Structure and Remit of the Governing Body – St Luke’s Primary School
St Luke’s Primary School’s Board of Governors meets three times a year. On top of this there are three main committees. These include:
- The Resources Committee
- The School Development Committee
- The Safeguarding Committee
The Board of Governors of St Luke’s Primary School has smaller committees for other purposes. The membership of these committees are decided as and when the committee needs to meet. These committees include:
- Headteacher Appraisers
- Complaints Committee
- Appointment Committee
The Role of the Governing Body
Our Governing Body has three key roles:
To provide a strategic view of where the school is heading
This means that we decide what we want the school to achieve and set the framework for getting there. We achieve this by reviewing policies, setting aims and deciding on priorities for improvement, to be included in the School Improvement Plan. We take advice on all of this from the Head teacher but then make our own decisions.
To act as a critical friend to the school
As a critical friend we offer support, constructive advice, a sounding board for ideas, a second opinion on proposals and help where needed. We also challenge, ask questions, seek information, improve proposals and seek to arrive at the best solution for all concerned.
To hold the school to account for the educational standards it achieves and the quality of the education it provides.
Setting targets for the school to achieve in the light of national and local priorities lie at the heart of this aspect of our role. We also systematically monitor and formally evaluate the outcomes.
Remits of the Committees of St Luke’s Board of Governors
Resources Committee
Chair: Miss Michelle Thomas
Personnel Function - Terms of Reference:
- pay grading issues (with the Head Teacher, in liaison with the LA, being
- empowered to deal with the annual incremental pay awards for all teaching staff)
- redeployment/redundancy
- disciplinary issues
- to act as an initial hearing
- use of fixed term contracts
NB: the power to consider the salaries of all other teaching staff be delegated to the head teacher subject to details being sent to the LA's Human Resources team.
Finance Function - Extent of Financial Delegation:
- the head teacher be empowered to amend the budget during the course of the year (virements) up to £5000
- the resources committee be empowered to amend the budget during the course of the year (virements) above £5000 but with a limit of £15,000 per single transaction
- the full governing body amend the budget during the course of the year (virements) above £15,000
- the head teacher be empowered to incur expenditure within the approved budget to a limit of£5,000
- the resources committee be empowered to incur expenditure within the approved budget above £5,000 for a single transaction, with a limit of £15,000
- expenditure within the approved budget above £15,000, for a single transaction, be dealt with by the full governing body
- the resources committee body be empowered to monitor income and expenditure during the course of the year against the budget and decide upon corrective action where necessary to avoid overspending and enable any underspend to be allocated to another project.
- the head teacher be empowered to dispose of surplus equipment to a limit of £2,500, for items between £2,500 and £50,000 one month’s notice of disposal must be given to the Service Director; Children
- the resources committee be empowered to approve, monitor and review the operation of the procedures required by SFVS and to decide upon any corrective action that may be deemed necessary to ensure compliance with financial regulations
- the resources committee be authorised to review the charges and concessions policy on an annualbasis and give particular consideration to the charges for the community use of the school
- the resources committee be empowered to review and approve the governors allowance policy
- buy into service level agreements
- the finance committee be empowered to establish and maintain an up to date three year financial plan and that the full governing body approve the annual budget.
- the resources committee review and respond to reports by internal audit and to monitor and ensure implementation of agreed actions.
- the resources committee be empowered to review and approve annually the best value statement, whistleblower's policy, governors competencies and undertake annual benchmarking of income and expenditure.
- the resources committee to meet at least once each term, and report back on the school’s finances to the full governing body through detailed minutes.
- the finance committee in liaison with the head teacher be empowered to buy into service level agreements except the clerking SLA which should be a full governing body decision.
School Development Committee
Terms of reference:
- to look at the reporting of curriculum links within the school and make recommendations to the full governing body
- to approve policies relating to standards of teaching and learning (mainly centred around curriculum planning, teaching and assessment in the core subjects)
- to monitor and evaluate the school's progress against teaching and learning priorities identified in the school development plans, including the impact on pupils' achievement and make recommendations to the full governing body.
- to approve targets and monitor against pupil progress.
- to consider and approve the school development plan
- to consider the SEF
Appeals Function - Terms of Reference:
To deal with appeals on a range of issues to include
- pay grading/salary assessments
- redeployment /redundancy
- grievance
- collective disputes
- disciplinary matters
- dismissals
- performance management reviews
- fixed term contracts
Safeguarding Committee
Chair: Mr Simon Milner
Terms of Reference:
- to review all policies relating to safeguarding and child protection
- to review the travel plan
- to review the disability equality scheme
- to receive reports on the progress of children in care
Health and Safety Function
- to consider all issues relating to the fabric of the buildings and grounds including regular site inspections
- to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations including regular review of health and safety manuals (1 to 3)
- to make recommendations to the head teacher or full governing body as appropriate
- to receive reports from the school's senior management team
- to meet with the school's health and safety representatives
Pupil Discipline
- to hear all pupil exclusions in accordance with legislation
Appointments Committee
Chair: To be appointed at the meeting
Terms of reference:
- To deal with all appointments of the leadership team except head teacher and deputy head teacher
- To deal with appointments of all teachers
- The appointment of all support staff was delegated to the head teacher and/or deputy head teacherand an available eligible governor nominated by the chair
Statutory Requirement:
When appointing a Head or Deputy Head Teacher the full Governing Body will be required to meet, with a 50% quorum, for the purpose of electing the Selection Committee.
Complaints Committee
Chair to nominate three governors subject to availability and the nature of the complaint
Terms of reference:
To consider
- parental complaints
- equal opportunities / harassment complaints (staff)