Deer Creek Intermediate School

Student Handbook

21175 N. MacArthur

Edmond, OK 73012

School Phone: 715-9850

Principal Contact Information Sherri Verble

Assistant Principal

Jenny Richards

DCIS Student Handbook

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Mission Possible:

Unite, Learn, Succeed

Deer Creek School District will prepare its community of learners for life’s future challenges in a global-based society.

Welcome to Deer Creek Intermediate School. We want you to become an integral part of our school through relationships, academic excellence and activities. We will work hand in hand with you on your journey to success. The information presented here is designed to help you achieve success this year.

In order to have an organized school that functions smoothly, it is imperative to establish student policies. The following policies and procedures are not designed to limit your freedom. These policies and procedures are designed to give every student the opportunity to learn in a climate conducive to learning. Please study these policies and procedures in order to know what is expected of you while attending Deer Creek Intermediate School. A complete listing of District Policies can be found on the Deer Creek School District Website. Each policy has been assigned to a particular section such as Attendance (JED). Section Titles which represent a District Policy will be placed in italics: Attendance (JED)


Develop Deer Creek’s community of learners as self-confident, creative problem solvers, skillful communicators, productive team workers, capable of accessing and processing information in a lifelong pursuit of excellence.

general information


7:30am – 2:30pm

Late Start Wednesdays: 8:30am - 2:30pm


1.  Students are dismissed at 2:30 pm.

2.  Students will not be released to anyone other than those listed in PowerSchool with proper ID. Should an emergency arise, please send a note the day of the occurrence to the office or teacher naming the person who is to pick up the child.

3.  If transportation plans cannot be made ahead of time, please call the office BEFORE 2:15 to allow ample time to notify the teacher and student of the change.

4.  When checking a student out early, you will be asked to provide identification.

5.  The student must be signed in or out via the office.

STUDENT code of conduct

1.  All students are expected to respect themselves, the rights of other students, and to show respect to all teachers and school personnel.

2.  Each student is expected to display good citizenship at all school sponsored activities.

3.  In the interest of a safe and orderly climate, there should be no running, pushing, or shoving on the school grounds.

4.  Each student is expected to do their part in keeping the school, cafeteria, and gym clean.

5.  No student has the option to interfere with the right of other students to learn or with a teacher’s right to teach.


The playground is an ideal place for students to develop relationships through cooperation and fair play. Playground supervision is provided at all times. We will go outside for lunch recess as long as the temperature and wind chill is above 32 degrees F.

1.  Students will use playground equipment in a SAFE way.

2.  Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

3.  Stay within the playground area.

4.  When the whistle is blown to signal the end of recess, students should line up on the blacktop.


1.  Students are expected to do their very best in all academic and extra-curricular activities.

2.  Students are expected to be on time to all classes and activities.

3.  Students are expected to be prepared for all classes and activities.

4.  Students are expected to work together in a positive manner for the success of the school or activity.


Student attendance in class is an integral part of the learning process. Being a part of regular instruction and participating in class discussions are invaluable ingredients of education. The District will comply with Oklahoma laws and the State Department of Education Accreditation Standards pertaining to compulsory school attendance.

It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school when a student is absent and to be aware of the number of absences the student has. Parents may check the number of absences their child has through Powerschool. It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher and principal to make every reasonable effort to notify the parent before failure caused by excessive absenteeism is enacted. According to Board Policy, intermediate school students must be in attendance at least 89% of the total school year to be eligible for promotion.

If an illness will keep your child out of school for three (3) or more days, you may call the office by 9:00am and request their homework assignments. The assignments should be available in the office by 2:00pm.

The following are examples of Excused


a)  Illness or injury to student

b)  Doctor or dental appointment

c)  Bereavement

d)  Serious illness or emergency in immediate family;

e)  Recognized religious holidays and associated travel (for example, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – are not to be counted in the total absences).

All other absences are Unexcused. Students will not be counted absent for approved school activities.

Long term projects or assignments with two (2) or more weeks’ notice may be assigned a definite due date. Student shall turn in assignment even if not in attendance on that day. Long-term illness or extreme circumstances may be appealed to the principal.

Work missed due to excused absences may be made up and credit given for such work. Work must be made up within two (2) school days for the first day of absence and one (1) day for subsequent days; i.e. three (3) consecutive absences, work must be completed in four (4) school days. (Exceptions may be made by the teacher to extend the time but not to decrease the time allowed to make up the work.)

If the student misses a scheduled test, the test will be made up the first day the student returns.

It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of their absences and to ask each teacher for make-up work.


It is important that all students get to school and class on time. If students are late to school or class they will receive a tardy. Tardiness is recorded on attendance reports. If a student arrives after 7:30 am, a parent must sign him/her in via the office. Students checking in without a parent are considered unexcused.


Truancy is defined as being absent from school or an assigned area without the permission of the school or the knowledge of the parents. Any student who leaves a class or school grounds without permission will be considered to be truant and will be disciplined.

1st offense: Three day suspension from school

2nd offense: Ten day suspension from school

3rd offense: Removal for the remainder of the school year


Teachers are encouraged to make assignments to students to support the curriculum program taught in the District. Homework will be an extension of classroom instruction to reinforce concepts and to refine skills.

The amount and type of homework assigned are dependent upon the age of the student and the courses taken in school. Homework is generally given to reinforce the concepts that have been taught by a teacher.

The homework assigned per day to a student in the elementary grades by his or her teachers should take a maximum of:

5th Grade - Maximum one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes

6th Grade - may assign a maximum of ninety (90) minutes of homework per night Monday through Friday. Under the supervision of the Principal, teachers at the intermediate school will plan together to balance the amount of homework and number of exams required of students during each week.

A student of average ability should be able to finish his or her homework assignments within the time periods set forth above. It is not expected that all students will be able to work at the same rate.

No homework will be assigned during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, or Fall Break, or during state mandated testing.


Time management and responsibility are valuable life skills that we encourage our students to practice here at DCIS. It is important that all students turn their work in on time. If the assignment is not received at the time it is due, the highest possible score that a student may receive is a 79%. After two days late, the highest possible score that a student may receive is a 50%. *We do understand and take into consideration unexpected circumstances that might prevent a student from turning their work in on time.


Students may rework assignments lower than a 70%, however, the highest grade for a re-do is 70%. Tests are under the discretion of the individual teacher.


When absent from class because of a school activity, students must be responsible for obtaining assignments prior to missing class. Work is due when student returns to class.

student check out

Only a student’s parent or his/her designee (with proper ID) may check a student out of school once he/she has arrived at school. Parents must come into school to check a student out at the main office. Students will not be allowed to bring a note and wait outside. When students arrive late or come back from a doctor or dental appointment, the parent must bring the student to the office to check in.


The Board of Education recognizes that students do not surrender any rights of citizenship while in attendance at Deer Creek Schools. The school is a community with rules and regulations. Those who enjoy the rights and privileges it provides must also accept the responsibilities that inclusion demands, including respect for and obedience to school rules. Students and parents have a copy of the school wide discipline plan in the student handbook.

The following behaviors at school, while attending school sponsored activities on site or off site, while on school vehicles or going to or from or attending school events will result in disciplinary action, which may include in-school placement options or out-of-school suspension:

1.  Arson

2.  Attempting to incite or produce imminent violence directed against another person because of his or her race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender or sexual orientation by making or transmitting or causing or allowing to be transmitted, any telephonic, computerized or electronic message;

3.  Attempting to incite or produce imminent violence directed against another person because of his or her race, color, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender or sexual orientation by broadcasting, publishing, or causing or allowing to be broadcast, published or distributed, any message or material

4.  Cheating

5.  Conduct that threatens or jeopardizes the safety of others

6.  Cutting class or sleeping, eating or refusing to work in class

7.  Disruption of the educational process or operation of the school

8.  Extortion

9.  Failure to attend assigned detention, alternative school or other disciplinary assignment

10.  Failure to comply with state immunization records

11.  False reports or false calls

12.  Fighting

13.  Forgery

14.  Gambling

15.  Harassment, intimidation, bullying

16.  Hazing

17.  Immorality

18.  Inappropriate attire

19.  Inappropriate behavior or gestures

20.  Inappropriate public behavior

21.  Indecent exposure

22.  Intimidation or harassment of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation, including but not limited to: (a) assault and battery; (b) damage, destruction, vandalism or defacing any real or personal property; or threatening, by word or act, the acts identified in (a) or (b).

23.  Obscene language

24.  Physical or verbal abuse

25.  Plagiarism

26.  Possession of a caustic substance

27.  Possession of obscene materials

28.  Inappropriate use of a wireless telecommunication device

29.  Possession, threat or use of a dangerous or look-a-like weapon and related instrumentalities (i.e., bullets, shells, gun powder, pellets, etc.)

30.  Possession, use, distribution, sale, conspiracy to sell or possess or being in the chain of sale or distribution, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, low-point beer (as defined by Oklahoma law, i.e., 3.2 beer) and/or controlled substances;

31.  Possession of illegal and/or drug related paraphernalia

32.  Profanity

33.  Sexual or other harassment of individuals including, but not limited to, students, school employees, volunteers

34.  Theft

35.  Threatening behavior (whether involving written, verbal or physical actions)

36.  Truancy

37.  Use or possession of tobacco in any form

38.  Use or possession of missing or stolen property if property is reasonably suspected to have been taken from a student, a school employee, or the school

39.  Using racial, religious, ethnic, sexual, gender or disability-related epithets

40.  Vandalism

41.  Violation of the Board of Education policies, rules or regulations or violation of school rules and regulations

42.  Vulgarity

43.  Willful damage to school property

44.  Willful disobedience of a directive of any school official

In addition, conduct occurring outside of the normal school day or off school property that has a direct and immediate negative effect on the discipline or educational process or effectiveness of the school, will also result in disciplinary action, which may include in-school placement options or out-of-school suspension.


(OKLA. STAT. tit. 70, § 24-100.2)

The Oklahoma Legislature established the School Bullying Prevention Act with the express intent of prohibiting peer student harassment, intimidation, and bullying. These terms include, but are not limited to any gesture, written or verbal expression, or physical act that a reasonable person should recognize will:

1.  harm another student

2.  damage another student’s property;

3.  use of any electronic media;

4.  place another student in reasonable fear of harm of the student’s person or damage to the student’s property;