Spring, 2016
CHEM 451. Research Problems; 2 credit hours
Instructor: Dr. Mallory Cortez Office: 133 Beauregard
Phone: 985-448-4177 Email:
Course Meeting: TBA Room: TBA Beauregard Hall
Office Hours: Mon/Wed: 10:35 am - 11:35 am
Tues: By appointment only
Thurs: 9:00 am -11:30 am; 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Fri: 10:35 am -12:35 pm
Whenever I am in the office you are welcome to come in and ask questions.
Catalog Description: CHEM 451. Research Problems. 2-1-3. Prerequisites: CHEM 306 and permission of department head. Selected research projects are performed under faculty supervision. No student will be permitted to use more than 8 semester hours of research problems toward graduation. May be repeated for credit if course content is different. (40.0599)
Prerequisites: CHEM 306
Required Texts and Other Materials:
TBA by your research advisor.
Course Goals: The student will develop an understanding of how to conduct research in a laboratory. The student will learn how to work independently to gain knowledge into questions involving chemistry.
Student Outcome Objectives:
This is dependent in the field of research the student chooses and which research advisor the student will be working with. At the end of this course the student will be able to
· Work in a laboratory to investigate question(s) or topic(s) in chemistry
· Become familiar with Scientific Journals to help investigate question(s) or topic(s) in chemistry
· Gain knowledge into a particular field of chemistry
Make-up Policy:
To be discussed with your research advisor
Attendance Policy:
To be discussed with your research advisor
Academic Honesty Policy: Any student found cheating, including plagiarism, will be subject to the penalties as stated in the Student Code of Conduct handbook; including but not limited to a score of zero on exam, review or report, expulsion from the class or expulsion from the University.
Multiple cheating offenses: Section Five of the Code of Student Conduct, ‘Academic Dishonesty and Disruptive Behavior’, includes a requirement that faculty file a charge complaint statement with their respective dean whenever a student is confronted or disciplined for cheating. The Office of Academic Affairs will maintain these records, and any student confronted and/or disciplined for multiple offenses of academic dishonesty will be brought before the Academic Affairs Integrity Committee for further review and potential sanctions. Please read the Code of Student Conduct for further details regarding this policy.
Semester Withdrawals: The last day to withdraw from the class with a “W” is April 6th 2016.
Americans with Disabilities Act: Students with a documented disability are entitled to classroom accommodations under the ADA. To receive accommodations, contact The Office of Disability Services at (985) 448-4430 or 158-A Shaver Gym. Additional information can be found at www.nicholls.edu/disability.
Academic Grievances. The proper procedure for filing grade appeals or grievances related to academic matters is listed in Section 5 of the Code of Student Conduct and at he following link: http://www.nicholls.edu/documents/student_life/code_of_conduct.pdf .
Continued Learning following an Extreme Emergency:
In order to make continued learning possible following an extreme emergency, students are responsible for:
· Reading regular emergency notifications on the NSU website;
· Knowing how to use and access moodle;
· Being familiar with emergency guidelines;
· Evacuating textbooks and other course materials;
· Knowing their moodle student login and password;
· Contacting faculty regarding their intentions for completing the course.
Faculty are responsible for:
· The development in the use of the moodle software;
· Having a plan for continuing their courses using only moodle and email;
· Continuing their course in whatever way suits the completion of the course best, and being creative in the continuation of these courses;
· Making adjustments or compensations to a student’s progress in special programs with labs, clinical sequences or the like only in the immediate semester following the emergency.
The Tutoring Center at143 Peltier Hall. Call985-448-4100, email:, or visithttp://www.nicholls.edu/academic-enhancement/
The Writing Center at144 Peltier Hall. Call985-448-4100, email:, or visithttp://www.nicholls.edu/academic-enhancement/
Online Tutoring through Moodle.Look for the Brainfuse log-in link on the home page,http://moodle2.nicholls.edu/moodle/
Note: This is not a binding contract. This syllabus is subject to change throughout the course.