Algebra 2- M Syllabus 2013-2014
Crosby High School
Mrs. Andrea McArthur
Objective: Expand the students’ mathematical knowledge and understanding through algebraic reasoning.
Course Studies: Review of basic mathematical understanding from K – 8, Algebra I and extensive studies in real life applications.
Grading Policy:
Tests 60% Quizzes and Daily Assignments 40%
Make-up work resulting from an absence/failure of assignment must be completed within 3 days of the absence/return graded assignment. Homework is due at the beginning of each class period. Late work will be accepted with a maximum grade of 70 within 3 days after the due date/time, any assignment after the 3 days will receive a zero and cannot be made up.
Daily Supplies (to be brought by students each day):
1. No. 2 pencils
2. Red pencil or pen for grading purposes
3. Folder or Binder with Brads
One Time Supplies Needed at the Beginning of the Year Only
1. 1 Wide rule composition notebook
2. 1 Box of Kleenex
3. Folder or Binder with Brads
Tutorials: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:50PM – 3:30PM in RM 503
Graphing Calculators: Students will be using a class set of TI graphing calculators. Students may also use the graphing calculators during tutorial time if they do not have access to one at home.
Class Rules:
C ome to class prepared
R aise your hand to speak
O n task behavior is required
S how up to class on time
B e respectful
Y ou are responsible for your own success
Parent Contact: In addition to Parent Connect, which allows parents to view their child’s grades, we will keep in touch with parents by email. Please email us with a frequently monitored email address so we can add you to our group. This is very important as it is the best way for us to keep in contact regarding your child’s progress. In the event that you are not available by email, please make sure that a phone number is on file so that we can keep you informed of your child’s progress.
Cell Phone Policy: Electronic devices may be used during class time at teacher discretion. Any student who uses an electronic device without permission will have it confiscated according to the campus policy.
We are looking forward to an exciting year with your child. We are working very diligently to ensure that every student receives all that they need to be successful.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We can be reached by phone message at (281)328-9237 or by e-mail at .
Andrea McArthur