Name of Committee: Education Committee

Committee Chair: Carissa A. Gilman

Daytime Phone #: (404) 327-6481

Email Address:

Board Liaison: Angela Cochran

Committee Members: Kristen Anderson, Patricia Baskin, Melissa Berbusse, Stacy Christiansen, Angela Cochran (Board Liaison), Nancy Devaux (Short Course Director), Jennifer Deyton, Abimbola Farinde, Jennifer Fleet, Emilie Gunn, Kenneth E. Heideman, Cheryl Iverson, Milka Kostic, Byron Laws, Daniel Nadolny, Emma Pfordresher –Shumeyko, May Piotrowski, Bill Silberg, Heidi Vermette, George Woodward

Committee Strategic Initiatives/Goals (See Strategic Plan):

1. Develop and present four or more Webinars per year as a means of offering year-round educational and engagement opportunities

2. Develop a mentoring service as part of the Certificate Program

3. Explore the possibility of offering special educational opportunities for Editors-in-Chief (special one-day roundtable or webinar series)

4. Conduct a webinar to introduce and demonstrate the use and updates of Scientific Style and Format, 8th Edition

5. Explore possibility of offering short courses at another location in the fall of 2014


1. A subgroup of the CSE LinkedIn Group was created for the Certificate Program enrollees. All current enrollees were invited to join.

2. Final project requirements were sent to Certificate Program enrollees with review criteria.

3. Webinar on “Promoting Science Responsibly: How to do PR, Promote Journals, and Handle Public Information” took place September 4, 2013.

4. Webinar on “Conducting an RFP and Choosing a New Vendor” is in planning phases for December. Speakers will be Cara Kaufman (Kaufman Wills), Kathey Alexander (consultant), and Jody Hundley (American Heart Association).

5. Carissa met with Christine Casey about her experiences in 2011 bringing Editors-in-Chief together for an editorial summit. Chris says that Bill Silberg and Diane Sullenberg were supportive of a follow-on summit and offered

resources (e.g., DC meeting space, organizational/leadership input). She suggested that potential topics might be expedited/coordinated publishing, datasharing, and compliance with the OSTP memo. In addition, she thinks there might be an opportunity to add government colleagues responsible for research misconduct or dual-use research if we hold the summit in DC.

Challenges in meeting Committee Strategic Initiatives/Goals:

Finding speakers for webinars; logistics of bringing together Editors-in-Chief for an in-person summit meeting; feasibility of offering short courses more than once a year.

Committee meeting(s) since last Board meeting with recap:

1. Email meetings in August and October with Certificate Program sub-committee to discuss final project requirements.

2. Carissa’s meeting with Chris Casey (described above) on August 29, 2013.

Actions needed – motions, policies, or recommendations to be approved by the Board: