The Qualitative Case Study in Business and Management Research

Dates:16-17 May 2018

Times: 09.45-16.00 (16th)

09.45-13.00 (17th)

Venue:Seminar Room 1.02, Charles Thakrah Building, University of Leeds

Course objectives

  • To provide advanced training to later stage PhD students and early career researchers regarding the diversity of ways of conducting case research in Business and Management Disciplines;
  • To identify and discuss how ontological and epistemological assumptions affect views about quality criteria and research design of qualitative case study research;
  • To develop skills on how to conduct research in cross-cultural and multi-lingual case study settings;
  • To develop research and writing skills for case study researchers aiming at top tier business and management academic journals;
  • To provide training on how to deal with reviewer comments in top tier business and management academic journals;
  • To establish a network of qualitative case study researchers that will share best case study practices.

Rebecca Piekkariis Professor of International Business at Aalto University School of Business, Finland. She is an expert in qualitative research methods in International Business and has co-edited (with Catherine Welch) two volumes, namely Rethinking the Case Study in International Business and Management Research and Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for International Business. Her other research interests focus on language issues in international business, organizational architecture and design, control and coordination mechanisms in multinational corporations. She has published in various academic journals including the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Industrial Marketing Management, International Business Review, International Journal of Management Reviews and Organizational Research Methods.



Day 1 / The qualitative case study in business and management research
09.45-10.00 / Registration and refreshments
10.00-12.00 / Defining Case Study Research
The Case Study under Different Paradigmatic Lenses
12.00-12.30 / Lunch
12.30-14.00 / Quality Criteria in Case Study Research
Case Study Research in Cross-Cultural Settings
14.00 / Break
14.30-16.00 / Preparing and Writing Case Study Research for Top Tier Academic Journals Conclusion and Reflection of the Workshop
Day 2 / Writing and publishing qualitative case-based research
09.45-10.00 / Registration and refreshments
10.00-12.00 / Dealing with Reviewer Comments
12.00-13.00 / Lunch and close

Directions to the University of Leeds:

Charles Thakrah is building number 15 on the downloadable campus map.

To register your interest:

Please complete all sections of the registration form below, making sure to include additional information (not exceeding 200 words) where requested.

You will receive notification if a place is allocated to you. Please do not make any travel arrangements until you have received confirmation of a place. We have a limited number of places available on NARTI training sessions and if at any time you need to withdraw your registration or cancel your place please inform us immediately so that we can offer the place to someone else. Please note that non-attendance is recorded and will have an impact on future selection.

It is expected that you participate for the full duration of the seminar and allow sufficient time for travelling to the venue.

NARTI and the host institutionwill cover the full cost of the event and participants are asked to cover the cost of any travel and accommodation as required.

For further information about this seminar or any other NARTI training event, please contact Jo Garrick.


Area of research
Level of study / □ Doctoral Student (please indicate your year of study)
□ Academic researcher
Email address
Confirmation that you are available for all seminar datesand for the full duration of the programme.
Dietary requirements
Disability requirements
200 word summary of why you wish to participate in the workshop and any previous training attended (including date and location)

Please return to Jo Garrick () by no later than Tuesday 3rd April 2018.