Editor’s Report for the

Society for the Study of Christian Ethics

Annual General Meeting

September 2017

It is a pleasure to report on a successful year for Studies in Christian Ethics. Papers from the 2016 SSCE annual conference furnished material for the first issue of Volume 30, entitled Christians and Other Animals, followed by a special issue on the work of Gilbert Meilaender, one of our Consultant Editors. The third issue just published, includes papers from a Templeton Foundation Project on New Developments in the Theology of Character, and the fourth issue will conclude the year with papers on various and wide-ranging subjects, as well as an obituary for Duncan Forrester, one of the founders of the journal. Many thanks to the Guest Editors – Matthew Rose, Angela McKay Knobel and Christian Miller, for their generous work on the special issues.

This year may hold the record for the most unsolicited papers received– 35 in total, 12 already published or accepted for publication, 8 still under consideration, and 15 judged unsuitable. This has required a considerable expansion of our usual circle of reviewers, all of whom have given some outstanding advice to the authors. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their generous support of this scholarly undertaking. Certainly the issues for Volume 31 (2018) are already looking very healthy.

Once again, my particular thanks to the panel of Consultant Editors who give such helpful encouragement to the journal. Four of them come to the end of their second term on the panel, and so we may now release Linda Hogan, Gil Meilaender, Robert Song and Bernd Wannenwetsch from this responsibility. I am most grateful to each of them in different ways for their advice and counsel over the years, and will write to express the Society’s appreciation of their collaboration in this work.

In their place, I am very pleased to say that Luke Bretherton (Duke), Angela McKay Knobel (CUA), David Jones (St Mary’s Twickenham) and Gerald McKenny (Notre Dame) have very kindly accepted the invitation to serve. I very much look forward to working with them.

Nick Townsend continues to come up with absorbing, crisp, engaging and critical book reviews. So I know all of you will eagerly await the special issue to be dedicated solely to book reviews and review articles to be published next year, Vol. 30.3. Many thanks to Nick for his fine work.

Thank you also to the membership of SSCE and to our wider circle of readers for their continuing interest in and support of the journal.

Susan Parsons