1) Which of these words are adjectives and which are adverbs? Which could be either? Write 'Adj', 'Adv' or 'AA'.
a) long AA b) well AA
c) early AA d) late AA
e) clearly Adv f) silly Adj
g) hard AA h) patiently Adv
2) Give the adverb form of the following:
a) basic basically b) angry angrily
c) complete completely d) beautiful beautifully
e) friendly in a friendly way / ( kindly )
3) Give the comparative forms
Comparative Superlative
a) badly worse the worst
b) far farther/further the farthest / the furthest
c) little 1): less the least
2): smaller the smallest
d) fat fatter the fattest
2) Use the correct form of the word in brackets. Use comparative forms where appropriate / Translate.
a) My cold is getting worse and worse ( = ‘immer schlimmer’ ).
b) She sings absolutely wonderfully ( absolute / wonderful ).
c) Miss Wharton looked nervously ( nervous ) at the clock on the bedside table. It was shortly ( short ) after midnight. Everything remained quiet ( quiet ). Before Miss Wharton switched out the light, she automatically ( automatic ) felt beside her bed where she normally ( normal ) kept the telephone.
d) They had practised harder ( hard ) than ever before and had prepared themselves thoroughly ( thorough ) – and yet, what all dancers fear the most ( much ) and expect the least ( little ) happened to them: the spectators started to snigger and finally, they laughed out loud.
e) This looks bad ( bad ): I think she is seriously( serious ) hurt.
f) You’ve been working very hard ( hard ) lately ( late ) – but you look happy ( happy ). Honestly ( honest ), I can hardly ( hard ) believe that you really ( real ) like your new job!
g) Romances are boring ( ‘boring’ or ‘bored’? ). I’m more interested ( ‘interested’ or ‘interesting’? ) in adventure stories.
h) Unfortunately ( fortune ), although we have tried hard ( hard ) lately ( late ), we have sold fewer ( ‘weniger’ ) machines than ( = ‘als’ ) in the past.
3) Nationality Words. Write the words for a person or the people
a) The Americans (USA) are usually bang on time, but the British (Great Britain) are often late.
b) A Russian (Russia), a Dutchman (the Netherlands) and a Frenchman (France) meet in a pub. Do they shake hands? Will they drink wodka, beer or wine?
c) Are the Japanese (Japan) more reserved than the Swiss (Switzerland)?
4) Use the correct form of the word in brackets / translate.
a) He acted very cruelly ( 'sehr' / cruel) by forcing his dog to stay out in the snow.
b) The rich ( die Reichen) pay more income tax than the poor ( als die Armen).
c) My essay was short, John's was even shorter, but Mary's was the shortest of all ( das kürzeste von allen).
d) The more foolishly ( foolish) they behave, the more impatient (impatient) he becomes. ( 'je... desto')
e) My cold is getting worse and worse ( 'immer schlimmer')
f) She sings absolutely wonderfully ( absolute / wonderful)
g) You can't even park correctly! Park nearer ( near: comparative ) to the kerb ( ='Randstein')! You have hardly ( 'kaum') made any progress lately ( in letzter Zeit). You need more and more (immer mehr) driving lessons and they're getting more and more expensive( immer teurer)
h) She behaves in a silly way / ( stupidly ) (silly) , but she is the the best dressed ( am schönsten angezogene) woman in the room.
i) You acted totally irresponsibly ( total / irresponsible): You drove much too fast (viel zu schnell), nearly (near) hit a tree, and we were late (late) nevertheless. Start early/earlier (early) so that you have enough time( genug Zeit). Then you can drive less dangerously (weniger gefährlich).
5) Include the expressions in the brackets. Adapt them if necessary.
a) The plane landed bumpily at Gatwick at four minutes past six / At four minutes past six, the plane … ( at four minutes past six / bumpily / at Gatwick).
b) Father Christmas brought Nicky his presents down the chimney on Christmas Eve last year / On Chrismay Eve last year, Father …
c) In spring, Cuckoos always lay their eggs / in other birds’ nests ( in spring ).
d) They play the piano fairly well.
6) Comparison Structures: Translate.
1. In Barcelona sind die Temperaturen viel höher als in London.
In Barcelona, the temperatures are much higher than in London.
2. Der Verkehr ist fast so schlimm wie in London.
(The ) Traffic is almost as bad as in London.
3. Es hat etwas mehr Touristen in London.
There are slightly more tourists in London.
4. Barcelona ist bei weitem nicht so teuer wie London.
Barcelona is not nearly as expensive as London.
Barcelona ist nicht ganz so gross wie London.
Barcelona is not quite as big as London.