
Polyurea Liner, Concrete



1.1.1 Specification includes requirements for preparation and installation of a coating applied to concrete substrate.

1.1.2Standard system – average minumum thickness of60-80 mils.

1.2 Definitions

1.2.1Screen. Roughen surface by sanding or abrading.

1.2.2Stipple. Optional textured coat to increase skid resistance.

1.2.3Polyurea: An elastomeric coating / lining derived from the reaction product of a polyisocyanate component and an amine-terminated resin blend.

1.3 Reference Organizations

1.3.1 American Concrete InstituteACI

PO Box 9094

Farmington Hills, MI48331-9094

1.3.2 American Society for Testing and MaterialsASTM

100 Barr Harbor Drive

West Conshohocken, PA19428

1.3.3SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsSSPC

Pittsburgh, PA

1.4. Reference Standards

1.4.1 The below listed standards are incorporated into specification by reference and are a part of requirements for the Work.

ACI Standards

ACI 117 / Standard Specification for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials
ACI 301 / Specifications for Structural Concrete

ASTM Standards (latest version)

ASTM D 412 / Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension, Die C
ASTM D 624 / Standard Test Method for Tear Strength for Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomer
ASTM D 638 / Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics, Type IV
ASTM D 695 / Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics
ASTM D 790 / Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials
ASTM D 1005 / Standard Test Method for Measurement of Dry-Film Thickness of Organic Coatings using Micrometers
ASTM D 1212 / Standard Test Methods for Measuring Wet Film Thickness of Organic Coatings
ASTM D 2240 / Standard Test Method for Rubber Property- Durometer Hardness
ASTM D 3489 / Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Microcellular Urethane
ASTM D 4060 / Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by Tabor Abraser
ASTM D 6132 / Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Applied Organic Coatings Over Concrete Using and Ultrasonic Gage
ASTM D 7234 / Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Adhesion Strength of Coatings on Concrete Using Portable Pull-Off Adhesion Tester
ASTM E 96 / Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials

SSPC Guidelines

SSPC-TR 5 / Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Protective Polymer ZFlooring Systems for Concrete
SSPC-SP 13 / Surface Preparation of Concrete

1.5 Submittals

1.5.1Submit project name and description, Owner’s name and address, and name of installing Contractor to VersaFlex Incorporated.

1.5.2 SeeSubmittals sections of Project Documents for submittal procedures. product data sheets for material incorporated in Work and this Guide Specification to Owner’s Representative. shop drawings, samples, certifications, project field reports, and warranties as directed. Submit MSDS sheets for material used in the Work.

1.6 Quality Assurance

1.6.1 Contractor. Employ lead person holding a current certificate from VersaFlex

Incorporated. Employ experienced superintendents and installers.

1.6.2Schedule pre-installation conference to review installation schedule, shut down and restricted access procedures. Indicate Owner’s Representative and Contractor’s Superintendent.

1.6.3Schedule post-installation conference for punch list items, Owner check-off on completed work, and submittal of warranty.

1.7Delivery, Storage, and Handling

1.7.1Deliver material in manufacturer’s original containers.

1.7.2Store material indoors in warm and dry condition.

1.7.3Replace material damaged by shipment, weather or job conditions.

1.8 Project Conditions

1.8.1Assure Owner’s material, equipment, and personal possessions are removed to Owner’s satisfaction. removal exception list and retain record copy. List Owner’s property to remain in place during preparation and installation of coating system.

1.8.2Ambient installation temperature for polyurea must be above -20 degrees F. Regard other material specifications for individual product installation temperatures. Insure that substrate temperature is > 5⁰F (> 3⁰C), and rising, above the Dew Point temperature for installation work.

1.8.3Allow no ponded water on surfaces receiving coating. Concrete moisture ≤5% at / near surface.

1.8.4Assure ventilation of enclosed spaces and illumination is adequate for installation. Submit plan if required.

1.8.5Assure no personal property is within spray fly pattern during installation of spray components.

1.9 Scheduling

1.9.1Maintain approved installation schedule. Notify Owner’s Representative of changes to the Work.


2.1 Manufacturer: VersaFlex Incorporated

686 S. Adams St.

Kansas City, KS66105

(800) 321-0906

Fax: (913) 321- 1490

2.2. Materials

2.2.1 Primer. VF20. Isocyanate and resin blend primer for use on concrete substrates.

Apply at 160-200 square feet per gallon. Recoat window should not exceed 72 hours.

(Typical) 1:1 Mix Ratio
Cured Film Properties / Test Method / Typical Value
Solids Content / 100%
Shore A Hardness / ASTM D2240 / 85-92
Elongation / ASTM D412 / 50-60%
Tensile Strength, psi / ASTM D412 / 1,000
Adhesion to Concrete / Elcometer / 300-600 psi
Gel Time-Tack Free / Dependent on ambient temperature / 45 minutes-2 hours
Working Time* / Dependent on ambient temperature / 45 min/200 gm mass
*Do not exceed 45 minutes – material may appear to be workable, but polymerization has exceeded suitable working time.

2.2.2Base Coat, Intermediate Coat FSS 45DC Series : 100% solids, rapid curing polyurea. Install by plural component spray. Install at 60-80 mils. This is minimum average recommended thickness.

Property, Cured Product / Test Method / Typical Value
Solids Content / 100%
Shore D Hardness / ASTM D 2240 / 45 D
Elongation / ASTM D 638 / 580-650%
Tensile Strength, psi / ASTM D 638 / 2,300-2,800
Tear Strength, pli, Die C / ASTM D 624 / 360-390
Tabor Abrasion, mg. Loss (1000 gms, 1000 rev, H-18) / ASTM D 4060 / 250
Moisture Vapor Transmission / ASTM E 96 / 0.025 perms
Tack Free / 10-15 Seconds
Gel Time / 4-8 Seconds
Open to Foot Traffic / 1 Hour

2.3 Equipment

2.3.1 Provide spray equipment suitable for performance requirements of polyurea spray material.

2.3.2 Provide sealant pump equipment, if required.

2.4 Accessories

2.4.1 Provide closed cell backer rod in expansion joints at locations noted on shop drawings.

2.5 Mixes

2.5.1Mix material in accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions.

2.6 Source Quality Control

2.6.1List manufacturer’s batch numbers for each unit of material used in Work.


3.1 Examination

3.1.1 Assure Owner’s property removals have been made prior to commencement of preparation and installation of coating.

3.2 Preparation

3.2.1 Perform Chlor*Rid soluble salts test. If soluble salts in concentrations exceeding 3 micrograms per square centimeter occur the surface shall be deemed contaminated. If contamination is general apply Chlor*Rid DIRECT CONTACT to entire substrate, otherwise apply Chlor*Rid DIRECT CONTACT to those areas requiring removal of soluble salts, see Manufacturer's instructions. Allow to dry.

3.2.2Provide clean, sound and dry concrete surfaces. Abrasive blasting to achieve concrete surface profile(CSP) of 3 to 5 per ICRI Guideline No.310.2-1997 or SSPC SP 13. Surface must be free of contaminant. Concrete shall be cured a minimum of 28 days.

3.2.3Fill bugholes prior to application of the coating system. Must be approved by VersaFlex, and can include a polymer modified cementitious renovation mortar or aggregate filled epoxy system.

3.2.4Secure authorization for abrasive blasting if used.

3.2.5Chemical clean as last resort. Submit adequate entrapment and disposal plan.

3.2.6Construction and Contraction joints. Diamond cut to depth of 1inch and top width of 1/8 inch. Install backer rod. Install sealant.

3.2.6Random cracksless than 1/16 inch. Ignore. Prime with concrete surface.

3.2.7Expansion joints. Diamond cut shoulders plumb. Install backer rod after priming joint.

Install sealant if required.

3.2.8Key in necessary termination areas to accept proper application of coating.

3.2.9Broom ponded water and remove ice prior to installing primer. Concrete moisture ≤5% at / near surface.

3.2.10Mask plastic surfaces prior to spray applications.

3.2.11Erect spray curtains and partitions as required.

3.2.12Mask other surfaces as required.

3.3 Installation

3.3.1Apply VF20 primer over dry concrete surfaces to receive Coating System. Spray or roll at 160-200 square feet per gallon. Allow VF 20 primer to reach a cure point prior to application of FSS 45DC series.

3.3.2Spray base or intermediate coat FSS 45DC series at rate of 20-27 square feet per gallon, 60-80 dry mils nominal.

3.3.3Spray additional material to achieve specified system thickness. Retouch as required.

3.4Field Quality Control

3.4.1Components ofCoatingmay be color coded. Assure that each subsequent coat

completely hides prior coating.

3.4.2Perform film thickness tests as required.

3.4.3Perform adhesion testing as required.

3.4.4Maintain spray and other installation equipment in proper operating condition throughout installation. Provide reserve equipment as required.

3.5 Cleaning

3.5.1 Clean spills and over sprays as they occur.

3.5.2 Consult manufacturer’s literature and MSDS sheets for proper cleaning materials and methods.

3.5.3 Clean site to Owner’s satisfaction prior to final acceptance.

3.6 Testing

3.6.1Conduct water testing if required.

3.7 Protection

3.7.1Protect installed work prior to acceptance by Owner.

3.7.2Provide protective clothing, gloves, and respirators for use by installers as required.

3.8 Schedules

3.8.1Submit maintenance schedule if required.

Polyurea Liner, Concrete1
