Student Senate Legislative Session Minutes
- Call to Order 4:31
- Roll-
- Special Orders
- No motions from executive cabinet because of snow day but we are having it tonight at night and having them approved by the entire SGA by Friday
- Meeting with president Hurley last Friday, institutional support:4.6 million estimated will be 9 million in 4 years
- New president Name Tyler Piano, we must be open to him and he will be on campus at 4pm I urge all senators to go and meet the new president.
- On Friday the board meeting is Thursday to Friday and there is a school wide protest to the board meeting. Alex urges you to get to the BOB meeting Friday at 9am. Alex is now the spokesperson of student senate will be at this protest.
- Committee Reports:
- AA: no report
- B/G: We are going to go through the findings from tabling and making motions
- C/O: no report
- Dining: new member, no report
- ERP: campaigning ending today, and ballots are out tomorrow
- E/C: no report
- LAA: no report
- ES: no report
- Publicity: no report
- Telecomm: New stuff for website, and send Dominic pictures
- VP (Ethan): none
- Secretary (Jaime): none
- Parliamentarian (Nikita): none
- Old Biz: none
- New Biz
- I Alexander Oblensky, motion that the SGA during its report to the board of visitors meeting February 18th-19th reiterate its request for a vote to be held on feasibilityof divestment, and express our extreme disappointment that the rector and the visitors never officially recognized or responded to that request.
- Call to question-second-all agree- motion passes
- I Alexander Oblensky, motion to make Calli Burkett a new member of Student Senate
- Call to question- second-all agree- motion passes
- I Alexanna Hengy, motion that dinning services committee work with Sodexo to bring vdis gluten free bread to the UC and Underground.
- Call to question-second-all agree- move to a recorded voice vote- motion passes
- Recorded voices-
- Opposed ( Haley, Ethan, Nick, Dylan, Nikita, Keegan)
- Favored (Max, Ben, Theo, Jordan, Alexanna, Taylor, Jessica, Ahad, Callie, Chris, Elizabeth, Kayla, Drew)
- Sustained (Matt, Bryant, Emily, Keegan, Viraj, Dominique)
- I Alexander Oblensky, motion to legislative and administrative affairs committee work with the office of the president to ensure that salaried compensation for the president of the University of Mary Washington does not exceed the salaried compensation of the President of the United States.
- Call to question-second-all agree-motion passes on a voice vote
- Announcements
- The presidential primary is March First and absentee ballot have to be requested before next Tuesday
- The ballot is open tomorrow, please vote.
- Adjourned (5:05).