tool g: QI team meeting guidance & meeting minute template
- Are groups that work on specific QI efforts
- Meet to review collected data, plan how best to work together with other QI team members to help the wider network achieve their QI aim, and delegate specific responsibilities to one another when implementing the agreed plan
- Should understand the change concepts of their QI aim and study whether the concepts are leading to desired results
- Should have a “champion” or team leader
To meet regularly to review QI data for the assigned QI aim, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the changes made to reach the aim and generate recommendations for the RN on how to accelerate progress towards reaching that aim.
- QI team meetings should happen at least once per month between quarterly QI workshops.
- The QI team lead should select a time and location for the meeting so that everyone from the QI team can attend – if a member cannot attend, then someone present at the meeting should be tasked with contacting the other who was not present to fill them in and explain what is expected next.
- Meetings should not be longer than one hour.
- QI teams should assign a meeting chair and minute taker for each meeting; these responsibilities should be rotated between team members each month to allow everyone to gain experience leading a meeting and reporting.
- Create a summary of your meeting discussion to present at the next monthly RN meeting. If you have suggested changes to the change concepts, they should be presented at the meeting for adoption by RN members.
- Develop and document list of questions you may have for the RN, successes observed in prior month, challenges anticipated and how you think they can be overcome – share these as an update for all referral partners during the next monthly review meeting.
Use the discussion points below for each QI team meeting to discuss progress for your QI aim and the strengths and weaknesses of its change package.
- Review each of the change concepts:
- What part(s) of the change concepts are working well?
- Is there a way those changes can be improved further?
- What part(s) of the change concepts are not working well?
- Why are these changes not working?
- How can they be improved to help reach the aim?
- Are there other gaps or weaknesses in the referral processes we should address to reach our QI aim that are not addressed by the current change concepts? If yes, discuss new change(s) that should be added. These gaps and suggested changes should be proposed to the RN at the next monthly RN meeting.
QI Team Meeting Minute Template
Date: ____ / _____ / ______/ Venue: ______/ Chairperson: ______/ Secretary: ______Participants: / 3. / 5. / 7.
4. / 6. / 8.
QI Aim:
Change CONCEPTS / Strengths / Weaknesses / QUESTIONS/RecommendationsChange 1
Change 2
Change 3
Change 4
Other Recommendations/Notes:
Next Meeting Date: ______/ ______/______