Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Cooperative Agreement
Ebola Preparedness and Response
Performance Measure Guidance
April 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016
Version 2.0
Table of Contents
Introduction...... 3
Overview of the Ebola Performance Measures...... 3
Document Organization...... 4
EPR Performance Measure 1:...... 5
Community Preparedness – Healthcare Acquired Infections
EPR Performance Measure 2:...... 6
Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation – Monitoring Exposed Individuals
EPR Performance Measure 3:...... 7
Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation – Lost to Follow-up
EPR Performance Measure 4:...... 9
Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation – Close Contact Investigations
EPR Performance Measure 5:...... 10
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions – Decon/Environmental Cleaning
EPR Performance Measure 6:...... 12
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions – Waste Management
EPR Performance Measure 7:...... 14
Medical Surge – EMS Transport
EPR Performance Measure 8:...... 16
Public Health Laboratory Testing – Sentinel Clinical Lab Packaging and Shipping Preparedness
EPR Performance Measure 9:...... 17
Public Health Laboratory Testing – Public Health Lab Staff Certification for Packaging and Shipping
EPR Performance Measure 10:...... 18
Public Health Laboratory Testing – Laboratorian Ebola Testing Competence
EPR Performance Measure 11:...... 19
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions – Isolation and Quarantine
Data Collection Timeline
Domestic Ebola preparedness is a top CDCpriority. CDC has awarded $145 million in supplemental funding to the current 62 Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement awardees to support preparedness planning and operational readiness for responding to Ebola.
Funds are intended to:
- Support accelerated public health preparedness planning for Ebola within state, local, territorial, and
tribal public health systems.
- Improve and assure operational readiness for Ebola and support state, local, territorial, and tribal Ebola public health response efforts.
- Assure collaboration, coordination, and partnership with the jurisdiction’s healthcare system to assist in the development of a tiered system for Ebola patient care.
- Strengthen existing partnerships public health preparedness programs have built with healthcare,
epidemiology, and laboratory colleagues in their jurisdictions.
- Establish new partnerships with infection control programs in their jurisdictions to advance the
development of stronger healthcare system infection control programs.
PHEP supplemental funding targets the accelerated development of public health preparedness capabilities needed to prepare for Ebola. These include:
- Capability 1 - Community Preparedness;
- Capability 4 - Emergency Public Information and Warning / Capability 6 - Information Sharing;
- Capability 10 - Medical Surge;
- Capability 11 - Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions;
- Capability 12 - Public Health Laboratory Testing;
- Capability 13 - Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation; and
- Capability 14 - Responder Safety and Health.
Overview of the Ebola Performance Measures (EPR)
This document contains 11 supplemental performance measures. Four of these measures are specific to the PHEP program and will be collected by the Division of State and Local Readiness (DSLR). The four measures relate to specific activities outlined in the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) and Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreements / PHEP Supplemental for Ebola Preparedness and Response Activities, CDC-RFA-TP12-12010302SUPP15.
The remaining seven are joint performance measures that were developed in collaboration with three other CDC programs. These programs will collect and share data associated with these joint measures as indicated in the descriptions of the measures.The other programs include the Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion (DHQP); the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ); and theDivision of Preparedness and Emerging Infections (DPEI). The joint measures relate to activities outlined in the Domestic Ebola Supplement to Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) - Building and Strengthening Epidemiology, Laboratory and Health Information Systems Capacity in State and Local Health Departments, CK14-1401PPHFSUPP15. The ELC supplement covers three separate, but related, projects: (1) Healthcare Infection Control Assessment and Response, (2) Laboratory Biosafety, and (3) Global Migration, Border Interventions,
and Migrant Health. Building on the success of current PHEP and ELC joint measures, these new Ebola joint measures ensure accountability for key activities related to Ebola preparedness and response while also ensuring data collection efforts are not duplicative across CDC-funded programs.
The PHEP Ebola performance measures include two types of measures:
- Accountabilitymeasures to assess which awardees are completing key planning and training activities described in the PHEP Ebola supplemental guidance and
- Performance measures to assess how well a given activity or function is being performed.
As required in the PHEP Supplemental for Ebola Preparedness and Response Activities guidance, all awardees are required to report baseline and follow-up data via PERFORMS and other required reporting mechanisms. Awardees must submit baseline data on select performance measures in May 2015, along with follow-up data collection as part of routine progress reporting. Points-in-time data should be collected (collection months) and the time data should be reported into PERFORMS (reporting months) for each of the EPR performance measures as listed on the following pages of this guidance document.
Document Organization
This guidance document provides the following information:
- a brief description of each performance measure including the indicator;
- the capability to which the measure aligns;
- type of measure;
- whether it is a joint measure;
- which CDC division(s) collects the measure;
- who is required to report;
- months in which data will be reported in PERFORMS[1];
- targets for reporting when applicable;
- clarifying comments; and
- data elements to be collected.
EPR Performance Measure 1:
Community Preparedness – Healthcare-Acquired Infections
Measure/Indicator / Update state healthcare-acquired infections (HAI)action plan to include strategies for assessing gaps in infection control practices and outbreak reporting; assure relevant partners are added to the state HAI advisory group, including appropriate representation from preparedness partnersPublic health preparedness capability alignment / Community Preparedness
Type / Accountability
Joint measure / Yes.PHEP/ELC/Healthcare Infection Control
Collector / DHQP
Measure applies to / 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico
Reporting months / Oct 2015, April 2016, Oct 2016
Data elementstemplate (PERFORMS format) / 1. Has your state HAI action plan been updated to include strategies for assessing infection control practices, detecting infection control gaps, and improving outbreak reporting activities?[Yes/No]
a. When was this plan updated to include activities in question 1?[Max 25 characters]
2. Have relevant partners, including appropriate representation from preparedness partners, been added to the state HAI advisory group? [Yes/No/Preparedness already part of HAI Advisory group]
a. When was this plan updated to include activities in question 2? [Max 25 characters]
Information populated by DHQP. Please contact DHQP to correct any information provided to DSLR.
EPR Performance Measure 2:
Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation – Monitoring Exposed Individuals
Measure/indicator / Percentageof potentially exposed individuals who are successfully*monitored while in the jurisdiction*Note. Successful monitoring is defined as making contact with the monitored person with no gaps in reporting of more than 48 hours (for either AM or DAM)
Public health preparedness capability alignment / Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation
Type / Performance
Joint measure / Yes. PHEP/ELC/Global Migration
Collector / DSLR
Measure applies to / 60 PHEP awardees (All except Los Angeles County and Chicago)
Reporting months / Baseline: (Collect from October 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015), to report in May 2015
Subsequently, every 3 months starting with the period beginning April 1: July 2015, October 2015, January 2016, April 2016, July 2016, October 2016
Target / >=95%
Data elementstemplate
(PERFORMS format) /
- Number of potentially exposed individuals in the jurisdiction (denominator).[Max 4 digits]
- Number of potentially exposed individuals whowere successfully monitored every day while in the jurisdiction (numerator).[Max 4 digits]
- Percentage of potentially exposed individuals who were monitored every day while in the jurisdiction.[System Calculation]
- Number of potentially exposed individuals under monitoring who are “lost to follow-up” (LTF) for more than 48 hours.[Max 4 digits]
NOTE: / The performance measure is calculated using question #1 and question #4.
(Question #1 – Question #4) /Question #1
EPR Performance Measure 3:
Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation – Lost to Follow-up
Measure/indicator / Are plans, policies, and procedures meeting all stated criteria in place in the jurisdiction to (re) establish contact with an individual lost-to-follow up (LTF) or who cannot be reached (including refusal to report)?Public health preparedness capability alignment / Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation
Type / Accountability
Joint measure / No
Collector / DSLR
Measure applies to / All PHEP awardees
Reporting months / Baseline: May 2015
Every 6 months: October 2015, April 2016, October 2016
Data elementstemplate
(PERFORMS format) / 1. Are plans, policies, and/or procedures meeting all stated criteria in place in the jurisdiction to (re) establish contact with an individualLTF or who cannot be reached (including refusal to report)? Please select plans, policies, and/or procedures that are in place.(Select all that apply):
Criteria are defined for individuals considered (1) unable to be initially contacted and (2) LTF, that is within 48 hours
Staff are identified and responsible for outreach to individuals who are unable to be initially contacted or who are LTF for more than 48 hours
A timeline for outreach efforts for individuals unable to be initially contacted or who are LTF
Identification of agencies outside the health department to assist with individuals unable to be initially contacted or LTF (e.g., law enforcement)
A requirement to contact CDC regarding individuals LTF for more than 48 hours and specific steps describing how to do so
No plans/policies/procedures are currently in place (but it is a jurisdictional responsibility)
Development of plans/policies/procedures are not the responsibility of the jurisdiction(e.g., solely the responsibility of local entities)
a. When were plans, policies, and procedures (meeting all criteria above) put in place? Date [MM/YYYY][Displays in PERFORMS once all items selected as complete]
a(i). Is the above date correct? [Yes/No]
2. For states: Do any local health departments (LHDs) have responsibility for the activity in Question 1*? [Yes/No/Not applicable]
*Directly funded localities, states or U.S.territories without LHDs, and freely associated statesselect “Notapplicable.”
a. If yes to #2, Do you have an oversight/monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that LHDs have initiated and completed the activities in Question 1? [Yes/No]
b. If yes to #2, estimate how many LHDs in your jurisdiction with responsibility for activities in Question 1 have completed it.(None; less than 50%; 50% or more, all)
EPR Performance Measure 4:
Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation – Close Contact Investigations
Measure/indicator / Areplans, policies, and/or procedures meeting all stated criteria in place in the jurisdiction to investigate close contacts of lab-confirmed (EVD-positive) cases and, if desired by the jurisdiction, other categories of individuals such as PUIs?Public health preparedness capability alignment / Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation
Type / Accountability
Joint measure / No
Collector / DSLR
Measure applies to / All PHEP awardees
Reporting months / Baseline: May 2015
Every 6 months: October 2015, April 2016, October 2016
Data elementstemplate
(PERFORMS format) / 1. Are plans, policies, and/or procedures meeting all stated criteria in place in the jurisdiction to investigate close contacts of lab-confirmed (EVD-positive) cases and, if desired by the jurisdiction, other categories of individuals such as PUIs? Please select plans, policies, or procedures that are in place(Select all that apply):
A definition of close contacts, lab-confirmed cases of individuals with EVD, and (if desired by the jurisdiction) other relevant terms, categories and case definitions (e.g., PUIs)
Staff are identified to conduct contact investigation
A timeline for a contact investigation to start
Interview template(s) for contacts
No plans/policies/procedures are currently in place(but it is a jurisdictional responsibility)
Development of plans/policies/procedures are not the responsibility of the jurisdiction(e.g., solely the responsibility of local entities)
- When were plans, policies, and/or procedures (meeting all criteria above) put in place? Date [MM/YYYY] [Displays in PERFORMS once all items selected as complete]
2. For states: Do any LHDs have responsibility for the activity in Question 1*? [Yes/No/Not applicable]
*Directly funded localities, states or U.S. territories without LHDs, and freely associated states select “Notapplicable.”
a. If yes to #2, Do you have an oversight/monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that LHDs have initiated and completed the activity in Question 1?[Yes/No]
b. If yes to #2, estimate how many LHDs in your jurisdiction with responsibility for activity in Question 1 have completed it.(None; less than 50%; 50% or more, all)
EPR Performance Measure 5:
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions – Decontamination/Environmental Cleaning
Measure/indicator / Are policies, plans, procedures and, as applicable, agreements in place to assure, provide or support decontamination / environmental cleaning in community settings in the jurisdiction?PHEP Capability Alignments / Community Preparedness; Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
Type / Accountability
Joint Measure / Yes. PHEP/Global Migration
Collector / DSLR
Measure applies to / All PHEP awardees
Collection months / Baseline: May 2015
Every 6 months: October 2015, April 2016, October 2016
Data elementstemplate (PERFORMS format) / 1. Are plans, policies, and/or procedures and as applicable, agreements (e.g., MOUs, contracts) in place to assure, provide or support decontamination / environmental cleaning in community settings in the jurisdiction?
- Yes
- No but it is a jurisdictional responsibility
- Not the responsibility of the jurisdiction(e.g., solely the responsibility of local entities)
a(i). Is the above correct? [Yes/No]
b. Do these policies, plans, procedures and, as applicable, agreements cover
portsofentry in your jurisdiction?
- Yes
- Nobut it is a jurisdictional responsibility
- No ports requiring plans/ landlocked state
- Not the responsibility of the jurisdiction(e.g., solely the responsibility of local entities)
*Directly funded localities, states or U.S. territories without LHDs, and freely associated states select “Notapplicable.”
a. If yes to #2, Do you have an oversight/monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that LHDs have initiated and completed the activity in Question 1?[Yes/No]
b. If yes to #2, estimate how many LHDs in your jurisdiction with responsibility for activity in Question 1 have completed it.(None; less than 50%; 50% or more, all)
EPR Performance Measure 6:
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions – Waste Management
Measure/indicator / Are policies, plans, procedures, and, as applicable, agreements in place to assure, provide, or support waste management in community settings in the jurisdiction?Public health preparedness capability alignment / Community Preparedness; Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
Type / Accountability
Joint Measure / Yes. PHEP/Global Migration
Collector / DSLR
Measure applies to / All PHEP awardees
Reportingmonths / Baseline: May 2015
Every 6 months: October 2015, April 2016, October 2016
Comments / This measure is not intended to cover waste management planning activities, equipment purchases, and practices within or for healthcare facilities covered by ASPR FOA EP-U3R-15-002 (Hospital Preparedness Program [HPP] Ebola Preparedness and Response Activities).
Data elementstemplate (PERFORMS format) / 1. Are plans, policies, procedures, and, as applicable, agreements in place to assure, provide, or support waste managementin community settings in the jurisdiction?
- Yes
- No but it is a jurisdictional responsibility
- Not the responsibility of the jurisdiction(e.g., solely the responsibility of local entities)
a(i). Is the above correct? [Yes/No]
b. Do these plans, policies, procedures, and, as applicable, agreements cover portsofentry in your jurisdiction?
- Yes
- Nobut it is a jurisdictional responsibility
- No ports requiring plans/ landlocked state
- Not the responsibility of the jurisdiction (](e.g., solely the responsibility of local entities)
*Directly funded localities, states or U.S. territories without LHDs, and freely associated states select “Notapplicable.”
a. If yes to #2, Do you have an oversight/monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that LHDs have initiated and completed the activity in Question 1?[Yes/No]
b. If yes to #2, estimate how many LHDs in your jurisdiction with responsibility for activity in Question 1 have completed it.(None; less than 50%; 50% or more, all)
EPR Performance Measure 7:
Medical Surge – Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Transport
Measure/indicator / Are plans, policies, procedures, and agreements in place with EMS or other ambulance providers, LHDs(as applicable), and other identified partners, regarding notification (to the health department), ambulance dispatch, and transport of (a) PUIs and other potentially exposed individuals requiring assessment and (b) confirmed cases of Ebola to assessment hospital(s), treatment center(s), and, as applicable, frontline hospitals?- Within the jurisdiction
- Across state or other jurisdictional lines
- As applicable, from portsofentry (must include relevant port partners)
Public health preparedness capability alignment / Community Preparedness, Medical Surge
Type / Accountability/system
Joint measure / Yes.PHEP/Global Migration
Collector / DSLR
Measure applies to / All PHEP awardees
Reporting months / Baseline: May 2015
Every 6 months: October 2015, April 2016, October 2016
Data elementstemplate (PERFORMS format) / 1. Are plans, policies, procedures, and agreements in place with EMS or other ambulance providers, local health departments (as applicable), and other identified partners, regarding notification (to the health department), ambulance dispatch, and transport of (a) PUIs and other potentially exposed individuals requiring assessment and (b) confirmed cases of Ebola to assessment hospital(s) and treatment center(s)?
[Select all that apply]
Within the jurisdiction [answer a]
Across state or other jurisdictional lines [answer b]
As applicable, from portsofentry (must include relevant port partners) [answer c]
No plans/policies/procedures are currently in place(but it is a jurisdictional responsibility)
Development of plans/policies/procedures are not the responsibility of the jurisdiction(e.g., solely the responsibility of local entities)
- When were policies, plans and, procedures applicable within the jurisdiction put in place? [MM/YYYY]
b. When were policies, plans, and procedures applicable for transportation across state/jurisdictional lines put in place? [MM/YYYY]
b(i). Is the above date correct for when policies, plans and procedures across state/jurisdictional lines put in place? [Yes/No]
c. When were policies, plans, and procedures with portsofentry put in place? [MM/YYYY]
c(i). Is the above date correct for when policies, plans, and procedures applicable with portsofentry put in place? [Yes/No]
2. Although not explicitly required, has the awardee led or participatedin an exercise of these plans?[Yes/No]
- If yes to #2: Did a port of entry participate in this exercise? [Yes/No]
- If yes to #2: Has an After Action Report (AAR) been completed?[Yes/No]
- If yes to #2: Have improvement plan items been identified?[Yes/No]
- If yes to #2c:To what extent have improvement plan items been completed? [Not started, some completed, mostcompleted, all completed]
*Directly funded localities, states or U.S. territories without LHDs, and freely associated states select “Notapplicable.”
a. If yes to #3, do you have an oversight/monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that LHDs have initiated and completed the activity in Question 1? [Yes/No]
b. If yes to #3, estimate how many LHDs in your jurisdiction with responsibility for this activity in Question 1 have completed it [None; less than 50%; 50% or more, all]
EPR Performance Measure 8: