Student Union Board of Governors Formal Meeting Minutes

Monday October 26th, 2015

S.U. 324

4:00 P.M.


Joseph Rosa called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.


Joseph Rosa moved to accept the minutes from last meeting on October 12th, 2015; Stephanie Sales seconded the motion and the minutes were passed.



VICE PRESIDENT/ Finance and Administration

Quian Callendar – I sent out email last week with an updated report. Not much has changed since we haven’t sent in expense logs. So please send them in when you’re finished with your programs so we can have an updated report and people know how much money we have. However, some things are pending so they haven’t hit the account yet.


A.  Amend Prep #28 Spectre Movie Premiere

Haley McMullen moved to amend Prep #28 Spectre Movie Premiere; Quian Callendar seconded the motion and it was canceled.


A.  Prep #64 NACA Regionals

Quian Callendar moved to pass Prep #64 NACA Regionals; Haley McMullen seconded the motion and it was passed.

B.  Prep #65 Policy Council

Janet moved to pass Prep #65 Policy Council; Haley McMullen seconded the motion and it was passed.

C.  Prep #66 Winter is Coming

Nicole Baker moved to pass Prep #66Winter is Coming; Cory Tuck seconded the motion and it was passed.

D.  Prep #67 NYC/ NCB Travel Trip

Meg O’Keefe moved to pass Prep #67 NYC/ NCB Travel Trip; Megan Finlaw Cory Tuck seconded the motion and it was passed.



Joseph Rosa – I wanted to thank everyone who came yesterday. We all had a good time and I’m not sure when the next one will be. When picking classes for next semester try to schedule them around this meeting, we would love for everyone to be able to attend. The prep deadline is November 3rd. If everyone could have a prep in by then that would be great. There is going to be a full organization SUBOG event including all committees. When things are planned and scheduled I am going to come to all of your meetings.


Stephanie Sales & Grant Miner – Trick-or-Treat in the Union is happening on Friday from 12-4 pm. A lot of you have signed up so thank you. If you haven’t signed up yet please do. If you sign up all you have to do is hand out candy. If you can help me set up I’ll be doing so at 11 am on Friday. I’m not doing much besides MLK so they want us to start doing social media promotion. I’m just waiting to get all the details they want to be advertised. They want to create a Facebook event because we have a big following and want us to advertise a video contest they have. The video contest asks UConn students to submit video based on the theme of the lecture, dismantling impressions. The contest is only opened to UConn students. And they also have other regular contests for students at elementary, middle, and high schools- essays talking about theme and the best essay wins a prize.


Janet (Don’t know last name)- I’m moving onto the interview stage and by next week we should have a decision made about what organization is going to have a room in the union.


1.  Megan O’Keefe (Comedy) – Comedy is getting ready for Skeeter. We’re doing a trip in the spring to a comedy club and currently working on getting a big name for the spring semester.

2.  Jose Delgado (Concert) – Just had our biweekly meeting. We came up with an idea of doing battle of bands but voted against it because takes away from budget for winter and spring. We’re talking to Groove Boston for the winter concert. The winter concert is Feb 5th. We’re starting to look at different people for the spring concert.

3.  Megan Fainer (Film) – Found Footage Festival is next week. There are two travel trips coming up- Spectre and the Hocus Pocus Salem trip. Tickets are on sale now until the day before Spectre and a couple days before Hocus Pocus.

4.  Jared Miller (Fine and Performing Arts) – No report.

5.  Haley McMullen (Lecture) – The last lecture wasn’t that great so I mentioned my lecture to FYE mentors so we have a big group of first year students. Next formal meeting I’ll be posting something about a public speaking contest and am going to talk to the Communications Department about it. It will take place after Thanksgiving break. We are currently looking at major lecturers for the spring.

6.  Marissa Carbone (Major Weekends) – We’ve been talking about what we’ll be doing for Winter Weekend. Homecoming went really well so thank you. Committee thinks we’re going to do a Harry Potter themed Winter Weekend.

7.  Nicole Baker (Special Events) – Boston Duck Tours went well and I have event this upcoming Wednesday.

8.  Corey Tuck (Sports Promotion) – The Islanders vs. Bruins trip is in 2 weeks.

9.  Christian Spaar & Rachel Finlaw (Outreach) – No report.

USG Report: Not in attendance.

Advisor Reports:

1.  Michael Malenfant – I’m excited to secure funds for Amy Poehler and I’m excited to join you all at NACA.

2.  Jessica Gerum – Great job at adding events to the master calendar. Congrats for ending the semester strong with a lot of programs. Take that creativity and start applying it to the spring. Winter break goes by fast so we encourage you to start thinking about the spring. We need to get ahead of smaller organizations so larger venue spaces are still available. Great work and keep it up.

3.  Kyle Neary – Now that Janet is in role officially if you have any union issues or suggestions send them her way. If you’re running into issues she is there to help you get through those types of things. Event evaluations- makes sure they’re getting done within a reasonable amount of time. Get information about events to Amanda so the front desk workers have it. They get most of the calls and see most of the faces.

4.  Eric Bouchard- Arts committee application is live right now so please share it with your committee and hopefully we can fill the chair within the next few weeks.

5.  Michelle Scali –Hope you finish off the semester strong and I’m excited for planning for spring.

The SUBOG Cup was awarded to Megan Finer by Nicole Baker.

Joe Rosa moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 4:27 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted:

Quian Callendar