Western Division Report

April 3, 2017


> January 17th – 22nd: BHS Midwinter Convention, San Antonio, TX attended by Orval and Norma Allen, John and Enid Gough, Frank and Joan Knoll, Jim McDougall, Ron and Gail Smith. This was an historical event in different ways for some. For the BHS, this year brought the first Senior Chorus Festival! Five choruses performed, each representing their home district and bringing together a wide range of singers. The “Maple Leaf Chord Company” [MLCC] represented Ontario in the inaugural International Seniors Chorus Competition and earned the highest possible rating; Superior. Orval, John, Frank, Jim and Ron were part of MLCC. Only two of the five choruses earned a Superior rating, the other being the first ever International Seniors Chorus Competition champions “Vocal Seniority” from the Johnny Appleseed District. For Orval, John, Frank and Ron it was the first time to sing on the International stage.

> February 3rd;– a combination of 7 quartets participated in the annual chapter Novice Quartet contest won by the “Devil And Three” quartet of Messrs. Madill [tenor], Stuckless [lead], McDougall [bass] & McPherson. A close scoring contest judged by the Sarnia based quartet “Resolution”.

> February 14th; - For-tified Four quartet and/or facsimile of it delivered 14 paid Singing Valentines as well as several complimentary to special friends. At one stop, Steve Plunkett was present and he invited the quartet to perform at his annual “Fleetwood Country Cruize In” this June. Congratulations guys!

> February 25th: – annual Western Division Novice Competition hosted by Strathroy chapter at the east Christian Reformed Church. Quartets, one VLQ and choruses represented all Division chapters; London, Sarnia, Seaforth, Middlesex Centre, London and Strathroy. For Strathroy, the 21 member Vocal Federation chorus directed by John Gough and three quartets participated in the relative competition categories. In fact, Strathroy chapter quartets swept the Regular Novice Quartet contest category.

> March 8th: - 17 member Vocal Federation chorus under the direction of John Gough and two quartets “For-tified Four” and “Devil and Three” performed at Strathmere Lodge for the largest audience ever of residents and their guests.

> April 7th – 8th: - Vocal Federation chorus and For-tified Four quartet are registered to compete in the Ontario District Spring Convention in London.

> Saturday May 6th: - Strathroy Barbershoppers22nd consecutive annual show “A Cappella Straight Up”. 2:00 PM matinee only @ East Christian Reformed Church, 476 Metcalfe Street East, Strathroy. Show features “Yonge Guns”, international medalist quartet, the local “Vocal Federation” chorus, London’s female chorus the “Shades Of Harmony” and other special guests.

London Chapter 2017 1st Quarter Activities

Jan 17-22nd: San Antonio Tx; 3 members participated in the Seniors Chorus, as you know they did very well, also a few members attended the International Convention.

Jan 27th: Performance at Kiwanis Snr’s Centre in London

Jan28th: Celebrated Doug Davis’s 85th Birthday at Harmony Manor

Feb13th: Chapter Quartet competition

Feb14th: Singing Valentines, approx 12 delivered

Feb25th: Western Division, 1 VLQ and 1 Quartet

Upcoming Events

April 7-8th: District Convention, assisting in hosting duties, Chorus will be competing, also hosting a breakfast on Sunday April 8th (09:00-12:00), open to all, chance to see Harmony Manor and its history in Barbershopping.

June 5th: Annual Horseshoe Tournament, open to all Division.

June 24th: Performance at St. Peters School London.

The Sarnia Bluewater Chordsmen believe strongly in community service and entertaining at a broad spectrum of events. In 2017 we had great pleasure in entertaining at the following places and events:

January 25, 2017 – Performance at Sumac Lodge.

January 29, 2017 – Performance at Twin Lakes Terrace.

February 8, 2017 – Performance at Grace United Church Ladies night.

February 24, 2017 – performed as outgoing chorus champion at Western Division Novice contest in Strathroy.

April 30, 2017 – Annual Show at Imperial Theatre Sarnia.

May 1, 2017 – Sang in Lambton County Music Festival.

May 7, 2017 – Gave Fundraising concert at Watford United Church.

May 28, 2017 – Performance at Forest Food and Film Festival.

July 4, 2017 – Performance at Centennial Park as part of Summer Concert series.

July 20, 2017 – Performance at Germain Park as part of Summer Concert series.

Forest City Fire
​January 25: Forest City Fire performed for a group of senior citizens at The Elgin Manor in St Thomas followed by a Pizza party at the Bowling Alley across the street. It was well received as was the pizza, wings and libations.
February 17: The Fire was invited to sing the National Anthem at the St Thomas Stars hockey game.
​February 25: FCF attended the Western Division Novice Contest held in Strathroy this year; where we placed 1st. This was followed by an impromtu performance at Tim Hortons in Mt Brydges where the owner and staff (and a few patrons) were wowed by our performance.
​March 18: Forest City Fire held it's 5th annual show which was almost a sellout. The location was changed to Sir Wilfred Laurier Secondary School. It featured Instant Classic ; 2015 BHS Gold Medalists and GQ ; 2016 SA 7th palce finalists. What an amazing show it was. The afterparty was held at Kelsey's Restaurant on Wellington Rd in London; who is our major sponsor of the show. There was not an empty seat in the house. Many chickens sacrificed their lives to support our party.
Seaforth Chapter

InJanuary 8members of the Harmony Kings attended the Leadership Academy at the Delta East. They attended a variety of the offerings provided and we're all very positive of the experience.
In February the Kings and one quartet took part in the Western Division Novice Contest. As well, the Kings helped celebrate Valentine's Day with a full program for St. Georges Anglican Church in Goderich. They were joined by the Hickory Junction
Quartet of Strathroy and the Heet from Seaforth.
That all for now .

Attached is the highlights from the 5 chapters of course we are gearing up to host the convention this coming weekend.

Respectfully Submitted

Dan Locke Western Division Coordinator.