Hartpury Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 3rd May 2017 at Hartpury Village Hall, following the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
PresentCllr Alastair McGhee, Cllr Roger Houldey, Cllr Sylvia Gibbs, Cllr R Gregory, Cllr N Jones. Cllr Dave Zeal,
Cllr Darren Elmslie. District Cllr P Burford, County Cllr B Robinson.
The meeting was chaired by Cllrs Alastair McGhee and the minutes were taken by the Clerk.
No members of the public were present.
- Apologies:
No apologies were made
- Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations made.
- Minutes of the Annual Parish meeting and the previous Ordinary Meeting
It was proposed by Cllr S Gibbs and seconded by Cllr R Houldey that the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 24th April be signed as a true record, this was agreed by all Cllrs. It was proposed by Cllr R Houldey and seconded by Norma Jones that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5th March be signed as a true record. This was agreed by all Cllrs present.
- Matters arising from previous minutes.
There were no matters arising.
- Public Consultation
No members of the public were present
- Reports
- District Councillors report – please see Parish Meeting notes.
- County Councillors report – due to purdah restrictions Cllr Robinson was unable to give a report.
Thanks were minuted to Brian and Philip for their hard work on behalf of the Parish Council.
- Highways
All items previously discussed but still outstanding have been sent to Brian Robinson and have been forwarded to Rhodri Grey for action with Amey.
Brian was advised that although patching has taken place along Corsend Road there are still potholes just before the pond, this is also the case for Oridge Street.
More information will be sought between the Chairman and the Clerk with regard to the mobile speed sign and funding.
- Finance
8.1Accounts for Payment
It was proposed by Cllr Darren Elmslieand seconded by Cllr Norma Jones that the expenditure be accepted as proposed, all Cllrs agreedand the cheques were signed.
8.2The financial statement and cash re-collection were approved by all present.
8.3Statement of Accounts and Bank Reconciliation for 2016/17
The Statement and Bank Reconciliation for the year ending 31st March 2017 was agreed.
8.4A1 - Annual Governance Statement for Return for 2016/17
The Annual Governance Statement for year ending 31st March 2017 was agreed.
8.5A2 - Accounting Statements
The Accounting Statements for year ending 31st March 2017 were agreed.
8.6Internal Audit 2016/17
The report from the internal auditor was circulated it was agreed to undertake any recommendations outlined.
8.7Clerks Salary
It was agreed to increase the Clerk’s salary to spine point 22 backdated to April 2017 and to freeze the salary at this point, the salary will only increase to the NALC recommended hourly rate for spine point 22.
- Planning Applications
Planning Ref / Property / Details / Response
P0347/17/FUL / Far End, Woolridge Hill, Hartpury / Erection of attached garage and playroom / No objection
P0426/17/FUL / Flannesford House, 5 Corsend Road, Hartpury / Single storey rear extension / No objection
P0458/17/FUL / Prestberries, Blackwells End / Conversion and erection of buildings to form two dwellings and associated works.
Demolition of existing structure. / No objection
P0342/17/FUL / Newberries Farm, Blackwells End, Hartpury / Erection of a storage building to serve poultry unit with biomass (990kw) boiler and
associated works. / No objection
P0612/17/AG / Green Farm, Blackwells End / Application for determination as to whether prior approval is required for furtherdetails.Agricultural Storage Building Green Farm Blackwells EndPrior notification for the erection of a mono-pitch, open fronted agricultural storagebuilding. / No objection
P0587/17/TCA / Land at Gloucester Road, Hartpury / Outline application for the erection of two dwwellings. / See note below
The Parish Council objects on the grounds that this application is outside the settlement boundary and would not be a sustainable location. The Parish Council would like to raise the issue of known flash flooding in times of excess rainfall, also due to the location of the sewerage pumping station this results in frequent contamination of properties and surrounding agricultural fields.
- Other Items for Information only
- It was noted that if the telephone mast is applied for again for a new location a new application would be made, however if it is for the same location the FoDDC website would need to be monitored.
- Dates of future meetings
The following meetings were confirmed;
3rd July 2017 / 4th September 2017 / 6th November 2017 / 3rd January 2018 (Wednesday)5th March 2018 / 23rd April 2017
Annual Parish Meeting / 7th May 2018 to include the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
The meeting closed at 9.10pm
Page Number 1Chairman's Signature ………………………………………..