Poetry 180 Essay

  1. Students will be responsible for presenting and evaluating one(1) poem from the Poetry 180 website. It is important that you select a poem that you like and that you feel you have an understanding of.
  1. All students will select their poem from the 180 choices available on the Poetry 180 homepage. Any student wishing to use an alternative poem must obtain pre-approval from Mr. Wood. Song lyrics do not count as poems for this project. Once a poem has been used by a member of the class, it is no longer available for use by others. or Google “Poetry 180.”
  1. You are encouraged to review your presentation with me 5th block the week of your presentation. I am willing to help you if you seek it.
  1. Presentation Responsibilities:
  2. Read the poem to the class in a manner that demonstrates preparation and proper tone. Refer to the link “how to read a poem” for guidance.
  3. Lead adiscussion on the poem with the help of a power point presentation that helps students to understand and grapple with the poetic elements and meaning/purpose of the poem. Ask questions that challenge their understanding of the poem. Do NOT merely lecture us.
  4. Present aTYPED/REVISED evaluation of the poem that makes use of the guidelines set forth in the poetry template.Special emphasis should be place on the tone and intended meaning of the poem. This write-up should be minimally 400 words. It must be turned in immediately after the poem is presented in order to receive credit. Failure to turn it in with the presentation results in 0% for this portion of the evaluation
  1. Scoring: Reading (10pts.) + Power Point (40pts.) + Written Evaluation (50pts.) = 100 pts.

Do NOT lose this handout. It explains the guidelines and expectations clearly. Follow them and you will have a positive experience.


  • If you are not ready to present on the assigned day, you forfeit credit and receive a score of zero for the project. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
  • If you are excused absent, you must be ready to present and turn in your essay the day of your return or else receive a zero.
  • If you are unexcused absent for your presentation, you will receive a zero.
  • If you leave school early the day of your presentation for anything other than a nurse’s dismissal (the nurse must send you home), you will receive a zero.

Here is what the scoring rubric looks like:

Poetry 180 Presentation RubricOverall Score: ______/100

Name: ______Date: ______


  • Voice Projection
  • Evidence of Preparation: pronunciation, rhythm, pace
  • Poem performed, rather than “read off the page”

Comments: ______



  • Evidence of Preparation
  • Student interaction as opposed to lecture
  • Complete coverage of poem: type, devices that contribute to meaning, tone, overall intended meaning

Comments: ______


Written Evaluation: ______/50

  • Organized & revised response
  • Complete coverage of poem: type, devices that contribute to meaning, tone, overall intended meaning
  • Effective illustration of poet’s intentions via frequent direct textual example

Comments: ______
