April 18, 2012

Students’ safety videos earn them civic award

CAMPBELL COUNTY SCHOOLS –A lesson in safety earned a group of students from Crossroads Elementary a civics award at the annual Kids Voting Northern Kentucky luncheon.

The Crossroads student leadership group, the Coyote Council, was presented with a Civic Leadership Award for their creation of a series of bus safety videos. Created to coincide with School Bus Safety Week in mid-October, the videosdemonstrate how students should behave at the bus stop, on the bus and when exiting. Theywere shown to students in all grades during lunch and on the school district’s local cable channel (Insight Channel 15) giving all of the students, most of whom ride the bus, an opportunity to view them. Though the project was student led and directed, the students were provided guidance by teachers Casey Gesenhues and Lacy Owens.

“The students did such a wonderful job creating the videos. They put bus safety into a student’s perspective and created a final product that is both creative and informative,” said Gesenhues. “I’m thrilled that their work has been selected for recognition by Kids Voting Northern Kentucky.”

Kids Voting Northern Kentucky is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that exists to teach young people the importance of voting and help them develop the habit of voting. On Election Day, future voters can go to the polls with their parents and cast their vote in a mock election at a Kids Voting booth. For more information, visit

For more information on the Coyote Council or the safety videos, contact Crossroads Elementary Principal Kim Visse at 859-441-9174 or Campbell County Schools’ Director of Communications Juli Hale at 859-635-2173.

Campbell County School District provides the highest quality public education and extracurricular activities for nearly 5,000 students in preschool through grade 12. The district has earnedthe prestigious AdvancEd International accreditation and is among the top ranking districts in Kentucky on state and national assessments. More information is available at