Talk to parents:
- Play wiffleball….. Watch the twins – listen to the color commentator
- Invite parents to be on the field for the drills portion – learn what to reinforce (Front arm to the ball drill and feed the monster)
- Pull elbow across body
- Pull elbow down behind your head
- Pull elbow into your ear
- Grasp hands behind back and gently pull up
- Grasp hands above head and push up
- Lock elbows, arms straight out, pull fingers back
WARM UP – Throwing
- Grip – Two fingers across the Horseshoe
- Elbow in mitt with wrist flip, Feet 90 degree angle - across body. Athletic position to receive throw.
- Fingers to the sky to catch ball
- Move back and loosen up
- Focus on throwing form - “L” /Centerfield, Feed the Monster/On the shelf … arm away from the body, “hitting the chest of your partner” and following through
- Drop ball, scoop and throw
- Roll behind, scoop and throw. Get “behind the ball”
- Underhand toss from 8’, then 12’ and finally 16’ (for catcher to pitcher at back stop and 1st Base to Pitcher covering.) Step towards where you are throwing and follow through with four steps
- Close range, rapid succession – fire whiffle balls to all four quadrants. Catch and discard. Use two hands.
- Cross over for infield – quick first step
- Drop step cross over for outfield – quick first step going back
- Shuffle drill
- Shift weight drill
- Hand behind, squat on balls of feet, shift down and to one side, start on grass, progress to dirt, use green soft balls
- Catcher receives pitch, throws to 2nd, 1B/2B yells going, SS breaks to cover 2B or reverse
- Coach throws ball to screen, catcher gets “behind the ball” pitcher covers home, starts half way
- Pitch, catchers tries pick off at third with live runner. 3B throws home, pitcher backs up
- Practice dropped 3rd strike
- Covering first – banana route – ambulance drill. 1B leads pitcher, throws before base if possible
- Roll grounders to left and right. Throw to first “normally”
HITTING DRILL – Philosophy – Contact at younger age, then teach to drive the ball
- Warm up with bat behind waist – rotate the hips and then “front arm to the ball” one handed, front arm half swing with full choke up
- All together in a half circle with bat (safety first) - roving instructors looking for:
- Rookie coaches – arm position, arm position, arm position during the games
- Balance, pointer fingers/grip, bat on shoulder, then up, Knob to the Catcher, elbow slightly up, hands back, tiny stride, land on ball of front foot, open hips by pivoting - squish the bug. Advanced: Front leg stiff at time of contact.
- Hit off tee, throw wiffle balls, ball/stick, soft toss and live pitching
- review the five steps - sign, set, balance, explode, follow through
- On throwing side knee, 1. Glove to hand straight down 2. Glove to shelf 3. Shelf, then throw 4. Full motion, follow through
- Snap towel drill
- Practice getting off the base on each pitch
- Form a line near first base – 1 out/2 out, fly or grounder, go or tag up, throw to coach on OF grass
- Start from half way to 1B, run, coach yells “round it” or hard, hard hard
- First to third – angle, inside of base, outside foot
- Sliding practice once or twice a year – bring a rake – make it soft – resmooth every time
- Don’t use full field in beginning – OF about 30’ away
- Everyone moves on every play
- Roll softly, no bad hops – feet spread, glove way out in front
- Little further back, still roll, make player charge – feet spread, glove way in front
- Dribbler to all infielders
- Teach what is “obstruction”
- Double plays
- Hit fly balls
- Play “diving catch” in soft grass. Toss ball, make player run 15 ‘, increase distance
- Double cut-off, two lines, 4-5 each line, rotate spots, time the drill
- Running start when players tag