Student Project Proposal Application
The LyleCenter seeks to foster student scholarly and creative activities that further the Center’s mission of advancing the principles of environmentally sustainable living. Students wishing to pursue independent projects or activities on site, either independently or in conjunction with an academic course must first complete this formand receive Director’s approval. Approval must be granted before beginning any work on site.
We suggest that students consult with both faculty and staff prior to completing this form. Students pursuing projects for academic credit as an RS 691/692 or RS 400 level course are required to submit an approved copy of this form to their faculty advisor prior to enrolling in the course.
Name______Student ID ______Date ______
Email Address ______Phone ______
AdvisingFaculty(if applicable)______Course(if applicable)______
Title of Project:
Project Description(state research question, describe project or experiment, data collected and expected outcomes – 200 word limit):
Describe how this project furthers the mission of the LyleCenter:
Describe duration of the project(allow time for set up, research, and clean up):
Project Initiation______
Project Completion,
including Clean up
and submission of
final report______
Will this project span two or more academic quarters?YesNo
If the answer is yes, please describe a general timeline of activities.
Does the project result in permanent alterations to the landscape or buildings at the Center?
____Yes ____No
If the answer is yes, what will be the permanent changes?
Site Access or Requirements(Explain where the project will occur, what is the expected impact on the site, what special access you might need to Center facilities):
Staff Assistance required(Staff assistance is not available for most aspects of student projects, however there may be the need for assistance with certain tasks, such as operation of equipment, site access, etc. Please describe assistance required. We suggest you discuss your project with a few staff members so you can be specific with what time or specific tasks you might need from them.):
Equipment and Materials Required (Equipment and materials are generally only provided for student projects on an as-available basis. Students are expected to provide their own materials in most cases. Please list materials and equipment needed, and note which items you are requesting to be provided by the Center. Please provide cost information for these materials and any equipment the Center would need to purchase. The contribution of materials and the purchasing of equipment will be scrutinized carefully by the Center, due to limited funds):
Student Initial
Please initial the following indicating you have read, understood and agreed to abide by the policies listed herein.
______Physical projects must be completely removed upon completion of the project and the site returned to its original condition, unless described above and approved by the Director.
______No funding, staff assistance, materials or equipment will be provided by the LyleCenter unless listed herein and approved by the Director.
______AllLyleCenter equipment must be cleaned and returned in good working order after each use.
______All unused materials purchased or provided by the Center must be returned after completion of the project.
______No hazardous conditions, applications or materials will be allowed on site.
______Upon completion of the project you must submit a report (5 page maximum) describing the project and your results for use by the Center, and inclusion in its library.
______You agree toacknowledge the support of the Center and the contributions of its staff to the project in any reports, publications or presentations.
______You givethe Center permission to publicize the study on our web site or in other materials.
______Signed approval of this form must be granted before commencing work.
______You understand that failure to meet any of the above conditions may result in a hold placed on your academic record, until the violation is resolved to the satisfaction of Center staff.
Staff Signature ______Date______
Staff Signature ______Date______
Director Signature______Date______
_____Approved_____ Approved subject to conditions listed below _____ Denied