Middle Eastern Province Journal Submission Form

Articles for the website:

Please use this form to submit your chapter events for the Middle Eastern Province.

  1. Before submitting this form, please rename it with your chapter name included in the file name.
  2. Attach your high resolution photo(s) separately via email. Poor quality pictures will not be posted to the website. Digital photography must be hi-resolution jpegs (example 2048x1536 or 3.1 mega pixel image). Scanned photos should be 300 DPI.
  3. Email this form to .
  4. Upon receipt, an acknowledgement will be sent to the chapter. Once content has been posted to the website, an additional communication will be sent advising chapter that the article is now available for viewing.

Articles for Journal publication:

1.  Prior to preparing article / feature, submit topic to MEP Editor. Given the focus on business-related topics of the Journal, careful coordination is needed to increase the likelihood of article publication.

2.  Once the topic has been selected / article has been prepared, submit completed article / photos (same guidelines as above) to MEP Editor for final review and submission to IHQ.

3.  MEP Editor will work with Journal Editor on format, content, and other items related to publication.

4.  MEP Editor will keep chapter informed of progress with Journal publication.

Please note – final approval for Journal publication rests with the Journal editor (Brother Johnathan Hicks). Once articles have been submitted, province editors are no longer involved with final publication decisions.

Submission Deadlines:

·  February 1st for the April issue

·  August 1st for the October issue

·  October 1st for the December issue

Your Contact Information:

Your Name / Your Contact Number / Your Email Address
Olanda Carr, Jr. / 704-502-1144 /
Name of Chapter / State of Chapter (NC, WV)
Event Name / Purpose of Event / Event Chairman/Coordinator
Event Date: / City/State: / Venue/Location:
Event Description of 160 words or less. Article may be edited by Province Reporter.
(Please include approximate number of participants)
Photo Caption:

Copy and paste the table above if you have additional events to submit. Email this document with ALL of your events to

Last Revised: 01.06.2011