/ 2018Awards for Professional Conference Travel
Bromley Research Conference Travel Grant
L&SHonorsProgramUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison

Within this packet are application materials for professional conference travel awards offered by the L&S Honors Program. The eligibility requirements for this award are detailed below and an application is attached. Questions should be directed to Matt Kohlstedt at (608) 262-2454 or .

Bromley Research Conference Travel Grant

Bromley Research ConferenceTravel Grants are awarded based on a competitive application process to eligible L&S Honors students for presentation and/or attendance at regional or national professional conferences. Review of applications and selection ofBromley Research Conference Travel Grant recipients will be conducted by the L&S Faculty Honors Committee.

- Grants awarded for presentation at regional or national conferences provide up to $500 to the recipients.

- Grants awarded solely for attendance at regional or national conferences provide up to $250 to the recipients.

Priority for awards is given to applications requesting support for presentation at professional conferences.


  • Currently enrolled L&S Honors Student (HLA, HM, or Comprehensive Honors)
  • Minimum 3.3 cumulative grade point average (GPA)
  • Progress toward the completion of the L&S Honors in the Liberal Arts, Honors in the Major, OR Comprehensive Honors degree(s)

Criteria for Selection:

  • Strength of statement of benefit/impact of proposed experience
  • Strength of letter of recommendation from faculty member
  • For conference presentation: submission of documentation of accepted abstract from organizing body and a copy of the conference agenda summary
  • For conference attendance only: submission of a copy of the conference agenda summary

Application Process:

  • Completion and submission of:
  • application form
  • required statement (see attached)
  • documentation of accepted abstract and/or copy of conference agenda summary (as appropriate)
  • applicant’s UW-Madison student transcript (unofficial or official)
  • one (1) letter of recommendation from a UW-Madison faculty member in support of the application

Application Deadline: Wednesday, April 25, 2018by 4:15 p.m.

NOTE: Award recipients will be expected to submit documentation of conference attendance and a brief (1-2 page) summary of their experience.

Notification of awards should take place by e-mail within four weeks of the application deadline.

Submit all application materials to: L&S Honors Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Washburn Observatory, 1401 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1209

/ 2018Professional Conference Travel Award
Bromley Research Conference Travel Grant
L&SHonorsProgramUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison

Instructions: Please fill in the requested information for the following questions. Submitthe original application, written statement, letter of recommendation, conference documentation (as appropriate) and UW-Madison student transcript (unofficial or official)to the L&S Honors Program Office, Washburn Observatory, by no later than 4:15 p.m.,Wednesday, April 25, 2018.

Name:Campus ID:

LastFirst M.I.

Madison Address: Phone:


L&S Honors Degree: Honors in the Liberal Arts (HLA)

 Honors in the Major (HM)

 Comprehensive Honors (both HLA and HM)

Cumulative GPA: Honors Credits: + =

Completed Current (Spring) Total


1st Major 2nd Major 3rd Major

Expected Graduation Date:

Month Year

Level of conference participation (check one):  Presenting (Note: includes poster sessions)

 Attendance only

Location of conference: Date of conference:

City, Statemm/dd/yyyy

Title of conference:

Name of sponsoring organization/disciplinary body:

Title of Paper/Presentation/Poster (if presenting):

1) In the space provided or on a separate, single page please provide a brief statement (ca. 300-500 words) regarding how you envision this experience fits into your academic and professional goals and what you hope to gain from the experience.

2) Please list below any other sources of support/funding you have or will have to support your conference travel.

3) Please provide an estimate below of the total costs you expect to incur for attending this conference (please consider room, board, conference registration fees, transportation, etc.).


Submit all application materials to: L&S Honors Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Washburn Observatory, 1401 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1209