Ambush Basketball

3-on-3 Rules


-First Possession will be determined by coin toss.

-Every basket made is worth 1 or 2 points.

-A 2 point shot must be shot beyond the 3 Point Line (if there is a line)

-Anything inside the 3 Point Line is considered 1 point.

-No 3 seconds in lane will be called.

-After a basket has been scored or a foul called, a player must check the ball to other team.

-Can pass or dribblein from out of bounds/Top of Key area. (Box)

-On defensive rebounds or steals (change of possession), players must return the ball by dribble or pass across the 2 point line before a basket may be attempted.

-Once across the line, they do not have to pass the ball before shooting.

- Players must have some form of identification on jersey for fouls (Number, letter, etc…)

- All divisions will play on 10 ft hoops

- Teams may have to provide a score or book keeper.


-Time will not be stopped to discuss any call.

-Both teams have one 30 sec. timeout per game.

-No timeouts in OT and No carry over timeout from regulation.

-If the game ends in a tie after regulation it is sudden death (First team to score).

-Possession will be determined by a coin toss.


-Games will be 12 minutes long or first team to 15 Points. (ALL DIVISIONS)

-Time will stop on dead balls only in the last 30 seconds of regulation.


-There will be opportunities for And-One plays worth 1 or 2 Points.

-Player makes shot but misses FT = 1 Point & Live Ball

-Player makes shot and makes FT = 2 Points & Other teams ball

-After 5 Player Fouls, that Player is out for the game.

-After 10 team foulsother teamis in the bonus and will shoot 1 free throw.

-If they miss the FT it is a live ball situation.

-If you receive 1 Technical Foul, you will be forced to sit out the rest of the game.

-If you receive 2 Technical Fouls in event you are out for the remainder of the event.

  • All Technical Fouls will result in 1 free throw
  • Technicals are dead ball situations.
  • Shooting Team maintains possession after free throw shot.

Bracket/Pool Tie Breaker(s):

1. Head to head record.

2. Points against/given up.

3. Points for/scored.

4. Coin Toss

Tournament Director can overturn/change any ruling and has authority to override a rule as he deems necessary without discussion!