Student 1: The three rabbits and the fox. Once upon a time there were three rabbits. A medium si… a little rabbit. A medium size rabbit. And a large rabbit.
Student 1: Now these rabbits, they were very hungry because there are no carrots to eat. They wanted to cross the farmer’s fence, however, this was guarded by a big, mean, evil fox named Bob.
Student 2: Have you guys seen any… rabbits?
Student 3: I want to cross the fence now!
Student 4: No. Stay away, the fox guarding the fence will eat you up.
Student 3: I don’t care. I’m hungry.
Student 2: Who’s that… coming under my fence?
Student 3: It’s only me, little size rabbit.
Student 2: I’m gonna come up and eat you.
Student 3: Oh no. Wait for my… older brother. He’s much bigger than me.
Student 2: Very well then, you can cross.
Student 1: The little rabbit happily, hopped under the fence.
Student 4: Alright. Now it’s my turn. I’m ha… I’m bigger, I’m stronger, and I will cross the fence safely.
Student 1: The medium size rabbit started to hop to the bridge.
Student 2: Who’s that goin under me fence?
Student 4: It’s only me, the middle size rabbit, wait for my big brother.
Student 2: I’m gonna come up and eat you and you an… better not have any excuses for me.
Student 4: No! My big brother, he’s way bigger. He’ll fill your belly up.
Student 2: Fine. Get… Get out… Get over there.
Student 1: The medium size rabbit happily hopped under the fence.
Student 5: I’m bigger and stronger than my… brothers. My turn now.
Student 4: Come on big brother. We’re waiting for you. The carrots are nice and fresh here.
Student 2: Who’s that comin under me fence?
Student 5: It’s only me the… big… rabbit
Student 2: I am going to eat you and that is that, cause, I let those two pass so… come here.
Student 5: No you’re not! I’m…
Student 1: Now. Before… The large rabbit quickly… propelled his heels and flicked the fox over into a giant ravine. And that. The three rabbits lived happily ever after. And that fox, well I don’t know, I think he got a job at… don’t know. End.
© School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 2017
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