9 June 2006 2006/13
Current national security alert level: Medium
Long Service and Good Conduct Medals and Clasps 2
Youth Justice Conferences - Memorandum of Understanding and Guidelines 10
Overt video surveillance policy 11
Policy and procedure for the use of video recordings collected at incidents 15
Multi-agency risk assessment of white powder or suspicious package incidents 19
Personal protective equipment entry control at incidents and training 21
Collecting smoke alarm data 22
Fuel and oil contract 23
Security cameras at the Hazmat Service Centre 24
Vacancies 25
Project Officer (Electrical), Clerk 7/8, Engineering Services Unit 25
Alarms Administrator, Clerk 5/6, Communications 25
Communications Administrator, Network Services, Clerk Grade 5/6,
Communications 26
Vacancies 27
Researcher/Investigator, Fire Investigation and Research Unit 27
Community Risk Management Officer, North 27
Station Commander, Goonellabah 28
Workplace Assessor, Region South 28
Instructor Appliance Training 29
Operators, Katoomba Communication Centre 29
Operator/ICV Driver, Sydney Communication Centre 30
Appointments 31
Promotions 31
New members appointed to Brigades 32
Appointed to Ranks 32
Transfers 32
Termination 32
Resignations 32
Retirement 33
Transferred to Honorary List 33
Long Service and Good Conduct Medals and Clasps
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
224017 Paul Abbott
7342 Stewart Alexander
7351 Derek Alford
264024 William Allan
7334 Ian Anderson
7312 Christopher Andrews
7301 John Angwin
257032 Christine Archer
7329 Allan Atkin
477026 Steven Avasalu
362024 Andrew Bailey
7431 Paul Baker
28033 Christine Bals
7405 Gary Barber
372024 Colin Barnard
497033 Paul Barrass
324017 James Bartels-Waller
7392 Lucas Bates
212019 Peter Bath
7432 Gregory Bathurst
94031 Grant Batiste
7382 Scott Baxter
464054 Graham Beames
279022 Michael Beaumont
7367 Paul Beaven
72079 Bradley Beddoes
7383 Scott Bennett
28017 Raymond Berger
7423 Deri Best
257027 Colin Bird
419022 Jason Bliss
235022 Bruce Boorer
7317 Adam Booth
305065 Keri-lea Borchard
7433 Matthew Bramall
512018 Michael Bretag
491034 John Brouff
202026 Bruce Brown
233028 Charles Brown
386020 Nigel Brown
305042 Tony Brown
270024 Wayne Browne
447031 Scott Bryant
7361 Ian Bucci
7302 Raymond Buchanan
7297 Gareth Buckley
7298 Matthew Bull
208033 Russell Burgin
514018 Brett Burns
460039 Dean Butcher
7362 Brett Butler
444028 Gregory Butler
494025 Corey Bysouth
7315 Paul Campbell
7411 David Castle
7321 Glenn Caward
28971 Richard Cerveny
392025 Glen Chapman
418033 Peter Chisholm
7352 Anthony Christian
29063 Edward Clarke
253020 Rohan Coe
206025 Malcolm Coleman
47702 Paul Collins
7415 Jason Collits
82022 Jeffery Conway
204020 John Cook
7320 Paul Cooper
7374 James Cordell
484037 Randy Corling
244037 Brett Corven
7418 Peter Cottle
331031 Jeffrey Cowley
467031 Michael Crampton
461025 Stephen Cummins
280038 Raymond Cusack
7390 Daniel Cuskelly
7429 Sean Davies
389022 Paul Davis
398030 Scott Dawson
230019 Robert Day
470025 Steven Dibben
7360 Gary Dick
219021 Ian Dickson
234032 Ronald Dodwell
359027 John Dooley
266031 Michael Dowell
7310 Scott Downing
7311 Bradley Dubos
7356 Richard Duduc
7355 Glen Duncombe
7424 Andrew Dunkin
399027 Carl Dunn
454023 Robert Dunning
429020 John Easey
7435 Peter Eastment
7292 Trevor Eastwood
7434 Phillip Eberle
7399 Mark Ecob
7419 Martin Eelman
7413 Michael Egan
234040 Stephen Emmerton
477024 John Evans
205035 Brian Everett
344043 Jeffrey Ferguson
213027 Michael Firth
272035 Barry Fisher
7354 David Fisher
7296 Bruce Fitzpatrick
220045 Shannon Flint
470035 Scott Ford
257029 Stephen Foster
7365 Andrew Fraser
215022 Johnnie Freeman
359028 Robert Furner
7299 David Gallagher
363034 Robert George
7436 Constantine Gerasimou
205034 Brent Gerdes
380028 Joshua Gersbach
7357 Brad Giersch
261022 Stephen Gilbert
463025 Dean Gillespie
399024 Brian Gleeson
93001 Robert Gleeson
372020 Mark Goldie
395045 Rene Golik
362021 Ivan Gosper
7385 Craig Gostelow
7393 Jordan Gover
240035 Alan Graham
7322 Michael Graham
457022 Edwin Gray
372027 Owen Gray
340010 Brian Green
441022 Geoffrey Green
7428 Stephen Gregory-Jones
206015 Michael Griffin
7341 Mark Guider
402027 David Guthrie
7384 Darren Hall
491035 Jeffrey Hall
338019 Ricky Hall
210027 Scott Hamilton
340018 James Hansen
7306 Matthew Hardman
468037 Mark Harrison
7340 Brian Hawkins
484033 Rodney Healey
207030 Brian Heapy
337024 David Hedlund
381036 Aaron Heffernan
94026 Ralf Heim
7288 Ian Henson
351031 Wayne Hill
7343 Rodney Hockey
7350 Jeffrey Hogan
7437 Belinda Hooker
7307 Daniel Humphrey
7293 Bruce Ingersole
7368 Brett Jackson
380029 Julie James
7399 Scott Jarvis
7412 Christopher Jay
311046 Adam Johnson
7375 Darren Johnson
211020 Ian Johnson
458046 Kevin Johnston
7407 John Johnstone
457025 Graham Jones
442027 Gary Jordan
7326 Michael Julian
508018 Paul Kay
28984 Gordon Keen
28966 Simon Keena
7414 Craig Keith
202028 Christopher Kennedy
7417 Darren Kenny
7439 Grant Kenny
7440 Michael Kerslake
211022 Bruce Key
7381 Bradley Kilduff
270026 Laurence King
220025 Mark King
402039 Steven Kirin
315017 Michael Kirk
460058 Jason Knauer
424035 William Krantzcke
7404 Julian La Rosa
7386 Ian Lamp
7410 Glenn Lander
7442 Rodney Lang
7430 Stephen Larkins
271033 Shane Laverty
7353 Trent Lawrence
7376 Jeffrey Lay
7332 Anthony Lenthall
7287 Ian Levitt
7389 Guy Lightfoot
7422 Ian Loveday
7370 Rodney Lynch
7333 Todd Maguire
28975 Merilyn Malcolm
505022 Wayne Mant
78034 Neil Martin
424036 Geoffrey Matthews
293021 John McBurnie
424034 David McCarren
7323 Andrew McCready
358030 Scott McDonald
7394 Brett McEvoy
83027 Michael McGrath
266033 John McGregor
229030 James McKechnie
7349 David McKenna
7425 Gary McLean
7369 Douglas McPherson
303019 Bradley McSwan
284022 Bernard McTiernan
7443 Simon Melmeth
218019 Anthony Menon
7444 Walter Meredith
398034 Bryan Merry
7309 Joel Middleton
365021 Terry Mildren
233027 John Milgate
447033 John Mitchell
226024 Bryan Moon
213029 David Morris
7314 Ian Mountain
496023 Wayne Moyer
306033 Peter Muney
367038 David Murray
7303 Steven Muscat
7300 David Myers
7328 Gary Nash
7408 Richard Nau
7445 Ryan Neich
303018 James Neilson
29060 Orita Newell
360023 David Newman
496022 Graeme Nicholls
350016 Geoffrey Nicholson
464040 Darrel Oakley
7420 Murray Oastler
7395 James O’Brien
358029 Stewart O’Brien
229031 Andrew O’Connell
432044 James O’Donnell
484042 Daniel Ogle
7446 Edward O’Hara
7294 Peter Oliver
506022 Richard Orman
7403 Phillip O’Sullivan
399023 Peter Palmer
7364 Shane Park
7372 John Parrish
7377 Jeffrey Parsons
205036 Greg Partridge
7402 Steven Perkins
411017 Steven Perry
455028 David Pilton
7406 Duncan Podmore
7400 John Poulos
474038 Gareth Quin
280051 Raylene Quin
512019 Gavin Raccanello
210029 Guy Rays
214022 Darren Reaper
7358 Wayne Reed
373038 Robert Reeve
513021 Wayne Rendall
79032 Louis Richards
259019 Peter Riley
7347 John Roach
7387 Alan Robertson
377001 Phillip Rodgers
7416 Scott Rouse
293022 Leslie Rowlands
7447 Troy Rugless
7335 Matthew Ruse
7401 Wayne Rush
7427 Ben Salter
507026 Bruce Sanders
7348 Marc Saunders
502020 Christopher Sawyer
7289 Mark Sawyer
7327 John Scott
449021 Robert Scott
7373 Timothy Seeney
7378 Dave Seifert
206019 Nigel Semmens
8441 Mitchell Sheather
471021 Athol Shelton
471019 Craig Shelton
453044 James Short
337025 Kevin Siemsen
204023 Jason Simpson
29055 Peter Skinner
498032 Francis Smith
487024 Gary Smith
337023 Jarrod Smith
313023 Phillip Smith
429021 Robert Smith
28972 Vicki Smith
7304 Chris Stathis
7448 Cheryl Steer
7363 Shane Stephens
514005 Benjamin Stevenson
391028 Christopher Stewart
7313 Robert Stewart
7325 Troy Stockwell
7359 Sasha Strugar
7366 Phillip Sturges
251022 David Sulis
7380 Paul Sullivan
7308 Adrian Sutherland
338020 Michael Swinney
7719 Rodney Tabone
499025 Richard Tait
305040 Paul Taylor
347027 Robert Taylor
29070 Guy Tesoriero
259021 Adam Thompson
7409 Timothy Thompson
397032 Garry Thornton
385019 Ian Thorpe
7379 Andrew Ticehurst
482029 Bruce Timmins
476020 Gregory Topple
323020 Michael Trounson
28974 Nghiem Truong
7388 Graeme Tull
360022 Paul Turner
7421 Luke Unsworth
360020 Andrew Valenta
7331 Nathan Van der Meulen
511026 Antonius Van Leeuwen
442026 Benjamin Van Loo
94029 Dirk Van Wely
444029 David Vaughan
81034 Martin Vedmore
7291 Mark Verhoeven
428052 Corey Wackett
29051 John Wademan
465024 David Wake
393023 Simon Walmsley
343029 Brett Walsh
28970 Elisa Walsh
7391 Richard Warry
313021 Richard Watling
445040 Robert Watson
7336 Stuart Wetherall
412042 Peter White
372023 Peter White
231040 Sheree White
7622 Glenn Whitehead
331032 Robert Wighton
483017 Peter Williams
349026 Colin Wilson
491032 Geoffrey Wilson
363033 Geoffrey Wilson
7396 Ross Wilton
471020 James Wisemantel
7371 Geoffrey Wood
7319 Robert Woods
7305 Edward Wooltorton
399021 Reginald Wright
7295 Phillip Yabsley
269026 Graham Yates
7450 Gregory Young
First Clasp
6201 Gregory Adams
6249 Peter Adams
6242 James Aisbett
6304 Robert Ambrose
6164 Michael Anderson
6161 Michael Arnold
266017 James Atkinson
234013 Edward Babula
6310 David Baigent
6203 Paul Bailey
6255 Steven Baker
6292 Steven Bamford
6253 Heather Barnes
232010 David Barton
429012 Graham Batho
6396 Mark Battams
6346 Mark Beare
6446 Wayne Bebington
6268 Charles Begley
6401 Anthony Bellew
253015 Colin Bennett
237014 Josef Bereza
6297 Andrew Blacklaw
6224 Christopher Blanchard
6372 Gregory Blanche
6889 Jay Bland
6447 Timothy Boissery
29236 Suzy Bosevska
502013 Leslie Bramble
295013 Noel Bratton
6205 James Bray
6430 Stephen Bray
6609 Terrance Brennan
6424 Glenn Brickwood
6257 Craig Brierley
458014 Gary Broadbent
394001 Robert Brooker
6291 Garry Brown
492014 Glen Brown
6160 Robert Brownlow
6425 Phillip Burgess
6256 Denise Butcher
342012 Leonard Café
392038 Michael Callinan
6475 Robert Callow
6122 Bruce Cameron
6218 Mark Castelli
6371 Mark Cavanough
205018 Malvern Chaffey
75011 Philip Challinor
6455 Michael Chant
6241 Peter Clark
6411 Thomas Clarkstone
223013 Graeme Clements
6338 Brett Close
6342 Mark Clout
457014 Christopher Coker
6439 John Considine
6449 Michael Cook
6175 Craig Cooper
6474 Dennis Cornell
6200 John Coughlan
282014 David Crane
6412 James Crookston
385014 Dean Cross
6152 Brett Crotty
29918 Patricia Crowe
6185 Michael Curtis
207014 Peter Daniel
412024 Gary Davidson
6198 Craig Davies
432013 David Davies
496012 Peter Davies
6240 John Davy
6295 Antonis De Simone
6318 Anthony Dennis
6463 Robert Dennis
6350 Matthew Dent
6390 Laurence Denyer
6168 Neil Diven
7704 Brett Dixon
6370 Mark Dixon
6381 Mark Dodge
212012 Wayne Donehue
6178 Scott Douglas
6271 Ian Doust
316013 Ian Drew
6465 John Duff
267013 Robert Duncan
6373 Brett Ebbeck
6413 Brent Edwards
75010 Graeme Edwards
7419 Martin Eelman
6226 Colin Eldridge
6429 Brian Ellicott
428025 Edward Erland
314016 Bernard Etheridge
342011 Glen Evans
477012 Stephen Farr
6470 David Felton
6283 Bernard Fenasse
284012 Robert Ferguson
6395 Peter Field
6132 David Finch
6433 Kenneth Finn
6361 Robert Finnie
6472 Ross Fitzpatrick
6145 David Fleming
6358 William Flodin
6480 Andrew Flowers
6207 Simon Flynn
6142 Wayne Foley
6392 Mark Forbes
398015 William Foster
6173 Peter Fotis
6239 Timothy Fox
6473 Carl Franklin
29615 Christopher Fraser
6243 Richard Fraser
6306 Christopher Frost
6437 Anthony Furner
6478 Maxwell Gale
6247 Peter Gale
6278 Wayne Garrard
472024 David Gill
6123 Geoffrey Green
6337 John Green
511018 Christopher Grieves
6329 Tony Gutteridge
6423 Grant Haar
345015 Anthony Hackenberg
29361 Allan Haddad
6276 John Hamling
6162 Frederick Hampton
468051 David Hardcastle
6188 Mark Hardie
6444 Craig Hare
6189 Robert Harley
6383 David Harris
355013 Neil Hart
6299 Jon Hartley
6155 Craig Harvey
6407 Peter Harwood
6426 Rodney Hawkins
6369 Terrence Hay
494016 Robert Hayes
6209 Michael Hehir
6445 Richard Heinrich
6415 Brett Henshaw
6476 Christopher Higgs
6258 Robert Hill
6336 Angus Holmes
6320 David Honan
6363 Gregory Hopcroft
6270 Paul Hord
6211 Bradley Howard
6387 Christopher Hudson
278017 Paul Hussey
6335 Ross Hyland
6406 Peter Jacobs
6477 Raymond James
6333 Robert Jansen
6147 Gregory Jeffery
6263 Quentin Johnson
6403 Russell Johnson
6367 Paul Johnstone
6459 John Karimanovic
6410 Neil Kearney
6461 Glenn Kimpton
6290 Robert Kinsela
337016 Graham Kirk
6404 Rory Kirkpatrick
6128 Terrence Kirkpatrick
6448 David Kitching
6428 John Kite
6179 John Krajcik
371012 Phillip Lane
295023 Paul Langley
6119 Graham Lawrie
405032 Craig Lenehan
6452 Brett Lennon
218014 Royce Lett
6399 Peter Levett
6436 Philip Lindsay
6181 Glenn Lockhart
6378 Gregory Lofthouse
6467 Glen Lord
6182 Neville Loveday
6280 Robert Maciejowski
6225 Vincent MacNamara
452016 Brian Maher
6321 Neil Maloney
6351 Peter Markham
6339 Wayne Martin
6360 Dawn Maynard
6251 Geoffrey McAllister
6389 Lance McCabe
6282 Gregory McCall
239015 Garry McConnell
6149 Leo McCrory
6479 Grant McDonald
449013 Leslie McDonald
6355 Paul McGuiggan
6438 Roger McIvor
302017 Gregory McLaren
6204 Robert McLintock
6340 James McMahon
6215 John McNamara
6427 Kel McNamara
6212 Antone McPherson
6196 Gary Meagher
6312 Jonathan Meakin
6327 Edward Melinz
6345 Maxwell Metzker
474017 Robert Michielin
206014 William Miller
6380 Chad Mitchell
6126 John Moat
6118 Stewart Moat
6288 Brett Moir
6248 Michael Molloy
84014 Robert Moody
6137 David Mooney
468023 Michael Mooney
6267 Glen Moran
507014 Raymond Moran-Webb
6183 Wayne Morris
460012 Stephen Moxon
491013 Stephen Muir
6115 Kenneth Murphy
6287 Robert Murphy
286014 Zlatko Nemec
401013 Norman Newman
6269 Peter Newton
6129 Mark Nickisson
6254 Dennis Nielsen
6416 John Nixon
424017 Donald O’Bree
441014 Douglas O’Connor
6135 Grant O’Regan
6391 Michael O’Sullivan
6208 Stephen O’Sullivan
6384 Gary Overall
6307 Alan Paine
6362 Stephen Parkins
6466 Neil Parsons
237017 Allan Partridge
6453 Steven Pearce
400016 John Pearson
6273 Donald Pescud
6221 Harmut Peters
6382 Mark Peterson
6440 Thomas Phee
6324 Robert Phillips
6228 Timothy Phillips
456022 Gregory Pickersgill
6356 Robert Pinnock
6349 David Polson
6319 Brian Potter
6414 Gary Power
6217 Robert Price
6266 Leslie Pritchard
6220 Mark Pritchard
6418 Steven Purcell
6388 Paul Randall
6163 Scott Randall
6352 Bruce Ransome
6127 David Rendall
6302 Peter Richards
6150 Brian Riddell
6322 Stephen Ridgeway
6199 Ivo Risti
6457 John Ritchie
6130 Gregory Roberts
6157 Francisco Rodriguez
6125 Glen Rossetto
6402 Mark Roxby
360014 Keith Russell
6136 David Ryan
6450 Paul Ryan
6434 Edward Salinas
6236 Jeffree Savage
282011 Peter Saxby
268018 Wayne Schulz
471021 Athol Shelton
6334 Michael Sherwin
6117 Stephen Shields
6246 Ricki Shires
454013 Rodney Short
6141 Scott Simmons
6398 Kim Simpson
322013 Peter Skeers
394012 Vincent Slattery
6259 William Sluyter
6286 Brian Smart
390015 Cameron Smith
6998 Colin Smith
492016 Graham Smith
6124 John Smith
6237 Kenneth Smith
450012 Leonard Smith
6469 Martin Smith
6139 Paul Smith
337018 Peter Smith
6471 Wayne Smith
6432 William Spek
6174 Lindsay Speldewinde
6143 Richard Spiteri
6170 Glen Stenner
237013 Ian Stevenson
268017 Darren Stewart
6849 Glenn Stewart
7313 Robert Stewart
6153 Peter Stirling
6405 Barry Stokeld