Student Information Sheet
Mr. Perrone
PHS English Department
Name ______Homeroom ______
Address ______Phone ______
Student Email: ______(Please print clearly)
Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) ______
Parent/Guardian Phone: ______
Parent/ Guardian Email: ______
Course: ______Text Book # (if applicable)______
Clubs/ Activities in which you are/ will be involved: ______
What are the three things that you feel you need to learn in this course?
WE, the undersigned Student and Parent(s)/ Guardian(s), have read the syllabus, and the course/classroom expectations and fully understand the contents within. We understand that we may contact Mr. Perrone at anytime by calling 610.970.6700, ext 82278 or email to to ask questions or express concerns.
Parent/ GuardianDate
Parent/ GuardianDate
Course/ Classroom Procedures
Room 264
Mr. Perrone
Believe * Prepare * Achieve
- Enter the classroom immediately and sit in your assigned seat. The bell work/ DOL will be posted on the board. Begin this immediately.
- The use of ANY electronic devices is PROHIBITED in the classroom unless expressly permitted by me in certain in restricted circumstances. See page 17 of the student handbook for further information.
- If you are late to class you must have a teacher, staff, or administrator, signature in your agenda, or it will count as an unexcused tardy.
- Bring all of your materials with you to class. I will not issue locker passes for you to get something you forgot. You will have to make up work at my convenience.
- You must sign out and take your pass book every time you leave the classroom. I will only sign in- tact agenda books (the student handbook portion must be present.)
- Do not bring food or drink (except water) into the classroom unless given permission to do so. Such violations will result in administrative detentions.
- Sleeping or putting your head down is unacceptable. You will make up time after school within one day as such incidents happen.
- Do not leave your seats at the end of the block until I dismiss you. No HERDING at the door.
- Homework will be assigned daily as deemed by the course content. It is due when indicated. Failure to complete assignments will incur indicated point deduction.
- Class attendance is necessary to pass the course. It is your responsibility to check with me for make up work/ missed work. I will follow the policy contained in the student handbook.
- BE PROMPT, POLITE, and PRODUCTIVE, and the course will be more than you dreamed.
“All things are possible until they are proven impossible- and even the impossible may only be as of now.”
---Pearl S. Buck
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
---NLP adage
--- Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back