Before completing this form you should
read the notes overleaf.
- Full name and Address of
2. Tel No:
3. Under which company’s radio system
do you intend to work?
4. Type of application (Tick appropriate box) / a) New
b) Renewal
c) Vehicle change/Transfer
5. Make, model and colour
6. Registration No. and date
of first registration
7. Engine capacity
8. Seating capacity (excluding driver)
9. Make and model of taximeter (if fitted)
10. Private Hire Vehicle Licence No.
In accordance with the provision of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1976,
I hereby make application for a licence for the above vehicle to be used as a private hire vehicle.
Will the Private Hire Vehicle be used primarily within Carlisle City Council area? Yes/No
I have read and understood the conditions under which the licence will be issued. The information above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
DATE: ______SIGNATURE: ______
This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes. For further information phone the Council Corporate Information Officer on 01228 817165
1You should enclose with your completed application form:
(a)A remittance of £ licence fee.
(b)A remittance of £per test fee.
(c)Evidence of insurance cover relating to the use of the vehicle.
(d)The vehicle registration document (V5).
(e)A LOLER certificate issued within the last 6 months if the vehicle is fitted with a powered lift.
(f)Remittances should be made payable to ‘The City of Carlisle’.
The deposit referred to in (c) above will be refunded upon the licence plate being surrendered.
2This application must be signed by all persons shown at question 1. If it is on behalf of a limited company the application must state in what capacity he signs.
3The completed form should be returned to the Licensing Manager, Carlisle City Council, Civic Centre, Carlisle CA3 8QG
Private Hire Vehicle Specification
4The City Council will not licence a vehicle unless it has:
(a)A manufacturer’s stated width of not less than 5ft 4ins (1.63m) excluding door mirrors.
(b)A manufacturer’s stated length of not less than 13ft (3.96m).
(c)An engine of not less than 1200cc or an engine described by the manufacturer as being a 1.2.
(d)At least 3 passenger doors.
(e)Seat belts fitted to all forward facing seats.
(f)Window glass fitted to the vehicle which is not tinted darker than 32% +/- 2%
Ensure you discuss any window tint with the Licensing Office prior to purchase.
5The City Council will not issue a private hire vehicle licence:
(a)in respect of a vehicle of the “London Taxi” type (FX4 or later similar type)
(b)to any saloon, hatchback, estate or people carrier which is predominately white in colour.
(c)to a vehicle older than 8 years, or be relicensed once it reaches 8 years, unless that vehicle is a purpose built stretch limousine or specialist vehicle, save for exceptional circumstances.
6The Council regulates advertising on Private Hire vehicles and application must be made through the Licensing Office at the Civic Centre before any advertising is carried out.
7There are penalties for knowingly giving false information in respect of this application.