Data Coding Explanations.

In the spreadsheets the data is arranged in columns. Following please find a list of those columns and an explanation of what the numbers within them mean.

Column Heading

Key Stage / 2 – Primary 7 to11 year olds / 3 – Secondary 11 to16 year olds
Gender / M - Male / F - Female
DOB / Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Yr Group / 3 – age 7-8yrs / 4- age 8-9yrs / 5- age 9-10yrs / 6- age10-11yrs / 7- age 11-12yrs / 8- age12-13yrs / 9- age13-14yrs / 10- age 14-15yrs / 11-age15-16yrs
Place of Birth / 1- England / 2- Wales / 3- Scotland / 4- Northern Ireland / 5- Rep of Ireland / 6- Other European / 7- Outside Europe
Height / Height to the nearest centimetre
Foot Length / Measured to the nearest half centimetre / (You may need to widen the column in Excel to see this displayed to one decimal place.)
Fball Team / Favourite football team codes are given in a separate document available on site. Click here for a copy
Mobile / 0- no Mobile Phone / 1-pupil has their own personal mobile phone
Computer / 0- no access at home / 1- pupil has access to a computer at home
Internet / 0- no access at home / 1- pupil has access to the Internet at home
Cans / Number of cans drunk in the last 2 days
Bottles / Number of bottles drunk in the last 2 days
Moved / 0 –No / 1- Yes
Abroad / 0 –No / 1- Yes
House Type / 1- House/Bungalow (KS2 only) / 2 – Detached House
( KS3/4) / 3 – Semi-detached (KS3/4) / 4- Terrace (KS3/4) / 5- Flat of any kind (all pupils) / 6- Other (all pupils)
Household / Number of people in household
U18 Male / Number of U18 males in household
U18 Female / Number of U18 females in household
Cars / Number of cars owned by household
Subject2 (KS3/4 only)
Subject3 (KS3/4 only) / 1- Art / 2- ICT/ Computing / 3- English / 4- Geography / 5- History
6- Mathematics / 7- PE/Sport / 8- Other / 9- Foreign Language / 10- Music
11- Science / 12- Design/Technol / 13- R E / 14- Irish / 15- Welsh
Travel Type / 1- Walk / 2- Bus / 3- Car / 4-Cycle / 5-Train/Tube/Tram/Metro / 6- Other
Time / In minutes to travel to school
Distance / 1- less than 1 km / 2- 1-2 km / 3- 2-3 km / 4- 3-5 km / 5- 5-10 km / 6- 10-30 km / 7- over 30km
Pets / In all pet categories 1 means the pupil has that type of pet, 0 means they do not have that pet NB only KS2 answered this question

These materials are reproduced here with kind permission of the CensusAtSchool project ( which is run by the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education at Nottingham Trent University