Source 1
Isaiah 53 verses 4-5
‘Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God…..But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our sins, the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed’.
This was a prophecy written about the Messiah in approx 700 years before the birth of Jesus. Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah.
Source 2
Tony Campolo an American Christian writer told the following, apparently true story to help Christians understand more about the death of Jesus.
Taken form ‘Who switched the price tags’ (1987)
Part one
During the Vietnam War a young graduate of West PointAcademy was sent to Vietnam to lead a group of new recruits into battle. He did his job well, trying his best to keep his men from ambush and death. However, one night he and his men were overtaken by a battalion of the Viet Cong. He was able to get all but one of his men to safety. The other soldier who had been left behind had been seriously wounded, and from their dug outs the young Lieutenant and his men could hear their wounded comrade moaning and crying for help. They all knew that venturing out into the vicious crossfire would mean almost certain death. But the groaning of the wounded soldier continued through the night. Eventually, the endurance of the young Lieutenant came to an end, and he crawled out of his place of safety toward the cries of the dying man. He got to him safely and was able to drag him back. But just as he pushed the wounded man into the safety of the dug out, he caught a bullet in the back and was killed instantly.
Suggest ways in which the Lieutenant is like Jesus.
Part two
Several months later the rescued man returned to the USA, and when the parents of the dead hero heard that he was in their town, they invited him to come to dinner. They wanted to know this young man whose life was spared at such great cost to them.
On the night of the meal, their guest arrived drunk. He was loud and boisterous. He told dirty jokes and showed no concern for the suffering of his hosts. The parents of the dead hero did their best to make it a worthwhile evening, but their efforts went unrewarded. At the end of the evening, their obscene guest left. As the husband closed the door, the mother collapsed in tears and cried ‘to think our precious son died for someone like that!’
What point do you think Tony Campolo the writer was trying to make to his Christian readers?