Student Staff Live In Conference (SSLI)
2016 Information & Conference Bid Packet
Conference Hosting Information
Are you looking for a great professional development opportunity for your department? How about a project that creates an amazing learning and bonding experience for your staff as well? Well, we have the opportunity for you! MACUHO is looking for a bid submissions to Host the Student Staff Live-In Conference (SSLI).
The STUDENT STAFF & LIVE-IN PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE (SSLI)is a conference intended to enhance the experience of both student staff and professional staff alike! This conference is held in late October/early November and provides student staff and professionals within the region an energetic opportunity to learn, grow, and expand professionally and personally.
The REC committee will select one school to host this conference. In the event that the size of the conference is unmanageable for one institution, schools are encouraged to consider bidding to host together. The average conference attendance size ranges from 450-600 participants.
The attached bid packet will provide you with an overview of what things you need to consider if you and your staff want to host a conference. Bids must be received by June 1st, 2016to . The REC Committee will review all packets submitted, and packets will also be presented to the Leadership Council at the Summer Summit on June 16th-17th. The chosen host site will be notified by the end of June.
We do hope that you might seriously consider this opportunity to enrich so many lives. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information below. MACUHO and the REC committee will be there for support and guide you through the process. We look forward to your bid submission.
Recognition, Education, and Connections Committee
The annual Student Staff and Live-In Conference (SSLI) is designed for undergraduates and live-in professionals.
The first SSLI conference (originally known as the Resident Assistant Conference) was held in 1975. There is no official rotation process throughout the region, although geographic location within the region in relation to immediate past conferences will be one consideration used when evaluating a conference bid. Recent conference hosts include:
Conference Theme
2015Rowan University“A Space for Every Face”
2014Bucknell University“Everything is Awesome!”
2013Salisbury University“Insta Your Potential”
2012Rutgers Newark“Program InspiRAtion”
2011Pennsylvania State University“All Aboard: Get Your Ticket To Your
2010Temple University“Digital Download”
2009University of Maryland Eastern Shore“Broadcasting Live: WORL”
*Although in the past, institutions decided to host SSLI alone, the REC Committee always welcomes bid packets with more than one institution to co-host the Conference.
Time Frame
- Bid submissions will include a packet of written material, including a letter of support from the upper administration of each primary institution (Director of Department or VP of Student Affairs).
- Decisions about awarding the conference will be made within one month of the submission deadline. Depending on the details reviewed at the meeting, additional information may be requested and/or alternate arrangements may be requested before a bid is officially accepted.
Basic Requirements
- Size: Any selected site should be capable of accommodating 450– 600 delegates
- Time: The SSLI Conference should be held in October-November each year.
- Proposed SSLI dates may not conflict with the Annual Conference dates, November 6-9.
- Meeting Rooms: One space for allattendants is needed for the Welcome/Keynote (space should seat 450-600 people); between 7 and 10 rooms seating 45-60 people each are needed for program sessions. If possible, all rooms should be in a central location, but this is not required.
- Accommodations: The host site should be able to provide information on hotel group rates in local area for up to 100 rooms, which would accommodate overnight stay delegates.
- Food Service: The facility will need to be able to accommodate lunch, potentially breakfast and closing refreshments as well, if the budget permits. (If the budget does not permit, then host should provide information on local establishments where attendants can acquire snacks or breakfast.) The facility will need to accommodate a variety of food options (vegan, vegetarian, kosher, etc.). Specific options should be detailed and visible during the conference registration process.
- Transportation: The Host Committee itself is not responsible for arranging transportation for conference delegates, but is required to provide information regarding parking on site.
- Entertainment: Each Host Committee is strongly encouraged to arrange for fun activities that delegates can participate in on the Friday before the conference.
- Facilities: All program, food, and entertainment spaces/services should be accessible to all participants including those with hearing, vision, and mobility limitations.
- Registration and recognition: If needed, the Host Committee is responsible for creating a folder for each conference attendee, and certificates for conference presenters may also be awarded.
Finance and Registration
The minimum financial goal of a SSLI Conference is to end up with a zero balance – expensesshould equal revenue. No Host Committee should expect funds from MACUHO or the host institution to subsidize the costsof the conference. Should a conference have excess revenue after all expenses are paid, this “profit”reverts back to the MACUHO General Budget – no Host Committee, institution, or individual mayretain these funds.
The bid should have a budget based on 450 delegates. While the expected registration may beslightly more than this, it is important to show that the conference can be a break even event financially ifattendance is lower than normal.
Registration fees have ranged in recent years from $25.00 to $40.00 (2013-2015) for all registrants. It is at the host institution’s discretion to allow for early bird registration or to increase the registration fee past the advertised registration deadline.
Please also follow MACUHO’s cancellation policy for the registration process:
By Registering for this event, you acknowledge agreement to the MACUHO cancellation policy:
To cancel a registration, a written request (e-mail is acceptable) must be sent to host chairs (insert email address). Telephone requests will not be honored. Please allow 2-4 weeks for refunds to be completed.
o Refund requests received by within 30 days of the event will receive a full refund less a $XX administrative fee (typically 10%).
o Refund requests received within 14- 29 days of the event will receive a refund equal to 50 percent of the appropriate registration feesless a $XX administrative fee (typically 10%).
o Refund requests received or postmarked with the 13 days of the event will not be honored.
The registration fee should cover all aspects of the conference, including all programming rooms, activities, and food offerings. Theseinclude breakfast and lunch, entertainment options, and conference supplies (program book,any giveaways, etc.). The registration fee does not include housing expenses for overnight stay delegates.
Please note that members of the Host Committee and attendants from the Host institution(s) are also required to register for the Conference and are not waived from the registration fee.
An estimated number of volunteers should be included in the projected attendance.
See Budget Sample Worksheet for additional details.
Bid Submission
The members of the bid institution(s) must prepare a formal budget proposal, a completed bid packet application which includes budget, conference site information outlining vital statistics of meeting rooms, meals provided and a basic outline of proposed entertainment. All interested chairs will be given time to present the information to the MACUHO REC Committee Co-Chairs. The following items will need to be included with the bid packet application:
- Conference Theme - concept and visuals
- A map of the conference site for reference and highlight where each event will be held, including potential campus tours
- A programming room layout which outlines room capacities, square footage, audio-visual capabilities, etc.
- An operating budget including registration costs, food costs, room rentals, a/v rentals, entertainment, and host incidentals
- Descriptions, locations, and cost for 2 – 3 Overnight Hotel Options
- Highlight Friday Night Entertainment ideas
- A Conference at a Glance (proposed conference schedule)
- The logo for the conference would be appreciated but is not required
- Add a letter of support from the host institution(s)–typically from the Director of Residence Life or the VP of Student Affairs
- Proposed conference date(s)
Once your Bid Proposal has been accepted, it is time to hit the ground running! The first thing you willneed to do is confirm the conference site, catering, and program spacedetails are secured and proceed with finalizing any necessary contracts. Rememberto keep track of this money so that you budget appropriately!
The Host Committee will be required to have a conference call with the MACUHO Treasurer to ensure all details for the budget are clear and understood prior to any continued planning. In addition, the Host Committee will be required to complete a registration tutorial for with the MACUHO leadership. Members of the Host team will work with MACUHO’s Director of Information Technology to gain access to the registration site and backend data collection.
The Host Committee will be required to conduct regular meetings via telephone or video conference with the Co-Chairs of MACUHO REC Committee to provide updates and coordinate planning.
MACUHO Recognition, Education and Connections Committee
I. General Information
Please complete the enclosed information and provide an example for each section below. Proposals are to be emailed no later thanJune 1st, 2016.
Please complete the following:
Theme or Title: Click here to enter text.
Desired Day(s) and Date(s): Click here to enter a date.Site: Click here to enter text.
Potential Back Up Date: Click here to enter a date.
Location/Address of conferencing site: Click here to enter text.
Host Institution(s):Click here to enter text.
Chair/Contact Person(s): Click here to enter text.
Mailing Address(es): Click here to enter text.
Phone Number(s): Click here to enter text.
E-mail Address(es): Click here to enter text.
II. Projected Attendance
The registration fee should be based on the cost for administrative materials, promotional materials, facilities expense, food and refreshments during the conference. The actual attendance from conference to conference will vary depending on program content, geographical location, date, etc. The committee recommends a $25.00 to $40.00 amount be budgeted per individual attending. If your institution is determined to be the host of the conference, the REC committee will provide information and personal contacts to assist the host committee in planning and executing the conference.
Maximum attendance capacities: Click here to enter text.
Note: Attendance figures should include host institution(s). Host committee is required to cover the attendance costs for all host institution’s attendees and committee members.
III. MACUHO Scholarship Fund
There is a $5.00 per delegate contribution that needs to be built into all Student Staff Live-In Conference registration fees. This scholarship fund was established in 2003 to better assist the needs of the students and to be able to award more scholarships throughout the year for undergraduate and graduate students. Please make sure that this is built into your budget. The check must be payable to MACUHO by no later than 3 weeks after the conference. This fee cannot be waived.
IV. Your Membership Registration
There is a $5.00 per delegate fee that will cover the usage of the online registration system, This fee must be built into all Student Staff Live-In Conference registration fees. This fee cannot be waived.
V. Program Information
Agenda-Format: Please complete and attach a tentative schedule for events. Below is an example:
Friday evening activities for both student and professional staff
Saturday activities:
9-10am Welcome and Keynote Address
10:15-11:15 Session I
11:30-12:30 Session II
12:30-1:15 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Session III
2:45 – 3:30Potential campus tours
3:45-4:15 Closing Reception/ Snack
VI. Conference Host Bid Proposal Guidelines
- Getting Started
- Site Location/availability
- Identify number and size of rooms available
- Consideration as it relates to location of sites (ease of walking, parking, etc.)
- Availability of A/V equipment
- Confirmation of facilities and equipment
- A Campus Map
- Secure institutional support
- *A letter of support from chief housing officer for each hosting institution
- Establish organizational/leadership structure
- Major committees
- Committee chairpersons
- Number of people needed for committees
- Budget (see Proposed Budget Template)
- Timelines
- Promotional Materials/Marketing
- Program proposals
- Conference registrations
- Possible registration/sign-up for programs shortly before Conference
- Planning
- Selecting a date
- Theme and logo (gimmicks and giveaways)
- Speaker(s): Keynote, Welcome, Closing
- Accommodations (hotels: cost/location)
- Publicity and promotions (website, listserv, newsletter, regional coordinators, etc.)
- Communicate with MACUHO REC Committee Co-Chairs regularly between packet approval conference date
- Meals/ Friday evening dinner or refreshments
- Registration/check-in
- Lunch
- Refreshments at closing
- Refreshments
- Program and Content
- Schedule
- The number of programs offered during each session should correlate with the number of registered attendees. Average number in a session should be 45-60 attendees. You may want to offer campus tours to substitute for a program or a unique institutional experience.
- Program proposals
- Program selection numbers and timeline
- Assigning rooms and equipment
- One space for all attendants is needed for the Welcome/Keynote (space should seat 450-600 people); between 7 and 10 rooms seating 45-60 people each are needed for program sessions. If possible, all rooms should be in a central location, but this is not required.
- Assigning committee members to moderate each program
- Special activities (the night prior to the conference for those who may stay over)
- Registration materials
- Potential hotels for visiting schools
- Evaluations (per session/overall)
- Last Minute Details and the Actual Conference
- Registration including directions/campus map
- Parking
- Signs indicating where to park and register
- Securing conference staff/ volunteers
- Final preparations
- Trouble Shooting
- Evaluation and Reports
- Process the conference evaluations
- Summary and report to REC Co-Chairs
- Close the budget with MACUHO Treasurer
- Thank You’s
Please send all conference bids tothe MACUHO REC email account
Questions? Contact the REC Committee Chairs:
Nicole Clemson Johnny Kocher
Co-Chair MACUHO-REC Committee Co-Chair MACUHO-REC Committee
Office of Residence Life Office of Residence Life
Maryland Institute College of ArtWest Virginia University
410-225-5277 304-293-5037
The MACUHO REC Committee thanks you for your involvement!