Project Plan

For Hotel Reservation System (HRS)

Version 1.1

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of MSE

Cem Oguzhan

CIS 895 – MSE Project

Kansas State University

1. Task Breakdown 3

1.1. Inception Phase 3

1.2. Elaboration Phase 3

1.3. Production Phase 3

2. Architecture Elaboration Plan 3

2.1. Revision of Vision Document 3

2.2. Revision of Project Plan 4

2.3. Architecture Design 4

2.4. Development of Prototype 4

2.5. Test Plan 4

2.6. Formal Technical Inspections 4

2.7. Formal Requirements Specification 4

3. Cost Estimate (based on current progress) 4

4. Implementation Plan 5

4.1. Deliverables 5

4.2. Work Breakdown Structure 5

1.  Task Breakdown

1.1.  Inception Phase

The inception phase is focused on the project requirements. The phase involves developing documentation, which will be presented during the first presentation. These documents include a vision document, software quality assurance plan, and project plan. A vision document will outline the project requirements. A software quality assurance plan will describe the require documents for the project. Also, it will ensure that the quality product is developed. A project plan will detail the phases and estimate time for the deliverables.

In the first presentation, the developer will demonstrate at least one executable prototype. The executable prototype will display the feasibility of the project.

The inception phase will be completed once the committee members approve all required documentation after the first presentation.

1.2.  Elaboration Phase

The elaboration phase is focused on the architecture design of the system. An architecture design will be developed to describe the product. A formal requirements specification will be developed to describe and verify formal specification of the product. A test plan will be developed to outline all test activities and how to report to the test results. Two technical inspectors will inspects the architecture design artifacts and submit a formal report. The developer will demonstrate another executable prototype in the second presentation. Also, according to committee members’ feedback on the vision document, the software quality assurance plan, and the project plan will be revised.

The elaboration phase will be completed once the committee members approve all required documentation after the second presentation.

1.3.  Production Phase

The production phase is focused on implementation and testing of the system. Most of time, the developer will spend time on coding. The final product will be tested according to the test plan to ensure all requirements are meet. All test results will be analyzed and documented. Also, the developer will write a user manual, which describes how to install, run and use the software.

The production phase will be completed once the committee members approve all required documentation and final version of the software product after the third and the last presentation.

The grant chart below shows a schedule for finishing the tasks in each phase.

2.  Architecture Elaboration Plan

The following tasks have to complete before the second presentation is given.

2.1.  Revision of Vision Document

Based on the feed back provided by the committee members during the first presentation, the vision document will be updated. The revised vision document will be submitted to the major professor for approving.

2.2.  Revision of Project Plan

Based on the feed back provided by the committee members during the first presentation, the project plan document will be updated, which is estimation of cost and time for the project. The revised project plan document will be submitted to the major professor for approving.

2.3.  Architecture Design

The architecture of the product will be documented. UML diagrams will be used for describing architecture of the product.

2.4.  Development of Prototype

The executable prototype will be built. It will show that the requirements describe in the vision document can be implemented.

2.5.  Test Plan

A test plan will be developed to outline all test activities to ensure all requirements are satisfied and how to report to the test results.

2.6.  Formal Technical Inspections

The architecture design will be inspected by two MSE students. Those are Esteban Guillen

and Kevin Sung.

2.7.  Formal Requirements Specification

OCL will be used to define and verify formal specification of the product.

3.  Cost Estimate (based on current progress)

Now, the project is end of the Elaboration phase. According to time log I have spent 232 hours to complete the phase one and the phase two on the project. I have spent 77 hours researching, 78 hours documenting, 21 hours designing and 56 hours coding. The prototype for the project has 800 SLOC. It implements almost 25% of the required features. From this data the following metrics can be calculated.

Productivity = 800 SLOC / 56 hours = 14.2 SLOC / hour

Total estimated SLOC for the project = 800 SLOC / 0.25 = 3200 SLOC

There will be 2400 SLOC left for development of the project. The following calculation estimates how much time will be required for the implementation of the project.

Total remaining coding time = 3600 SLOC / 14.2 SLOC/hour = 169 hours

I am planning to work on project 7 hours a day.

169 hours / 7 hours/day = 25 days for coding

I would estimate 7 days are required the testing of the project and the documentation will take 72 hours, 11 days. This would make the total time to complete the project about 43 days. At a high level, I will break down 43 days as follow:

Coding/Debugging – 25 days

Testing – 7 days

Documentation – 11 days

4.  Implementation Plan

4.1.  Deliverables

The following are the deliverables for presentation three.

Action Items

User Manual

Component Design

Source Code

Assessment Evaluation

Project Evaluation


Formal Technical Inspection Letters

4.2.  Work Breakdown Structure

Deliverable / Tasks / Completion Criteria / Time / Cost
Source Code / Develop Customer’s functions / Executable code / February 22 – March 11 / 18 days
Develop Travel Agent’s functions / Executable code / March 12 – March 23 / 12 days
Develop Administrator’s functions / Executable code / March 23 – March 31 / 9 days
Unit Testing / Produce Unit Testing modules / All test modules are run / April 1 – April 7 / 7 days
Load Testing / Produce Load Testing modules / All test modules are run / April 8 – April 9 / 2 days
Performance Analyze / Analyze the performance of the HRS / Run Intel® VTune™ Performance Analyzers / April 9 – April 11 / 3 days
Action Items / Document Effort in Completing Action Items / All action items from presentation 2 have been addressed / April 12 / 1 day
Component Design / Document HRS Design / All major features of the HRS have been documented with UML / April 13 – April 15 / 3 days
User Manual / Document User Manual / Approved by Major Professor / April 16 – April 22 / 7 days
Project Evaluation / Document Usefulness of Methodologies / Approved by Major Professor / April 23 – April 24 / 2 days
Document Accuracy of Estimates / Approved by Major Professor / April 25 – April 26 / 2 days
Document Usefulness of Reviews / Approved by Major Professor / April 27 – April 28 / 2 days
References / All References Documented / Approved by Major Professor / April 29 / 1 day