It has long been thought that stretching muscles during a person’s warm-up would prepare them for vigorous activities with little chance of injury. Literature suggests that the use of stretching for most people should be for increasing the range of motion and should be conducted during the cool-down phase of the workout not necessarily the warm-up phase. So what are we to believe?

First we must understand a few definitions of terms used when talking about warming up and cooling down after a workout. Flexibility is the ability of the muscles to be stretched in a range of motion achievable without injury at a joint or group of joints. This stretching is done through static and dynamic flexibility. Static flexibility refers to the actual limits of the range of motion for a joint complex. Dynamic flexibility is defined as how quickly the resistance or tension in a stretched muscle group increases. By virtue of the two terms, static is a constant stretch usually held 10 - 30 seconds to allow the muscles and joints to relax and loosen into the stretch. Dynamic, however is a much more active stretch with motion incorporated so as to see how suddenly tension returns to the muscle or groups of muscles.

Stretching does not necessarily guarantee that a person will prevent injury. Improper or excessive stretching actually creates an unwanted joint instability. Studies have shown that highly flexible athletes may be prone to injury due to the elasticity of muscles and joints. However, the long-term benefits of flexibility are very positive in that it helps decrease muscle and joint stiffness during the aging process.

In conclusion, stretching during the warm-up phase of a workout seems to have benefits such as warming up muscles and elevating heart rate and body temperature, which is vital to the body in preparation for more vigorous activity. Studies have not proven that stretching prevents injuries or enhances performance. However, long-term increases in static flexibility have been linked with stretching at the conclusion of activity.

Stretching and Its Importance or NotQuestions

  1. Define the term flexibility.
  1. Define static flexibility.
  1. Define dynamic flexibility.
  1. How long should a static stretch be held?
  1. Studies have proven that stretching during the warm-up phase of a workout is good for two things. What are they?