The 11th meeting of the eighth Senate of the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University was called to order at 5:00 PM on November 10, 2009 with the Speaker of the Senate in the chair.
There were 25 of 30 senators present.
The minutes were read and approved.
President – Kevin Smiley
-David Elson was fired
-I played no role in the firing
-Sometimes change is indeed what is needed
-We need to compete at a higher level
-I will keep you up to date on anything that will interest you
-Dining with Decision makers letters went out
-Green Teams meeting was successful
-No word about the hard shut down
-Met with Dr. Schneider about some changes to the general education requirements
-There will be opportunity for students to help out with that
-Begun asking student workers to put together clip sheets and they will be done everyday
-If you are interested in receiving one of these, we can totally get you on the list pretty easily
-We are looking to host a blood drive in the early part of next semester
-We have a binder with tabs so when you do your committee reports, put them in the binder.
Executive Vice President – Kendrick Bryan (given by Speaker Pierce)
-Hall of distinguished seniors application is still online
-There’s a Weezer contest going on, participate
-We are still discussing computers in residence hall and we’re looking at Poland hall for the first one
-I talked to Marshall Gray about placing scantrons and blue books in vending machines
-I’m going to talk to SIFE about placing a document feeder scanner in Mass Media.
-I’ve talked to U of L a little bit about SGA publicity.
Administrative Vice President – Justin Thurman
-Looking at the budget in terms of general funding, there’s around $16,000 left
-Anytime you write a bill where there is a monetary aspect I need to be a contact
-There are several appointments this week
-I will most likely be late next meeting
Speaker of the Senate – Wade Pierce
-I’ll go ahead and pass the internship sheet
-There is a little editing to the agenda tonight, Austin Will pass out copies of his bill during his report
-The week of the 23rd of Thanksgiving and so I wanted to get a good idea of how people felt about the meeting that week.
-Because of the vote we probably won’t have a meeting that night
-Go ahead and get your legislation in
Staff Reports
Chief of Staff: Eric Smiley
- response card for western Wednesdays was made and those should be
sent out soon
-Compiling a list of student concerns for food and dining, that list
will be given to the dining committee that will look into that.
-wrote a request for bike racks for several places on campus to be
sent to parking and transportation services.
Director of Public Relations: Angelika Masero (given by Eric smiley)
-Created the hall of distinguished flyer
-Worked on the dining with decision makers letter and is now working on the poster
Director of Academic and Student Affairs: Aaron Pawley
-Hall of distinguished seniors is due this Friday
-We’ll be developing a rubric tonight so that its objective rather than subjective
-Green teams: if you want to get further involved talk to me or Kevin
-The idea is they have a bunch of power strips that are set to a control feature
-This program helps save the earth and money
Director of Information Technology: Sarah Howell
-All the SGA computers now have Microsoft 2007
-Committee heads, if you want anything on the Calendar email me
Committee Reports
Academic Affairs: Dave Vickery
-The scholar development grant application has been completed
-I’m going to try to get some hard copies out
-I have the study abroad scholarship application
-We’re going to talk to the folks over at KEES
-The student research council is helping us publicize our scholarship development grant.
-I’m very confident that all $12,000 will be spent
Campus Improvements: Kaylee Egerer
-Can’t be at the meeting tonight due to job obligations
-Meeting is canceled tonight
Legislative Research Committee: Eileen Forsythe
-Meeting will be Thursday at 5
PR Austin Wingate
-There will be a mock trial on November 17 in Mass Media
-It’s sponsored by PFT and Pi Kappa Alpha
-Shane Noem is involved who is a former senator
-International education is having a series of events next week
-There is a food Drive from November 9-20.
-It’s in Cravens so if you bring in food, you get your overdue fees forgiven
-You can get up to $10 forgiven.
-I have a bill up for second read that I am going to pass out
Student Affairs: Currie Martin
-I want to compliment Smiley on his glasses
-There’s a basketball game, come out to the game
-We’re drafting legislation for the Western Pride
Special Orders
Austin Wingate came before the Student Senate
University Committee Reports
Kevin Smiley
-If you are a senator and you show up to the meeting, feel free to give your own report
-From Katie Stillwell- it was an honor to serve on the Homecoming queen Committee Report
Judicial Council Report
Stuart Kenderes
-We got our official decisions all tied up. Senate attendance policy is posted on the front of the SGA office.
-We have two senators brought up for review for unexcused absences
Presidential appointments
For Approval 10/10/2009
Student Senator
Rachel Wilcox
Vote passed unanimously
She was sworn in as a Senator
For Approval 11/17/09
Student Senator
Nate Paden
Poorvie Patel
Administrative Vice president Appointments
For Appointment
Organizational Aid Board
Kyle Wright
Kayla Clausen
Ann-Blair Thornton
Lukas A. Simmons
Old Business
Resolution 02-09-F
There was a motion to have the bill constructively read. There was a second. The motion passed with three (3) opposed and one (1) abstention.
The author spoke about the bill.
There was a Technical Question by Dave Vickery: We should put a box down by the SGA office.
Austin Wingate: I agree we should put one downstairs
There was a motion to vote. There was a second. The resolution passed unanimously.
New Business
Kevin Smiley
-I’ve got the Northwestern Mutual sheet in the back
Dave Vickery
-If you will be doing interview for folks who do apply, we’re not really sure how that process will work. If you want to help decide on things let me know.
Kendrick Bryan
-The blue books and scantrons bill will be up for second read next week
Austin Wingate
- What are the requirements for the SGA student worker?
The meeting adjourned at 5:44 pm
Ann-Blair Thornton, Secretary of the Senate
Student Government Association
Western Kentucky University