Notice for Biophysics Experiments

1. Students must take all the 3 experiments and should contact the lab technologist(LTs) for registration. Attendance list must be signed during each of the lab session with the LTs.

2. Students need to attend at least 1 lab sessions per week. Each experiment should be completed within two weeks.

3. Students who wish to take an experiment in the period other than the normal lab-hours should obtain a special permission from both the lecturer in charge and the LTs. If the application is approved, the experiment should be registered at least 3 days before it is taken.


  • DO NOT touch any equipment or bio-samples in the lab without permission from the lecturers or LTs.
  • Before starting any experiments, familiarize yourself with the safety rules, and the precaution/emergency measures (such as hand/facial wash) under the supervision of the LTs.
  1. Students who are unable to complete the designated experiments due to the health problem should produce a MC from their GP, and submit it to the lecturer in charge.

6. Recording experimental data

  • It is essential to keep a good experimental record for each experiment.
  • When the experiment is completed, the note should be vetted and signed by the lecturer in charge.

7. Experiment Report


1. Aim

2. Basic principles

3. Key experimental procedures and precautions

4. Results

5. Discussion and Conclusion (For example, discuss the data you measured; where does the experiment error come from; how to improve the experiment; what are the possible implications of this experiment; etc)

Experiment report should not exceed 5 pages.


1.On a cover page, put the experiment title, your name, matriculation number, the date you did the experiment and the date of report submission.

2.Experiment report submission: Please submit your experimentreportsto Asst Prof Garaj, Slaven (S12 #02-04, )two weeks after the experiment. Late submission will not be accepted.

3. The viva should be conduced not later than two weeks after the completion of experiment

by Asst Prof r UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, Exponential Growth of E.

coli Cell and Agarose gel electrophoresis (DNA molecular weight determination)

Kindly ensure that you have receipt after doing your vivas.

3.All reports and vivas should be completed two weeks prior to the examination period.

5. Marking Scheme:

Report / Viva
60% / 40%