Dear Applicant:

We are excited that you have decided to apply for the 2015-2016 Student Center Work-Study position. The Student Center offers many exciting opportunities for you to gain valuable job skills and leadership qualities.

To begin the application process, read the informational literature entitled Student Center Assistant Responsibilities” to familiarize yourself with the positions available, the responsibilities of each position, and the financial compensation.Complete the application included in this packet along with your responses to the application questions. You are also required to have one reference. Make sure to give your reference a copy of the recommendation form that they will turn in to me.

Submit your completed application to Nataly Gutierrez at Once you submit your application, Nataly will contact you if you have been selected for an interview.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. We look forward to meeting you!


Paul Ayala

Director of University Events & Student Programs

Phone:(210) 829-6034

Fax:(210) 283-5023



Home Phone Cell Phone


Student ID # Hours Completed Cumulative GPA

Major Classification

Circle One: Commuter OR Resident

I give the Director, University Events & Student Programs and Student Center Manager permission to confirm my GPA and my academic, disciplinary and financial standing as necessary.

Student Signature Date


For office use only:

Date/Time Received Confirm GPA

Received By Confirmed By______

Please answer the following questions:

1)  Why are you interested in this position?

2)  How do you feel about enforcing rules upon your peers?

3)  What skills, experience, or other qualifications do you have that will apply to the position?

4)  Please list any jobs you have had in the last two years.

The Student Center at the University of the Incarnate Word is seeking applicants for work-study positions that are paid. Student Center Assistants must be capable of organizing and managing commitments. The student must also demonstrate the ability to manage academic responsibilities as well as those of Student Center Assistants. To be successful, it is anticipated that members must possess or be interested and capable of developing the following attributes:

o  Communicating effectively (both oral and written)

o  Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships

o  The desire to grow personally and to help others

o  Appropriate maturity as evidenced by emotional and psychological stability

The Student Center Assistant management team would greatly appreciate your assessment of this candidate based on his/her personal characteristics, skills and potential for success in this very demanding role.

Please complete the Reference Form and return by to:

University Events & Student Programs

Student Center Management

University of the Incarnate Word

4301 Broadway, CPO# 306

San Antonio, TX 78209

Office: (210) 805-3037

Fax: (210) 283-5023

Thank you for taking the time to assist this student in the selection process.

Note: The information obtained from the Reference Form is considered CONFIDENTIAL and WILL NOT be available for review by the applicant or any other individual who is not directly involved in the selection process.

Student Center Applicant:

1) How well do you know the candidate? Slightly Fairly well Very well

2) How long have you known the candidate and under what circumstances?

3) Compared to other college students, please rate the candidate according to the following criteria:

5 = top 10% 4 = top 25% 3 = top 50% 2 = other 1 = do not know

5 4 3 2 1 Leadership: The ability to inspire others; to coordinate and lead activities; to facilitate

group interaction.

5 4 3 2 1 Organization: The ability to prioritize tasks and manage time wisely.

5 4 3 2 1 Temperament: The ability to maintain a positive outlook and realistic perspective.

5 4 3 2 1 Initiative: How this person approaches new situations; self motivation; ability to set and

accomplish goals and the need for supervision.

5 4 3 2 1 Interpersonal relationships: Attitude and ability to work with others; sincerity;

flexibility; cooperativeness; the ability to work with a supervisor.

5 4 3 2 1 Responsibility: The degree to which the applicant is dependable, prompt, accurate,

and complete.

5 4 3 2 1 Communication: The ability to grasp ideas; to read, speak and write effectively; and to

listen and convey understanding to others.

5 4 3 2 1 Maturity: Common sense; self-awareness; judgment; integrity; and ability to deal with a

wide range of personalities.

5 4 3 2 1 Emotional Stability: The direction and control of emotional response; general

disposition; and predictability.

5 4 3 2 1 Social Sensitivity: The ability to be sensitive to and understand the feelings and

reactions of others and the ability to make effective responses to them.

4) Overall assessment of strengths and weaknesses:

Please mark your level of recommendation for the position:

Highly recommend Recommend with reservations

Recommend Would not recommend at this time

Printed Name


Phone Number Email

Signature Date ______