Michele Jones 6th Grade Language Arts

April 29th / Bell Ringer: Listen to Gluskabe / WICR
Benchmark:LA., LA6.2.1.2
Measurable Objective: Students will score 80% or higher on comprehension test on drama. / Deep reading stratagies
Essential Question:
Learning Goal: Students will understand a variety of dramatic forms and devices.
Agenda/Activities: Test over Gluskabe and Old Man Winter
  • I do: review story for test, go over directions for test
  • We do: clarify any questions
  • You do: take test

Summarizing Activity:
Investigative Activity:
April 30th / Bell Ringer: / WICR
Benchmark:LA., LA6.2.1.2 / Cornell note taking
Measurable Objective: / Group activities
Essential Question: / Process writing
Learning Goal: Students will understand a variety of dramatic forms and devices.
Agenda/Activities: FCAT reading
  • I do:
  • We do:
  • You do:

Summarizing Activity:
Investigative Activity:
May 1st / Bellringer: Dramatic Scene 46 1-5 / WICR
Benchmark: LA.
Measurable Objective:Students will learn roots/word parts in order to use them for defining unknown words.
Essential Question: How can understanding the meaning of prefixes, suffixes, and roots assist in vocabulary development?
Learning Goal: Students will analyze the meaning if word parts to increase the number of words that they know more quickly than learning each new word individually.
Vocabulary: acts, comic relief, scenes, drama, stage directions, play, comedy, monologue, dialogue, tragedy
  • I do: Introduce new vocabulary
  • We do: discuss what we know about the affix and meaning
  • You do: complete quiz on last week’s words, work on meaning of this week’s words
/ Vocabulary building through learning word meanings
Summarizing Activity:
Investigative Activity:Read for 20 minutes a night
ESE/ESOL: See Attached
May 2nd / Bell Ringer: Dramatic Scene p. 47
Benchmark: LA., LA6.2.1.2 / 6…
Measurable Objective:Students will be able to create a circle map with at least 5 details they learned about drama. / In6vestigations
Essential Question:What are the elements of drama?
H.O.T.: / Deep reading stratagies
Learning Goal: Students will understand a variety of dramatic forms and devices.
Vocabulary:acts, comic relief, scenes, drama, stage directions, play, comedy, monologue, dialogue, tragedy
  • I do: Introduce Drama, “What is Drama?”
  • We do:Watch Listening and Viewing/Joseph Bruchac.Discuss pages 692-696 in Prentice Hall Literature book
  • You do:Complete circle map on what they learned about drama

Summarizing Activity:
Investigative Activity: Read for 20 minutes a night
ESE/ESOL: See Attached
May 3rd / Bell Ringer: Stage Direction P. 222 / WICR
Benchmark: LA., LA6.2.1.2
Measurable Objective:Students will read and summarize a variety of dramatic literature.
Essential Question: Why is it necessary for drama to reflect some aspects from real life?
H.O.T.: How do we decide who we are?
Learning Goal:Students will understand a variety of dramatic forms and devices.
Vocabulary: acts, comic relief, scenes, drama, stage directions, play, comedy, monologue, dialogue, tragedy
Agenda/Activities: Read Gluskabe and Old Man Winter P. 697-702
  • I do: assign parts for play,
  • We do:read play, discuss reading check questions along the way
  • You do: summarize “What is the main conflict in this drama?” explain…

Summarizing Activity: Review
Investigative Activity: Read for 20 minutes a night
ESE/ESOL: See Attached

Modifications and teaching strategies for documentation (Highlight all that apply, put in dates)

Monday /


/ Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
ESE Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Assignment Reduction
Cooperative Consultation Services / ESE Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Assignment Reduction
Cooperative Consultation Services / ESE Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Assignment Reduction
Cooperative Consultation Services / ESE Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Assignment Reduction
Cooperative Consultation Services / ESE Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Assignment Reduction
Cooperative Consultation Services
ESOL Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Visual Cues
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Use of Dictionary
Student Translator
Cooperative Services / ESOL Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Visual Cues
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Use of Dictionary
Student Translator
Cooperative Services / ESOL Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Visual Cues
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Use of Dictionary
Student Translator
Cooperative Services / ESOL Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Visual Cues
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Use of Dictionary
Student Translator
Cooperative Services / ESOL Modifications:
Cooperative Groups
Peer Tutoring
Extended Time
Visual Cues
Preferential Seating
Verbal & Written Directions
Copies of Notes
Hands-on Activities
Use of Dictionary
Student Translator
Cooperative Services
Reading Strategies:
  1. Use 7 processes of literacy: listening, viewing, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, and expressing through multiple symbol systems.
  2. Teach, model, and practice the strategies of expert readers: predict, visualize, connect, question, clarify, and evaluate.
  3. Read to and with students.
/ Reading Strategies:
  1. Use 7 processes of literacy: listening, viewing, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, and expressing through multiple symbol systems.
  2. Teach, model, and practice the strategies of expert readers: predict, visualize, connect, question, clarify, and evaluate.
3. Read to and with students. / Reading Strategies:
  1. Use 7 processes of literacy: listening, viewing, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, and expressing through multiple symbol systems.
  2. Teach, model, and practice the strategies of expert readers: predict, visualize, connect, question, clarify, and evaluate.
3. Read to and with students. / Reading Strategies:
  1. Use 7 processes of literacy: listening, viewing, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, and expressing through multiple symbol systems.
  2. Teach, model, and practice the strategies of expert readers: predict, visualize, connect, question, clarify, and evaluate.
3. Read to and with students. / Reading Strategies:
  1. Use 7 processes of literacy: listening, viewing, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, and expressing through multiple symbol systems.
  2. Teach, model, and practice the strategies of expert readers: predict, visualize, connect, question, clarify, and evaluate.
3. Read to and with students.
AIP Strategies:
Extended Time
Verbal & Written Directions
Hands-on Activities/Body math
Peer Tutoring / AIP Strategies:
Extended Time
Verbal & Written Directions
Hands-on Activities/Body math
Peer Tutoring / AIP Strategies:
Extended Time
Verbal & Written Directions
Hands-on Activities/Body math
Peer Tutoring / AIP Strategies:
Extended Time
Verbal & Written Directions
Hands-on Activities/Body math
Peer Tutoring / AIP Strategies:
Extended Time
Verbal & Written Directions
Hands-on Activities/Body math
Peer Tutoring
FCAT Strategies:
FCIM Problem of the Day
Hands-on Activities
Reading Comprehension
Extended Response Practice
FCAT Style Questions / FCAT Strategies:
FCIM Problem of the Day
Hands-on Activities
Reading Comprehension
Extended Response Practice
FCAT Style Questions / FCAT Strategies:
FCAT Problem of the Day
Hands-on Activities
Reading Comprehension
Extended Response Practice
FCAT Style Questions / FCAT Strategies:
FCAT Problem of the Day
Hands-on Activities
Reading Comprehension
Extended Response Practice
FCAT Style Questions / FCAT Strategies:
FCAT Problem of the Day
Hands-on Activities
Reading Comprehension
Extended Response Practice
FCAT Style Questions
Costa’s Levels:
Level One
Level Two
Level Three / Costa’s Levels:
Level One
Level Two
Level Three / Costa’s Levels:
Level One
Level Two
Level Three / Costa’s Levels:
Level One
Level Two
Level Three / Costa’s Levels:
Level One
Level Two
Level Three