, Acts 9:39-40

Judges 7:1-7, Acts 19:9ff

10.Inspiredaction and inspired utterance may be essential. Acts 3:4-7, Luke 22:50-51

11.Do not be deceived by the five senses. Acts 16:17,18; II Timothy 3:5; I Samuel 16:7

II Cor 5:7 “Be not deceived” (3 times in epistles) is a command, so it must be available

12.Do not argue with God. Phil 2:13, Jonah 1:1ff; I Samuel 15:23; Acts 9:13-15.

13.Revelation once given may change. (God may change the revelation after the circumstances change.) Jonah 3:1-10; 4:1-3; II Kings 20:1-6, I Kings 21:17-29, Acts 5:1-10

14.Revelation given twice is established. Genesis 41:32.

15.Watch and be ready. Revelation may come at the most likely or unlikely places and times.

I Cor16:13, Rom 12:11, Luke 23:39-43

16.When you stumble, pick yourself up. Walking involves a learning process. I Samuel 3:1-20.

David, Moses, Paul, Abraham and many others stumbled and bounced back. You just keep

moving. And if you do fall, you get up and thank God for forgiving you. You humbly

thank God for teaching you, and you get back on the path of righteousness.

17. Get involved. Look for opportunities to make a Godly difference. Gen 40:7 Acts 8:27-31

Kingdom of the Adversary

II Cor 2:11Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant

John 10:10The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy

Col 2:13-15And having spoiled principalities and powers