Strike, Hook & Land


Niche Levels

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Level 5

Administration & Management

1) Identify potential niche / 1) Develop strategic plan / 1) Operate according to
strategic plan / 1) Operate according to
strategic plan / 1) Operate according to
strategic plan
2) Identify initial niche team / 2) Develop an organization
chart for a fully functional
niche business / 2) Develop job descriptions
based upon organization
chart / 2) Continue to develop
organization chart and
adjust names accordingly / 2) Continue to develop
organization chart and
adjust names accordingly
3) Present findings to Board
and obtain approval to
continue developing niche / 3) Develop quality control
document / 3) 1 dedicated stakeholder in
charge and at least 1
dedicated service provider / 3) A minimum of 3 dedicated
service providers / 3) A minimum of 5 dedicated
service providers
4) Conduct internal inspection
based upon quality control
document / 4) Conduct internal inspection
based upon quality control
document / 4) Subject niche practice to peer
review every 3rd year with
internal inspections in other
5) Full accounting developed to
measure profitability / 5) Develop a recruiting plan / 5) Achieve profitability of
$30,000 per FTE
6) Achieve profitability of
$15,000 per FTE
/ 6) Achieve profitability of
$20,000 per FTE

Business Development

1) Perform market research
to identify niche potential
and service/product needs / 1) Develop marketing plan / 1) Develop web page and
methodology for keeping it
updated / 1) Maintain web page and
continue to develop
marketing technology / 1) Maintain web page and
continue to develop
marketing technology
2) Identify and categorize
existing firm clients into
niche category / 2) Develop marketing binder
and initial marketing
materials / 2) Publish at least 1 article in
industry or professional
journal / 2) Publish at least 3 articles in
industry or professional
journals or speak at industry
conferences. / 2) Publish at least 6 articles in
industry or professional
journals or speak at industry
3) Develop client screening
process / 3) Operate in conjunction with
marketing plan / 3) Operate in conjunction with
marketing plan / 3) Operate in conjunction with
marketing plan
4) Develop key referral
source plan


1) Identify niche services / 1) Develop training plan for
staff and provide at least 8
hours specialized training / 1) Continue to refine and
develop niche service menu / 1) Continue to refine and
develop niche service menu / 1) Continue to refine and
develop niche service menu
2) Compile a skills inventory / 2) Develop initial niche service
menu / 2) Develop additional
implementation tools / 2) Develop additional
implementation tools / 2) Develop additional
implementation tools
3) Compile a list of niche
experts and identify the
services they are providing / 3) Develop basic
implementation tools / 3) Provide a minimum of 16
hours specialized training
annually / 3) Provide a minimum of 24
hours specialized training
annually / 3) Provide a minimum of 40
hours specialized training
4) Obtain at least $25,000 of
“niche services” and
$250,000 of total revenue to
niche clients / 4) Obtain at least $75,000 of
“niche services” and
$500,000 of total revenue to
niche clients / 4) Obtain at least $150,000 of
“niche services” and
$750,000 of total revenue to
niche clients / 4) Obtain at least $250,000 of
“niche services” and
$1,000,000 of total revenue to
niche clients
5) Staff working toward industry
certifications / 5) Niche team member involved
in every client included in
niche / 5) Niche team member
involved in every client
included in niche / 5) Niche team member involved
in every client included in
6) At least 1 staff receive
industry certifications / 6) At least 2 staff receive
industry certifications / 6) At least 4 staff receive
industry certifications